Agriculture Project Topics

The Contributions of Agriculture to Rural Development: (A Case Study in Udi Local Government Area, Enugu State)

The Contributions of Agriculture to Rural Development (A Case Study in Udi Local Government Area, Enugu State)

The Contributions of Agriculture to Rural Development: (A Case Study in Udi Local Government Area, Enugu State)

Chapter One


This research aims to assess or weigh the contribution that agriculture has provided to the development of the Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State.  Again to evaluate that the greatest problem facing many nations and developing states is hunger and poverty, especially in the rural areas.

Furthermore, to change many negative attitudes towards the introduction of some scientific equipment and methods of farming.

A: To enable the country to achieve self-sufficiency in the supply of foods by local production of adequate quantities of high-quality foods to keep pace with the food demand of production.

B: To provide the raw material for local and foreign agro-based industries.

C: To provide employment opportunities for able-bodied people and to satisfy the market demand for locally manufactured products.



Agriculture is by far the most important sector of West African economy.  Agriculture makes a great contribution to the development of Nigeria and rural areas in particular.  The agricultural sector employs more than 69% of the rural populace in Enugu State.  The Agricultural sector is widely known for its provision of raw materials for our industries, this means that without agriculture, we may have no truly developed or operated industries.

Food is also produced as a result of agricultural development in rural areas.  Agriculture also provides a greater section or amount of our export commodities.  As a result of the importance of agriculture, the development of all other sectors of the economy depends greatly on the improvement of agriculture.

Agriculture in West Africa can be divided into SUBSISTENCE and COMMERCIAL agriculture, but each is undertaken for a different  purpose.

Commercial agriculture as the name implies is the cultivation of crops for sale rather than for consumption.  It is carried on a large area of land.  Commercial agriculture in some parts of West Africa involves the contributions of both the production of cash crops and food crops.

The other one subsistence agriculture is meant for consumptions only.  It is practiced by the peasant farmers who do not have exports in mind but depend on agriculture for their livelihood.  It is carried out under trial system of land ownership.  In some places, some people own land which is not adequate to carry out agriculture on a commercial basis.  Production in subsistence agriculture is very low as there is no employment of farming machines.  Animal products from livestock such as milk, meat, fish and eggs can be an important contribution to a balanced diet which human beings need for proper growth and maintenance of their body.  The livestock sector also employs a large number of people and is the main resources of many traditional farmers.

Fish farming plays an important role in the economy especially of the riverline areas of Nigeria.

Forestry provides valuable timbers, for game equipment and important recreational facilities.  Thousands of Nigerians also make their living as hunters.

Because of the of the importance of agriculture has now been introduced into the primary school curriculum in some areas.  Agriculture engages the greater population of people in tropical countries and plays an important or vital role in the country’s development.

Agriculture is the largest and most important of man’s economic activities and directly supports to percent of the world’s population or some 180 million people.


The contributions of agriculture to the rural development in particular and to the entire economy can be graded under the following headings:

(1) Employment opportunities

(2) Assistance to industries i.e., provision of industrial raw material.

(3) Food production.

(4) Source of income to farmers and government

(5) Source of foreign exchange earnings.

(6) Contribution to gross domestic products.




In the research methodology, different subjects are going to be discussed.  Such subjects include the following:


The research method to be used in any research undertaking is determined by the nature of the research problem and the purpose of the study.

Since the research is a case study and is aimed at investigating the contributions of agriculture to rural development, the research study made use of multiple data gathering technique.  This technique was used in order to provide adequate solution to the research questions.

In oral interview was also carried out in order to supplement the information derived from the questionnaires, the main objective of this, is to reduce rigidity associated with designed questionnaires and also in order to give respondents the opportunity of chipping in information they cannot give in the structure questionnaires.

The sources of secondary data used are from newspaper articles and some related textbooks were also used in the course of this study.


The study was concerned with contributions of agriculture to rural development, a case study of Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State.


The study was carried out on some agricultural companies and agriculturalist situated in Udi Local Government of Enugu State.

The study was specifically carried on two agricultural companies in Udi Local Government and also on some agricultural all in Udi Local Government Area.



This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the data collected from the questionnaires and to achieve the aim, the researcher made use of tables.




