Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Assistant System for Software Assessment; A Case Study of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic Digital Center, Ikot Osurua

Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Assistant System for Software Assessment; A Case Study of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic Digital Center, Ikot Osurua

Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Assistant System for Software Assessment; A Case Study of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic Digital Center, Ikot Osurua

Chapter One

Aim and Objectives of the Study

The study aims to develop an intelligent assistant system for software assessment.  The following are the specific objectives of the study:

  1. To develop an intelligent system that can be used to assess software quality.
  2. To design a system that can store vital software assessment information.
  3. To develop a system that will enable the user to determine software effectiveness.




As organizations recognize the need to improve their software capability, they will find the assessment process increasingly important. It provides an orderly identification of the most critical problems and helps initiate a comprehensive improvement effort. Its most important single benefit, however, is to expose the management and technical professionals to the need for continually improving the way they do their work. That, of course, is the ultimate objective: to establish a dynamic process which evolves in step with the needs and capabilities of the people who use it. A successful assessment  is not simply picking a product based on intuition. It involves a formal process, the right mixture of evaluators, and a specific quantifiable set of evaluation criteria. The process should include how to handle differences in scoring by the evaluators. The task of choosing a software component for a specific function in order to integrate it in a software system is a typical case of multi-criteria decision making that frequently occurs in Software Engineering.

Theoretical Background

To implement an intelligent software assessment system, a programming language is needed and a database. The programming language utilized to implement the system is Visual BASIC 6.0 and the database used is Microsoft Access 2003. For instance, the source codes below can be used to add new record and save software registration details to database.





This chapter focuses on the system analysis and design, it presents the analysis of the existing system/proposed system and the system design. The data used for the development of the research was gotten from the internet, textbooks and articles. The contributions of other researchers on the subject were examined so as to gather relevant information.  Use case model was used to represent the actors of the system and use cases of functionalities of the system. The software development methodology adopted for the development of the system is the waterfall model.

The sequential phases in Waterfall model are: Requirement Gathering and analysis, Implementation, testing, Deployment of system and Maintenance.




This chapter focuses on the system implementation and documentation. It presents the system design diagram, choice of programming language, analysis of modules, programming environment, implementation and software testing.




This chapter presents the , constraints of the study,  summary, conclusion and offers useful recommendations.

Constraints of the Study

In carrying out the research work, some challenges were faced that limited the study such as:

Time: The time given for the completion of the research work was too short hence the researcher had speed up the research work to meet up and this has an impact on the study.

Limited Materials: few materials were found pertaining to the research area and this limited the bulk of the literature review.

Finance: The high cost of textbooks, internet browsing and transportation to different libraries to gather materials stood as a constraint to the research work.


This study has looked at s intelligent assistant system for software assessment. Software assessment tools and metrics are an important gauge of the health, quality, and progress of an automated software testing effort. Software tools can also be used to assess past performance, current status, and future trends of software. Good software evaluation/testing metrics are objective, measureable, meaningful and simple. Quality engineering can be applied and adapted to automated software testing. By properly evaluating  software using automated software evaluation tools, the flaws or bugs in the software will be revealed for the developers to patch or fix the bugs thereby making the software more reliable.


From this study, it can be concluded that it is possible to develop an intelligent system for software assessment. The system will capture software evaluation attributes and provide an expert assessment based on the range the final assessment the value falls. It is therefore imperative for organizations that seek the most out of the software they acquire to make use of an intelligent system for software assessment.


The following recommendations are offered based on the objectives of the study;

  • More research should be encouraged in the area of intelligent software assessment system.
  • Software systems should be assesses for their performance before they are acquired.
  • Software vendors should properly test and debug software vulnerabilities before they are deployed.
  • Users and experts should be contracted to assess the effectiveness of software systems after they are deployed.
  • Areas of software improvements should be fixed when identified.


  •  Agresti, W.W., (1983) “Applying Industrial Engineering to the Software Development Process,” Proceedings, IEEE Fall COMPCON, Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1981, pp. 264-270.
  • Agresti, W.W., (1983), “Elements of Software Process Engineering, Proceedings,” ACM Computer Science Conference, (abstract only). pp. 73.
  • Bauer, F., (1975) Software Engineering – An Advanced Course, Springer-Verlag, 1975.
  •  Brooks, F., (1987) “No Silver Bullet, Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering”, IEEE Computer, April 1987.
  •  Card, D.N., Clark, T.L., and Berg, R.A., (1987) “Improving Software Quality and Productivity,” Information and Software Technology, Butterworth & Co., 1987.
  •  Crosby, P.B., (1979) Quality is Free – The Art of Making Quality Certain, McGraw-Hill, 1979.
  • Curtis, W., Krasner, H., Shen, V. and Iscoe, N., (1987) “On Building Software Process Models Under the Lamppost,” IEEE Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Software Engineering, Monterey, CA.
  • Curtis, B., Krasner, H., Iscoe,  (1988) N., “A Field Study of the Software Design Process for Large Systems,” Communications of the ACM, November.
  • Humphrey, W.S., Sweet, W. et al., A Method for Assessing the Software Engineering Capability of Contractors, Software Engineering Institute, (CMU/SEI-87-TR-23), September 1987.

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