Influence of Product Packaging on Consumer Buying Preference (a Case Study of Aba Metropolis)
The purpose of carrying out this study is to ascertain the effect of products packaging of materials, design, shape, style, colour and promotional information on consumer buying preference for product in Aba metropolis, Abia State.
The study also has the following specific objectives:
- To find out whether the choice of packaging materials affect consumer patronage of products.
- To understand how the promotional information/label contribute to consumer choice of products.
- To determine the role of packaging feather (colour, shape, design, style, size and weight) affect the consumer buying preference.
- To know whether the cost structure of packaging is justified by the marketing growth of products.
This chapter presents the view of past and present literatures, opinions and contributions of scholars, authors and expects in the field of study, Baridan (2001:1) quoting Funkman (1978:108) asserted that every serious piece of research includes a review of relevant research more extensive in a dissertation, for examples than in a journal article where space is at a premium. He further noted that the review of literature often precedes the formulation of a research topic.
Abdullah and Levine (1979:2) quoted in Baridan (2001:3) observed that the review of the literature can serve several important purposes. First, it can reveal what has been done previously in the area, relieving the researcher of the possibility of replication of previous studies. Secondly, it can reveal whether the study is feasible by exposing the difficulties encountered in past studies. Thirdly, it can serve as a connecting link between the finding of previous investigations and the proposal. Finally, the research learn which procedures an instrument have provided useful (ie more effective and effective). Baridan Gibid postulated that it is not enough to review related literature without presenting the studies by topic and determining how those topics related to the researcher’s own study as systematic presentation of the literature forms of foundation of the study.
Thus, this chapter covers the following areas:
- The concepts of a product
- Product classification
iii. Basic characteristics of product
- The concept of product packaging
- Importance of product packaging as a marketing tool
- Basic product packaging functions
vii. Requirements for product packaging
viii. Product packaging problems
- Criticism of packaging
- Consumer buying behavior
- Situation factor
xii. Performance measures
Kohler maintained that product concepts holds that consumers will favour those products that offer the most quality, performance or innovative features. The emphasis is on superior product quality and improvement overtime. The qualitative of the firms product, the firms product becomes the liteum on which this concept revolves when the quality of product is sound and stable, the firm stands a better chance of succeeding in the market out the reverse is the case with low and variable product quality. The condition for the operation of this concept is the fact that the customer is interested in buying the goods or services rather than solving any particular problem. Also it is often said that in this concept, the product known best what the customer needs. The assumption under which the product becomes applicable are listed here under:
- The consumer buy the product and not necessary to solve a particular problem
- The consumer sees product quality as the primary focus in purchase
- The basis for distinction in buying product is the best quality for money
Modern (1989:13) defined product as something that is capable of satisfying a consumer’s need and wants. Products can also be defined as anything that can be offered to the market, for attention, acquisition or consumption of consumers which includes physical objective, services personalities places, organization and ideas (Kohler 1980:201).
Research methodology has to deal with the mechanisms or procedures by which the researcher agreed to one in solving the research problem which comprises the following:
- Research collection Method
- Population of the Study
Population is entire group of people being studied about which generalization will be made. The population of the Study is the people of Aba Metropolis.
This chapter is concerned with presentation and data analysis, variously collected for the research questions sustained or disprove. The hypothesis earlier stated in chapter one.
This study was conducted to investigate the influence of packaging on consumer buying preference for consumer product packaging in Aba Metropolis, Abia State. The first finding based on packaging variables shows that there is relationship between product packaging and consumer buying preference for various goods. Evidence also shared that product packaging strategy of the firm is not truly effective. On the other hand materializing factors (ie government policies, technology and competition etc) where found to have a strong effect on consumers buying preference for various products. It was also discovered that the materaling factors have an intense effect on the marketing decision of the company.
The opinion of the experts is that product packaging is the major determinant on consumer buying preference especially contecfionary products. It also enables a firm to differentiate its homogeneous physical product or service avoid pure competition. They also recognize that packaging is important for protection, promotion and convenience. And again that a minor promotional change in package design adding more appealing illustration may double sales growth while another seeming minor change might cut a brain share of the market in half. Additionally marketing services as sales to appeal devices and it enables prospects to identify, differentiate a firm product or brand from another in the terms of respect purchase. In other hands packaging variables have emotional implications, which bounds and controls an individuals preference. Based on the finding of this research work, the researcher therefore agreed that packaging is the major determinant of consumers buying preference various products manufacturers. It is a general notion that no firm can effectively operate in a vacuum with the interference of certain environmental factors which exist in the micro and macro external environment. This assertion was further conformed by this study.
In this light of the findings of the project the following recommendation were given:
- Goods should improve its product packaging strategy especially in the area of material used in products packaging.
- The firm should improve its budget allocation to product packaging since consumers are willing to pay extra on good and supervisor packaging.
- They company should closely regularly turbulent order to determine current trends (opportunities and threats)and competitive position itself now and the future.
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