Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives Project Topics

Impact of Agricultural Marketing Cooperative on Sales Promotion (A Study of National Archives Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd)

Impact of Agricultural Marketing Cooperative on Sales Promotion (A Study of National Archives Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd)

Impact of Agricultural Marketing Cooperative on Sales Promotion (A Study of National Archives Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd)

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the impact of agricultural marketing cooperatives on sales promotion.
  2. To determine the role of agricultural cooperative in improving intensive farming activities.
  3. To find out how capital hinders agricultural cooperative development in society.




This chapter reviews related literature on the impact of agricultural marketing cooperatives on sales promotion. The chapter highlights experts’ opinions, established concepts, theories, and factual statements on the subject matter of this study.

The chapter is segmented into the following sub-themes: meaning of cooperative society, concept of Agricultural science, meaning of agricultural cooperative, and types of Agricultural Cooperative. Other sub-themes include the objectives of Agricultural cooperatives and problems of Agricultural cooperatives as well as a summary of the literature review.

Meaning of Cooperative Societies

Calver (1959) sees a cooperative as an organization where in person voluntarily associates together human beings based on equitable promotion of their economic interest.

Anyealle (1993) explains that a cooperative is a business organization in which a group of individual who has common interest agree to come together to establish to promote their economic activities like production, distribution, or marketing of goods and services and provision of other welfare benefit to their members.

The International Labour Organization (1978) stipulates that a cooperative is an association of a person usually of limited means who have voluntarily joined together to achieve common economic objectives through the formation of a democratically control business organization making equitable contributions to the capital and other input required and according to a fairy share to the risk and benefit of the undertaking in which member actively participated.

I.C.A (1995) defines cooperative society as an autonomous association of person united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprises.

Concept of Agricultural Science

Ogiewa (1993) defines agriculture as the art and science of culminating the soil-producing livestock preparing livestock, processing crop and livestock products of man, and the process of selling access crops and livestock.

Odey (1998) defined agriculture as the production of crops and rearing of animals and the general management of soil.





This study examines the impact of agricultural marketing cooperative on sales promotion. To this end, this chapter described and discusses the design and procedure for the study, the population and the sample used. A description is also made of instrument for data collection as well as its validity and reliability. Also discussed in this chapter are the procedures for the administration of the instrument, statistical analysis as well as the limitation of the study.

Research Design

A survey method was used for this study. This method involves gathering data about the target population from a selected sample and generalizing the findings obtained from the analysis of the sample to the entire population (Afolabi 1993). This method was adopted because it enable the researcher to discover relative incidences and distribution on the characteristics of the population. Besides, it facilitate the researcher to find out the impact of agricultural marketing cooperative on sales promotion.

Population of the Study

The population for this study consisted of all the members of National archives multipurpose cooperative society Ltd, Kaduna. They totaled 300 (Archives multipurpose cooperative society Ltd 2011). The rationale behind restricting the population for these members of National archives multipurpose cooperative society Ltd was because the members are directly involved in the activities of the society and know the impact of their multipurpose cooperative marketing on sales promotion either individually or collectively.




This chapter presents the data on the Impact of Agricultural Marketing Cooperative on Sales Promotion. The data generated is presented using tables. The demographic variables of the respondents involved in the study are presented in tables of frequencies and percentages. The responses to the individual items in the questionnaire were scored in mean and standard deviations and are presented along the research question in the study.




This chapter presents the summary of this research report, conclusion drawn from the findings of the study and recommendations that could lead to the impact of agricultural marketing cooperative to sales promotion. The chapter equally contains suggestion for further researches.


This study was conducted to find out the impact of agricultural marketing cooperative on sales promotion with reference to National Archives Multipurpose cooperative society in Kaduna, Kaduna North Local government area. A survey design was used or the study. The population consist of all the male and female members of the society. Out of the total population of 100 members, a sample size of 96 was involved in the study.

The research questions that guide the study were: what are the impacts of agricultural marketing cooperative on sales promotion? How did the marketing of agricultural product of members of archives multipurpose cooperative society? What are the problems of marketing agricultural procedure by the society?

A questionnaire developed by the researcher based on Likert 5-point scale was used for the study. Frequencies and mean score were used to analyze the data based on the research questions. Research result shows a positive impact on sales promotion if well managed. That the marketing of agricultural product helps in enhancing living standard of members. Finally, that there are factors that militate against the marketing agricultural produce by the society such as competitions, poor and inadequate storage facilities etc. It was based on this that recommendations were made.

It was recommended among others that proper checks and balances should be provided by ensuring regular auditing of the cooperative accounts. Besides, proper sanctions should be given to any defaulting members of the cooperative enterprise through stringent surcharge and attachment measures.


Based on this research finding, it is concluded that auditing processes, if well conducted, contribute to efficient cooperative business. Besides, auditing process in cooperative is distinct from auditing processes in other business based on the fact that cooperative business emphasizes members’ satisfaction and not profit maximization as such, even though they may not afford to sell at loss.


The following recommendations are made based on the research findings so as to facilitate the possibility of agricultural marketing cooperatives:

  • Cooperative societies should ensure that the management of their cooperative is effectively done. This can be achieved by strictly observing the stipulations of the bylaws as well as the objectives of the cooperative society.
  • Dishonest leadership should be discouraged in cooperative ventures. This should be done by putting in place, adequate checks and balances in the performances of such members. Their excess should be properly controlled. Members who show an act of dishonesty should be properly sanctioned and penalized according to the stipulations of the cooperative law.
  • Adequate and regular cooperative education should be provided to cooperative members especially in the area of marketing so that all of them will be aware of their obligations as members of the cooperative.
  • Government should also make provision of fertilizers and other farming equipment for use to the cooperative society so as to improve their activities.
  • Cooperatives should also educate its members, trained its staff and informing the general public on the real meaning and objectives of the cooperative, these would be done through mess media in form of drama

Suggestions for Further Research

A separate rese4ch should be conducted on the managerial complexities of cooperative which could have an influence on the performance of sales promotion. This research should be  replicated in other areas to see if the same results as the present study can be achieved

Another research design like historical design and another instrument like the observation schedule should be used on the same topic see if they will yield the same results.


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  • Buden J. (2002) The Principles of Cooperation, Computer Edge Publishers, Enugu Nigeria.
  • Chukwuemeaka, U (1989): Origin of Thrift and Credit Cooperative. Tac World, Enugu Nigeria, J.T.U publishers.
  • Chukwu, S.C. (1990): Economics of the Cooperative Business Enterprise, Germany Marburg Consul for Self Promotion
  • Davenport, U. (1993): Management of Small Scale Business. Text Readings and Cases, Macmillan Publishing Coy Inc. New York.
  • Ibrahim, Y. (2001): Basic Aspects of Cooperative Studies, Kano Nigeria, Munawwar Books International.
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