Computer Science Project Topics

An Enhanced Online Result Processing System for the Information Management Technology Department

An Enhanced Online Result Processing System for the Information Management Technology Department

An Enhanced Online Result Processing System for the Information Management Technology Department

Chapter One 
Objectives of the Study

The objective of this project is to design and develop a system that can:

  • Provide a reliable solution to result processing that is corruption-free.
  • Ensure that normal credit load is in line with the school is maintained.
  • Provide software that will generate accurate, timely, and error-free results.
  • Maintain a reliable database for storage of students’ records and update as the need arises.
  • Restrict unauthorized access to the student’s record.
  • Provide an advice engine based on the current status of the student and advise the student result on the next course of action to take in his/her academic pursuit.
  • Produce relevant report of students’ general performance at the end of every academic semester, presented in the form of tables, charts and graphs, etc.




There were three fundamentally distinct education systems in Nigeria in 1990, namely the indigenous system, Quranic schools, and formal European-style education institutions. In the rural areas where the majority lived, children learned the skills of farming and other work, as well as the duties of adulthood, from participation in the community. This process was often supplemented by age-based schools in which groups of young boys were instructed in community responsibilities by mature men. By the 1970s, education experts were asking how the system could be integrated into the more formal schooling of the young, but the question remained unresolved by 1990. Western-style education came to Nigeria with the missionaries in the mid-nineteenth century. Although the first mission school was founded in 1843 by Methodists, it was the Anglican Church Missionary Society that pushed forward in the early 1850s to found a chain of missions and schools, followed quickly in the late 1850s by the Roman Catholics. In 1887 in what is now southern Nigeria, an education department was founded that began setting curricula requirements and administered grants to the mission societies.

The education system focused strongly on examinations. Frederick (1916), first governor of the unified colony, set up a school inspectorate. Discipline, buildings, and adequacy of teaching staff were to be inspected, but the most points given to a school’s performance went to the numbers and rankings of its examination results. This stress on examinations was still used in 1990 to judge educational results and to obtain qualifications for jobs in government and the private sector.

As more information is made available in a variety of formats and media and in a variety of locations, the need to manage information/data efficiently becomes more and more critical. Both staff and public users want access to stored information and want to access it more efficiently. It is the University Policy to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of course registration and result processing operations and services through the implementation of an integrated automated database System.





A methodology is a system of methods used in a particular area of study. It is a body of practices, procedures and rules used by those who work in a discipline or engage in an enquiry. It is in other words, a set of working methods.

Methodology involves a process whereby the existing or current system is studied to identify the information requirements. It is used to refer to a specific series of steps or procedures which governs the analysis and design of a particular project. It also includes the techniques and methods which are used to collect and analyze information. The types of methodologies includes: Prototyping, Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology (OOADM), Expert Systems and Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM).

Prototyping: A prototype typically implements only a small subset of the features of the eventual project (Osuagwu 2008).

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology (OOADM): OOADM is adapted from Michael Gora’s application of OOADM in DBMS application. It can used to analyze problem requirements, design a solution to the problem, and implement a solution in a programming language or database.

Expert Systems: An Expert System is a knowledge-based Information System that uses its knowledge about a specific, complex application area to act as an expert consultant to end users.

Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methods (SSADM): Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) is an integrated set of standards which guides the analysis and design of computer systems.

For the interest of this work, SSADM will be employed. The steps involved in the analysis of the to-be-system with regards to SSADM are explained below.

Problem Identification

There is the need to present a clear picture of the problems which calls for the design of a new system; these are invariably the problems of the old system.

The manual system of result processing was tedious and tasking. The system was discovered to be slow and as such, resulting to delays in the academic processes. Also, it was observed that results computation was characterized by errors. These problems call for the need for a more efficient of the process of result processing through a method of automation.




A system is an organized collection of inter related subsystems with a collective responsibility of meeting a goal. Dependent subsystems are regularly interacting while independent group of components forming a unified whole work like stand- alone in achieving a specified task.

A system also defined as an organized or complex unitary whole. System analysis is therefore the study of the system’s processing including investigation of inputs and outputs in order to find better, more economical and efficient means of processing data (D.I. Cleland and W.R. King, 1975).




This research work focuses on the use of computer system with reference to course registration, result processing in Information Management Technology department of Federal University of Technology, Owerri.

The work covers the manual system of opertions as regards the problems identified, stating   the aims of the new system, stating the various specifications and then implementing the programs. The work was successufully developed using Java programming language, a user- friendly programming language, and the package was tested and improved upon which yielded an automated course registration, examination processing and transcript processing system.

The project work cannot be said to be perfect, but however, its benefits cannot be overemphasized. It has led to the improvement in the speed of processing operation, efficiency, accuracy and improved storage of data.


Realizing a project of this nature is very exciting. However, the students encounter a lot a problem which I believe if looked into, will go a long way toward reducing the tension associated with the design implementation and construction of the project.

In spite of the constraints encountered during the implementation of this project, the aim of my project is well accomplished.

Moreover, an attempt to accomplish this project has taken care of the delay between examination and result processing with minimum mistakes. This has also forced me to learn, practically, what is involved in the design and implementation or computerization of project (existing or non-existing).

Finally, I wish to commend the university system and indeed the department of Information Management Technology for this project inclusion as a course that must be taken by graduating students it is a step in the right direction to withstand the future challenges in computing in companies, industries, institutions and the world at large.


Based on the achieved objective of this project and the experiences gained during its designed and implementation, I wish to make the following recommendations for future improvement.

  • Students should be exposed to serious practical exercise during the course oftheir  In this regard, the students of Information Management Technology department should be made to write at least a working program with veritable results before graduating. This could be accomplished by providing more computers qualified lecturers in the department.
  • Tertiary institutions should computerize their result processing system forgreater efficiency, neatness, and reliability. This will go a long way to save the student all the trouble they go through trying to get their results in one form or the
  • Finally, the students’ project should be closely supervised and monitored toachieve more success.


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  • APTECH Team (2005): Java Simplified – 1. Aptech Limited, Mumbai, India.
  • Blementhal, S.C. (1999). Management Information System New Jersey: Hall Inc, Eaglewood.
  • Brian K. Williams and Stacey C. Sawyer. Using Information Technology: A Practical Introduction To Computers & Communications. McGraw- Hill Irwin, Montreal, 2003.
  • Ukem and E. O. Onoyom-Ita.“A Software Application for The Processing Of Students Results”, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences Volume 17 No. 4 (2011).
  • Eloba., P.C (1998). Computer in School Record Keeping Technical Education Ikeja, Lagos State: Ekon Press.
  • Ofoegbu. “Development of a Computer Programme to Calculate StudentsGPA and CGPA Using Java”. A final year project in the Department of Physics, University of Calabar, Nigeria, 2009.
  • French, C.S (1992), Computer Science. Fourth Edition DOUBLE PRECISION
  • Aldine Place, London. Webstar Publication, Ltd.
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