Building Project Topics

Causes and Effects of Design Variation in Road Construction Projects

Causes and Effects of Design Variation in Road Construction Projects

Causes and Effects of Design Variation in Road Construction Projects



 The main objectives of this research study are:

  1. To identify the predominant causes of variation orders that are prevalent in construction contract of Akwa Ibom state Road projects.
  2. To identify the main agents for the predominant causes of variation orders
  3. Investigate the potential effects of variation orders in national works contract of Akwa Ibom state Road projects and
  4. To recommend how to control or minimize variation orders in national works contract of Akwa Ibom state Road projects.




The need to make changes in a construction project is a matter of practical reality. Even the most thoughtfully planned projects may necessitate changes due to various factors (O’Brien, 1998). Likewise, Ssegawa et al., (2002) elaborated due to its compartmentalization the construction industry has made variation almost an inevitable element and has become so prevalent that it is hardly possible to complete a project without changes to the plans or the construction process itself. This complexity gives rise mostly to unwanted situation like variations with their attached effects, and the more variation orders on a project, the greater the likelihood that they become time consuming and costly in construction projects (Mohamed, 2001).

Thus, construction projects are bound to encounter variation orders; the goal of the owner, design or construction manager is to limit the number of such changes (CII, 1994b). Variations in drawings and contract documents usually lead to a change in contract price or contract schedule. Conventionally, variations present problems to all parties involved in the construction process. Proper management of variation orders is therefore very significant for all types of construction projects.

Chan and Yeong (1995) also indicated that a variation order often involves additional cost and disruption to work already underway, leading to cost and time overruns, quality degradation, and loss in productivity on construction projects.

On the other hand, Fisk (1997) described that the contract provision seems to support the variation orders in construction project and being misunderstood by the stakeholders both on its application and limit.  A variation is then explained as an unwanted situation in a project but with stand-by defense in the contract condition as it is a common phenomenon in all types of construction projects ( Fisk, 1997; O’Brien, 1998).

It was asserted that variation orders cannot be avoided completely (Mohamed, 2001) and Ssegawa et al. (2002) further added that the presence of variation clauses in contracts amounts to admitting that no project can be completed without changes. Even if carefully planned, it is likely that there will be changes to the scope of the contract as the work progresses (Harbans, 2003).  In the study “Quantitative definition of projects impacted by change orders” Hanna et al. (2002) indicated that variations occur given the uniqueness of each project and the limited resources of time and money available for planning. And also the inevitable changes arising from variation that has impacts on a project are changes that may lead to disruptions and changes in work condition which eventually leads to loss of productivity.

According to Arain and Pheng, (2005) variations could be perceived as positive or negative to the preconceived goals of the professionals involved in a project. Therefore, a major variation must be managed and handled professionally in order to minimize its cost, schedule and other consequential impacts that may divert the project away from its targeted goals.

Tadesse Ayalew (2009) has indicated that variation is one of the major problems in Nigerian Federal Road construction projects. He has identified the major causes of variations as Right of way problem, change in defined scope, lack of proper planning, lack of contractor’s proper evaluations of tender documents at tendering phase and contractor’s financial problems. The major effects identified are delay in completion time, increase in project cost, suspension (hold on) of work, decrease in productivity and dispute between parties. Based on his survey result, contractors are more responsible in initiating the majority of the specified variation causes and also the most affected party due to the consequential effects.

Semere Jelalu (2013) indicated that ROW problem is the dominant challenge in Akwa Ibom state Road construction projects. In addition to ROW most variation orders arise due to design changes as a result of errors and incomplete data at initial stages and change of scope by the client as a result of community request and client interest. He added further, variation orders are up to 60% of the project cost and time extension are up two years are observed in some of Akwa Ibom state Road construction projects.





The primary data for the study was obtained through distribution of questionnaires from professionals involved in road construction projects of Akwa Ibom state. In order to enrich the questionnaire for the research, a review of text books and journals were used to identify the various efforts that have been made in the past to evaluate and examine the effects of variation orders on road construction projects. Secondary sources of data were obtained from relevant literature that covered research and publication on the subject matter.

Data collection was done by means of questionnaires which were completed by a selected group of 32 professionals from the client, consultant and contractors participating in the city road projects. The questionnaires tested respondents’ views and knowledge regarding issues relating to variation order in road construction projects of Akwa Ibom state.




This chapter consists of two major parts. The first part describes and analyses the data related to the respondents’ experience and response rate. The second part focuses on the main objectives of this survey, ranks and discusses the major causes of Variation orders, identifying the most origin agents, consequential effects and proposed controls of variation orders based on the opinions of the professional respondents from the Contracting parties i.e. the Consultant, Contractor and Client. Each ranking is made using mean score data analysis method based on the importance of frequencies of occurrence for the causes, origin agents, effects and proposed controls of  Variation orders to identify the most important factors in the national contract road constructions of Akwa Ibom state Road projects. Agreements of the respondents on the rankings of the causes, effects and controls of variation orders, i.e. between Contractor and consultant, between client and contractor, and between consultant and Client were also tested using a Spearman correlation coefficient.




Road projects play a significant role in the economy of a country particularly in developing countries like Nigeria. Thereby, nowadays the number and complexity of city road construction projects is increasing in the capital city of Nigeria, Akwa Ibom state. However, many construction management problems are beset during construction stage. Among those, variation order is a considerable issue which this research paper is trying to address briefly. This study therefore aimed to identify main causes of variation orders, predominant origin agents to the causes, identify consequential effects and propose controls for variation orders in the national contracts of city road construction projects of Akwa Ibom state. Thus in accordance to the study objectives, a comprehensive literature review, questionnaire survey among construction professionals and desk study were conducted for national contract road construction projects of Akwa Ibom state.


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