Vocational Education Project Topics

Factors Affecting the Choice of Career Amongst Vocational and Technical Education Students

Factors Affecting the Choice of Career Amongst Vocational and Technical Education Students

Factors Affecting the Choice of Career Amongst Vocational and Technical Education Students

Chapter One


The purpose of this study is to find out the career aspirations of the selected students in Egor Local Government Area, Edo State. The study will also determine the factors affecting the choice of careers.



This chapter deals with the following;

This chapter summarizes the view of some eminent scholars who at one time or the other studies areas related to the factors affecting the choice of career amongst students in vocational and technical education (VTE). This chapter is hereby discussed under the following headings listed above.

The present educational system in Nigeria which is the 6-3-3-4 is American in origin. The pattern of education was introduced into our society with its different culture and values and this clash of values has crated immense problem. In any field of study, it is useful to review the study numerous studies have presented evidence of the close links between vocation development and socio-economic backgrounds. Grinberg E. (1951) found out that boys from high income families tended to assume they would go to college even at quite an early age. According to Ago (1986) he explained that the educated parents try to see and scrutinize their children choice of subject to make them agree with certain career choice and requirements or for good subject combinations for the students. Parents should try to close any possible gap between the home and the school to avoid any hiding place for their children for their interminable pranks and defense mechanism. One of the factors is that where the youth is aided to choose a career he is not put under apprenticeship and he is not guided in all progress until he masters the trade and he is able to stand in his own. And in some cases, neither the parents nor the master trade’s man buys the equipment for him to set himself upon the trade. Again they do not visit nor supervise him while he is happily settled and prosperous. As it has been stated earlier in choosing a career, there are some principles, which must be noted. These principles will serve as guide to the student’s interest and aspiration it is not enough for a students to decide that he/she is going to a doctor, because he/she has the subject required for professional. If the students are not interest in the profession, his effects may end up having a frustrated career.

However, it is not enough to have an interest in any profession for example a doctor, without having the basic requirement that subjects required for studying medicine. This is the only way a student can achieve his ambition and harm the profession or occupation of his dream. It is only on these two factors that a successful career is built.




This chapter deals with the following area;


In this study survey method is used to find out the factors affecting the choice of careers amongst students in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. The students who particular in the study were drawn from five vocational and technical schools. At the five schools randomly drawn where mixed that is co-educational schools.


These studies would have been best is study every schools in the municipality so that the data collected could have wider appreciably as well as authenticity. The ideal condition was difficult to meet because of time and resources, which were met. Adequate under these conditions the research used stratified random sampling to select five (5) vocational and technical school within the locality as the sample for the study.

Table 2: distribution of careers according to sex percentage.



These were the analysis of the data collected from sample of the study. The data were arranged according to the researcher questions put forward on chapter one. All the analysis made here are to enable the researcher to determine whether the research which were stated in chapter one have been answered.




This study was carried out to find the factors that affect the choice of career amongst vocational and technical students in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. For this research, attention was focused on the junior secondary school students in the selected schools because they are in the certificate year i.e. junior school career, the instrument used occupational questionnaires. It was designed to find out the educational attainment of the parents of the students specific care chosen by the students the subject chosen by the students and the factors they considered before they opted for the subject and the career.

Statistical analysis of the data collected showed among others, that prestige value of career is not important in students choice of careers, the educational level of parents may not be relevant in the students choice of career.


In this vein, the researcher suggest that further research to be carried out on the students career choice in the higher institutions in relation to the subject their students in vocational studies. And for the purpose of comparison, more researchers should carryout similar studies in pother state of the federation.


Having regard to the purposing the researcher recommends as follows;

  • That the role of the career officer in school need to be given much more consideration, such person competence and value of partnership in career work would be widely recognized but their unfortunately part in the guidance and counselling system has not been defined in many schools, there is a wide spread demand from career teachers, for more regular visits by the career officers.
  • And that career teacher need a more comprehensive system of in service training and more opportunity to exchange ideas with their colleagues locally regionally and nationally.
  • The researcher strongly favours the setting up of an institution of guidance and counselling in order to equip researcher concerning matters of vocational and technical choice of undertake and coordinate training for career. Staff in school and colleges. It will also help to distribute information and idea among the various segments of the guidance services.
  • The present educational system should be emphasized academic career and encourage more vocational studies this will help those who may not be able to cope with the academic careers to their own line of interest instead of dropping out of the system.


  • Biehlar R. F. (1976). He observed choice of career.
  • Dowell W. M. C. (1970). Examination of career
  • Grable S. (1974). “Improving the facility” improving College and University teaching xxii (3)
  • Hogan, E. d. and Oniniedeakit, E. A. (1996). Export processing zone programmes.
  • Iruonagbe, G. O. (1975). Report on vocational and technical education Abu: Zaria pp. 54.
  • Kejian J. (1966). Social learning and limitation
  • Makinde (1982). He observed that in a simple society, with little diversified choice of career.
  • Ronsely (1969). Analysis of research on institution, parenting in secondary school.
  • Rothan (1980). The career and his method-journal of research in vocation teaching.
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