The main aim of this research was to determine the contributions of agriculture to rural development in which we used Udi Local Government as a case study, as an empirical researcher, questionnaires were administered among staff of agricultural companies, agriculturalist which included farmers, agricultural professionals/lecturers and students, data were collected and analyzed.

The research presents the following summary of findings, and recommendations based on analyzed data.  As the major finding of this research study, the data analysis revealed certain things about agriculture, its hindrances and contributions which are summarized below:

  • That the main hindrance or factors that agitate against youthful participation in agriculture is as a result of non-lucratively of the sector coupled with lack of motivation from the government as regards to the provision  of basic amenities credit facilities etc.
  • That agriculture is the mainstay of the rural dwellers and therefore top priority should be given to it by all stakeholders.
  • There is adequate need for grassroot awareness on the importance and contributions of agriculture in Udi Local Government by stakeholders.
  • Most agricultural problems or problem hindering effective agriculture implementation are man-made and could be eliminated.
  • That the government  has not done so much and needs to do much.
  • That the contributions of agriculture to the general welfare of people serves a motivating factors to farmers to change their attitude towards agriculture.


(a) From these findings, it is clear that the people of Udi Local Government mainly depend on agriculture for existence.

(b) They are aware of its contributions to rural development.

(c) The problems of agriculture are mainly man-made and could be eliminated.

(d) Government should wake up from its slumber and provide a conducive atmosphere for agricultural advancement in Udi.


The following recommendation is given by the researcher for effective and dynamic and accepted agricultural advancement and productivity enhancement in Udi Local Government and the state in general.

  1. The government should retake a stand on its agricultural policies and revitalize the agricultural sector through the provision of basic amenities which would increase agricultural productivity.
  2. The government should carry out a grassroot orientation programme on the importance, benefits of agriculture to the people.
  3. Agricultural extension services should be extended to rural dwellers to educate them on modern farming techniques.
  4. Agricultural research institute should be set up to make research into problems facing agriculture come up with solutions so that prospective farmers can take a clue from this research and avoid unforeseen agricultural problems.
  5. Incentives should be put in place by government to encourage farmers.


For any successful job well done, it must go without some limitations or itches in the process.  It was therefore, not uncommon that the researchers found concluding this research an uphill task.  Some of the problems were summarized, while in some necessary efforts were made.

Time was a delimiting factor in conducting the research.  The time lay between the approval of the topic and supervision demanded much pressure and dedication from the research as well as domestic activities.

Almost every research, whether social or economical involving human element as principal source of information is bound to have some biases, some of the respondents were so biased that they kept mute to the researcher, complaining of one past experience and so on.

In conclusion, other limitations came up during the course of the research work, the quality of response to the question on the questionnaire.

This was due to the fact that the respondents which were interviewed have already some atom of biasness in them about the non challant attitude of government towards agriculture.


The contributions of agriculture to rural development is a vast area of study to be researched upon.  Other researchers coming behind could be encouraged to look into such areas like “factors impeding or militating  against the contributors of agriculture to rural development” also areas or ways by which this contributions could be fully utilized to effectively develop rural areas is also an area for the further research.

Finally, researchers are advised to research into the reasons behind the under-development of the rural areas inspite of the enormous contributions of agriculture.


  • Uguru, O. O. An Introduction to Agricultural Science for Tropical Areas Thomas Nelson Publisher (Nig.) Ltd. Benin City (1981).
  • Williams, S. K. T. Rural Development in Nigeria Ile-Ife University Press, Ibadaon (1978).
  • Iwena O. A. Essential Agricultural Science Tonad Publishers (Nig.) Ltd. Lagos (1995).
  • Uturu C. O. Agricultural Marketing Baset Printing and Publishing Ltd. Onitsha (1989).
  • Abbot J. C. and Makeham  Agricultural Economics and Marketing in Tropics Bylad Publishers, England (1986).
  • Akinsoye, R. O. Senior Tropical Agriculture for West Africa. Macmillan Publishers Ltd, Nigeria 1976.
  • Ayebayo J. T. An Introduction to Tropical Agriculture Science Longman Publishers Ltd. Nigeria (1979).
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