Building Project Topics

The Challenges of Indigenous Building Construction Firms in Nigeria

The Challenges of Indigenous Building Construction Firms in Nigeria

The Challenges of Indigenous Building Construction Firms in Nigeria



The objective of the study includes the following;

  1. To critically examine the effect of Job satisfaction in an organization.
  2. To know the major effect and causes of Job dissatisfaction in an organizational setting.
  3. To thoroughly examine the relationship between job satisfaction and performance of workers.
  4. To properly examine those key factors that enhance Job satisfaction in an organization.




There are three generally accepted dimensions to job satisfaction. One of them is that Job satisfaction is emotional response to a Job situation as such it cannot be seen but inferred. Secondly, Job satisfaction is often determine by how well outcome meet or exceeds expectation. For example if organizational participant feel that they receive less reward, they may probably have a negative attitude towards their work and even their boss.

Job satisfaction is simply how content an individual is with his or her Job. Whether he/she likes the Job or not a happy worker is a productive worker. If workers are paid regularly (amount which must be commensurate with their input), given fair supervision, challenging job, opportunity for training and development policies and procedure security e.t.c. they will be motivated to put in their best which will in turn increase their productivity and efficiency.


So many writers and authors have written on this topic (Job satisfaction). Most of their findings of what make workers to find a sense of satisfaction or dissatisfaction centers on the facts (issues) that are internal to the organization for example management pattern imposed by the management can have effect on job satisfaction . A situation where managers give order from left and right to workers indiscriminately when they are performing another task often cripple worker’s moral.

Some of them point out that motivation is one of the most critical factors that determines the level at which a worker is satisfied. According to these authors the rate at which management try to motivate their worker in term of bonuses, creating enabling environment, provision of promotion opportunities giving for supervision e.t.c. will determine the rate at which a worker (employer) will be satisfied. In doing this job assign to them, the authors also pointed out that a happy worker is a productive worker. Job satisfaction outlines efficiency, effectiveness and productivity in an organization.

Attainment of a high level performance through productivity and efficiency has always been a high priority in organizational goal. In order for do that highly satisfied work force is an absolute necessity for achieving a high level of performance advancement in an organization. A satisfied worker seems to contribute more effort to job performance and work harder and better. Every organization tries to create a satisfied workforce to operate the well-being of the organization

However the total organization performance depends on efficient and effective performance of individual employee of the organization. Therefore, every organization place considerable reliance on these individual employee performance to gain high productivity in the organization.

Employee’s, effort is an important factor that “determines organization productivity. When an employee feels satisfied about a job he/she is motivated to put in greater effort to do the job performance. These in turn increases the overall performance of the organization. In other words a satisfied individual employee and his effort and commitment are crucial for the success of the organization.

It is evidence that there is a relationship between job satisfaction and productivity in an organization however; the study is aimed at assessing the validity of this relationship — if there is a positive relationship between job satisfaction and productivity. It is the general understanding that job satisfaction is an3 attitude towards job. While a person who is dissatisfied with he/she job hold negative attitude about the job. In other word .job satisfaction is an effective or emotional response toward various fact of one’s job.





In this chapter, the researcher shall be looking into ways and methods of administering the questionnaires; the statistical tool that will be used in analyzing the research data and the techniques applies in testing the research hypothesis.

Research methodology refers to the ways, methods, designs and system a researcher uses in administrating and collecting data in research work.


The researcher adopted survey design in which the use of questionnaire was administered in order to obtain the desired result. The study of job satisfaction was also designed to show how satisfied employees work towards improvement on the firm’s product, increase productivity and profitability of the firm.




In this chapter, the data generated from the field would be presented. Questionnaires were produced and taken to the field for completion. The questionnaires that were administered but 65 were duly completed. In all, 65 questionnaires were returned.

The researcher decided to work with the returned questionnaire of the total number of 65. The table below shows the distribution and return of the questionnaires.




Base on the analysis of the findings of this study, it was observed that when a worker or an employee is satisfied with the nature of his/her job, working condition, the remuneration and other incentives, he will be satisfied and be motivated thus increasing the productivity and efficiency of such employee. The following were noted during the course of this study;

  1. There is positive relationship between job satisfaction, efficiency and effectiveness and productivity.
  2. Job satisfaction brings about increase in productivity and efficiency.
  3. When workers are satisfied with their jobs, it will lead to motivation in an organization.
  4. It was observed that job satisfaction variables that bring job satisfaction in an organization include pay, working condition, job security, opportunity for advancement etc.


This study was primarily carried out to find out the relationship between job satisfaction, efficiency and productivity using

Guinness Nigeria Plc, Benin City as a case study.

It is an established fact that job satisfaction is quite necessary is an organization must survive the competition in the very dynamic environment.

Profitability is another variable that enhance the survival of a business and it is when workers are satisfied that they can be motivated to put in their best thereby increasing productivity and deliver quality product. In a nutshell, job satisfaction is a very important factor that sustains the survival of a business.


  1. Based on the analysis of data, the summary of the study and the conclusion reached, it is therefore, recommended that organization should adopt management techniques of making work more interesting for their employees, giving recognition to their employees, increasing an employees’ autonomy by given them some degree of responsibilities, basic promotion to be contingent on work performance, integrating worker in decision making especially in those decision making that affect their group and increase efficiency of work through job enrichment and enlargement. It is salient to not that these findings were based on a particular firm (Guinness Nig. Plc., Benin City, Edo State).
  2. From the finding above, the result shows that this particular company satisfies her staff on some of the variables that were measured in this study and the researcher recommends that the firms should try as much as possible to make sure that there is an improvement on the job satisfaction variables.
  3. Finally, the researcher recommends that further study should be carried out on the way to improve job satisfaction and the consequence of job dissatisfaction in an organization or business undertaken.


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