Sociology Project Topics

Effect of Post-Marital Problems on Family Building Amongst Young Couples in South-Western Nigerian

Effect of Post-Marital Problems on Family Building Amongst Young Couples in South-Western Nigerian

Effect of Post-Marital Problems on Family Building Amongst Young Couples in South-Western Nigerian

Chapter One

Objective of the study

The objectives of the study are;

  1. To find out the influence of family members on family building among young couples in Southwestern Nigeria
  2. To ascertain the causes of post-marital problem in family building among young couples in South Western Nigeria
  3. To suggest the measures to be taken to solve marital problem among young couples in Southwestern Nigeria




This section reviews and discusses some theories that are related to, and form the framework for this study. Several theories abound in psychological discourses of this nature. Psychologists like Carthoresen, Hostord, Michael Lee Meyerson and Whelp (1969), Okobiah and Okorodudu (1997) hold that most human behaviours are learned (though they can be unlearned), changed or modified and sustained if such behaviours are reinforced either positively or negatively as the case may be. The contention here is that though behaviours are learned, they can be modified and sustained over time, especially in the face of reinforcement; the feelings and attitudes of the people concerned can be changed in order to be consistent with the most current ones. The following two theories will be used: 1. Eclectic theory 2. Conflict theory


Frederick Thorne (1950), this theorist believed that people are biological, psychological and social beings. The distresses they experience are a by-product of these interlocking factors. The role of the counsellor or therapist is to assist the person seeking to alleviate his or her distress through intervention. All interventions are preceded by some assessment of the problem. It was in fact the opposite of these, since it utilises theoretical unifying principles from various interrelated schools, and integrates pertinent facts from all sources. He used this theory to treat and or advise couples with emotional problems of aversions towards one another, and which were almost breaking their marriages. He maintained that the counsellor must always listen attentively to the clients, who should most of the time be allowed to solve their problems for themselves. Thorne (1952) states that this theory was a process of education and treatment as a conceptualised training of the individual 16 designed to replace emotional–compulsive behaviour with deliberate, rational, adaptive behaviour based on the highest utilisation of intellectual resources. For Thorne (1952) therefore, eclectic theory of counselling is designed to preserve the client’s mental health by assisting him to prevent or modify causal factors that produced maladjustment or marital disorder in the client. This is crucial in the management of marital conflict situation. Here, there is the diagnosis of the causes and symptoms of the client’s problem and it is often a client-centred approach in helping the client resolve his problem non-directive way. Thorne (1950) went on to suggest five techniques that can be used in solving problems: 1. Diagnosing the cause of clients’ personality maladjustment 2. Making plans to modify or prevent the casual factors of the client’s problem. 3. Securing proper conditions and environment for effective learning for client. 4. Developing the client’s intellectual resources for practising the newly acquired mode of adjustment. 5. Providing guidelines for the client on how to properly handle problems related to adjustment.




Research design

The researcher used descriptive research survey design in building up this project work the choice of this research design was considered appropriate because of its advantages of identifying attributes of a large population from a group of individuals. The design was suitable for the study as the study sought to effect of Post-Marital problems on Family Building amongst young Couples in South Western Nigeria.

Sources of data collection

Data were collected from two main sources namely:

(i)Primary source and

(ii)Secondary source

Primary source:

These are materials of statistical investigation which were collected by the research for a particular purpose. They can be obtained through a survey, observation questionnaire or as experiment; the researcher has adopted the questionnaire method for this study.

Secondary source:

These are data from textbook Journal handset etc. they arise as byproducts of the same other purposes. Example administration, various other unpublished works and write ups were also used.

Population of the study

Population of a study is a group of persons or aggregate items or things. The researcher is interested in getting information on Effect of Post-Marital problems on Family Building amongst young Couples in South Western Nigeria. 200 residents of selected states in southern western Nigeria were selected randomly by the researcher as the population of the study.




Efforts will be made at this stage to present, analyze and interpret the data collected during the field survey.  This presentation will be based on the responses from the completed questionnaires. The result of this exercise will be summarized in tabular forms for easy references and analysis. It will also show answers to questions relating to the research questions for this research study. The researcher employed simple percentage in the analysis.




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to ascertain Effect of Post-Marital problems on Family Building amongst young Couples in South Western Nigeria.

In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of Post-Marital problems on Family Building amongst young Couples in South Western Nigeria


This study was on Effect of Post-Marital problems on Family Building amongst young Couples in South Western Nigeria. Three objectives were raised which included: To find out the influence of family members on family building among young couple in South western Nigeria, to ascertain the causes of post marital problem on family building among young couple in South Western Nigeria, to suggest the measure to be taken to solve post marital problem among young couple in South western Nigeria. In line with these objectives, two research hypotheses were formulated and two null hypotheses were posited. The total population for the study is 200 residents in selected state in South Western Nigeria. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made elderly men, elderly women, new married men and new married women were used for the study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies


The findings from this study demand urgent attention by all concerned, including counseling psychologists, marriage counselors, religious leaders, married couples and the entire public. This is because the study has revealed and confirmed the reality of marriage instability. Prevention they say is better than cure. Therefore, the results from this study should be of paramount interest and concern to marriage counselors. Therefore, in order to reduce these causes of marriage instability to the barest minimum, the researcher feels that religious leaders should be recommended for training in counseling psychology, because evidence abound that some issues that are spiritualized needs not to be spiritualized but be addressed psychologically. To do this properly, the religious leaders will do well by acquiring some professional counselling skills


Therefore, the researcher believes that more families would be saved from marriage destroyers if counseling psychologists choose to speak beyond the classroom environment and speak to the public, taking advantage of the media houses. It would not be out of place if marriage counseling psychologists could organize marriage seminars both at schools and at religious houses so as to sensitize couples on how marriage instability subtly creeps into families.


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