Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of Computerized Medical Duties Scheduling System

Design and Implementation of Computerized Medical Duties Scheduling System

Design and Implementation of Computerized Medical Duties Scheduling System

Chapter One


Several departments in the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Enugu have been for the past year eve to date designing their Duties schedule manually.

The primary aim of this project work is to relieve the burden and obstacle hindering the production of effective medical duties schedule by developing a computer program that will be timely, more accurate more reliable, and more comprehensive. This new system also makes the entire operation very easy.




This chapter provides an analysis of the automated medical duties scheduling system literature broadly organized by algorithmic technique. It begins with a presentation of the major time scheduling solution generation algorithms that have persisted in the literature. A detailed examination of the literature is provided within the context of these fundamental solution generation algorithms. An analysis of the literature, grouped by the solution generation technique used, is then presented.


The Linear and Integer Programming techniques, the first applied to scheduling, were developed from the broader area of mathematical programming. Mathematical programming is applicable to the class of problems characterized by a large number of variables that intersect within boundaries imposed by a set of restraining conditions (Thompson, 1967). The word “programming” means planning in this context and is related to the type of application (Feiring, 1986). This scheme of programming was developed during World War II in connection with optimal strategies for conducting the war effort and used afterwards in the fields of industry, commerce and government services (Bunday, 1984).

Linear Programming (LP) is that subset of mathematical programming concerned with the efficient allocation of limited resources to known activities with the objective of meeting a desired goal such as maximising profits or minimising costs (Feiring,986). Integer Programming (IP) deals with the solution of mathematical programming problems in which some or all of the variables can assume non-negative integer values only. Although LP methods are very valuable in formulating and solving problems related to the efficient use of limited resources they are not restricted to only these problems (Bunday, 1984). Linear programming problems are generally acknowledged to be efficiently solved by just three methods, namely the graphical method, the simplex method, and the transportation method (see eg, Palmers and Innes, 1976; Makower and Williamson, 1985).





The methodology that was used in carrying out this project work is the Structural System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM). A system is said to be an organized relationship among the functional unit or component, which work together to achieve a common goal. The research carried out a system approach which shows a set of procedure to solve a problem. The researcher applied scientific methods to understand the inter-relations


The existing system is one that has been manually operated over the years. It is a system in which all the methods of controlling the exam schedule is of a manual approach. Critical analysis of this system reveals that it is prone to errors. Careful analysis also shows that due to the complexities of the manual system, the manual operation requires the doctorand the management to sit and analyze the and make decision on who and who shall be on duty and the time at which they shall be, which at time the end up shifting some staff to another day due to their error in the schedule or clash.

The medical centre operates manually and has not adopted a computerised mode of operation and scheduling. This generates inadequate exercise, improper management of the duties assign post and in extreme cases, the hospitals have lots of clash in her schedule.



The standard of the design includes:

  1. Implementation of an input format that will enable the user capture all the necessary data on staff employment and assessment.
  2. Structure a database system that will store all the information using Microsoft access.
  3. Implement of a well formatted output that will present information to management in a meaningful format containing necessary information.



The proposed system presents an approach of solving the medical schedule duty work slot problem which is depicted as NP hard problem. The approach of Genetic Algorithm is deployed to estimate the best possible result in the real time dataset. The application can be readily scalable to the complex timetabling problem. Genetic Algorithm effectively demonstrated an ability to solve complex optimization problem. Notably, this served to provide a very thorough introduction to the techniques employed and incorporated by Genetic Algorithm. The proposed system has well designed consideration of hard constraints towards scheduling. The scope of the proposed research work is multifold.


After the completion of this research work and a run test of the program the research wishes to recommend this program to the general hospital lagos Ikeja central for the enhancement of their duties scheduling time table and schedule of their staff works and activities


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  • Automated Class Scheduling Generation in the Context of a University Timetable Information System, Kuldeep Singh Sandhu.
  • A Genetic Algorithm Based University Timetabling System, Edmund Burke, David Elliman and Rupert Weare.
  • An Evolutionary Algorithm for solving School Time-tabling problem, Calogero Di Stefano and Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi.
  • Student Time Table By Using Graph Coloring Algorithm, Baki Koyuncu ,Mahmut Seir.
  • Constraint Based Timetabling, A.M. Abbas, E.P.K Tsang.
  • Generating Complete University Course Timetables by Using Local Search Methods, Duong Tuan Anh, Vo Hoang Tam, and Nguyen Quoc Viet Hung.
  • Alon N., “A Note on Graph Colorings and Graph Polynomials,” Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 197-201, 1997.
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