Public Administration Project Topics

The Effective Communication: A Tool for the Achievement of Administration Goals in an Organization; A Case Study of Oyi Local Government Area

The Effective Communication A Tool for the Achievement of Administration Goals in an Organization; A Case Study of Oyi Local Government Area

The Effective Communication: A Tool for the Achievement of Administration Goals in an Organization; A Case Study of Oyi Local Government Area

Chapter One

Purpose Of The Study

In view of the problems stated the purpose of this study are as follows.

  1. To determine the communication techniques used in Oyi local government.
  2. To ascertain the system of communication used by the secretariat especially the language methods used.
  3. To identify the types of communication within and outside the secretariat
  4. To determine the most effective system secretariat communicates.
  5. To determine the role of communication in achieving organization goals.

Based on the researches findings, necessary suggestions and recommendation will offered for general consideration and implementation where humanly and financial will  be possible.



Communication is the means by which people are linked together, how they function into achieve a common goal. Communication is transactional, living two or more people interacting within a defined environment. Without effective communication among different parties, the pattern of relationships that we call organization will serve on one’s needs. Koontz (2001) defines organizational communication is the transfer of information from the sender to the receiver with the information being understood by the receiver.

Onuoha (2011) agrees calling it the process of transmitting meaning, ideas and information from sender to receiver. Hybelsand weaver (2005) see communication as any process in which people share information, ideas and feelings, and that involves not only the spoken and written word but also body language, personal mannerism and style. Anything that adds meaning to a message. The study of organizational communication involves the intersection of two complex concepts “organization and “communication” both have been defined and approached in a variety of ways.  An organization such as Oyi local government secretariat is a group of people whose activities are coordinated to achieve both individual and collective goal, local government organizational stores are created to help staff deal with each other in the organizational environment. Dakland (2008) concludes that if one depart or an  organization has problems recruiting the correct sort of staff and human resources have not established mechanisms for gathering, analysing and responding to information of employees correctly, then frustration and cooperation.

Communication quires a sender, message, a medium and a recipient, although the receiver does not have to be present or aware of the sender intent to communicate at the time of communication, that the communication parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication is complete once the receiver understanding the sender’s message.




 Design Of The Study

This refers to the plan, structured and strategy the researcher intends to use in order to obtain reliable information an answer to the research question. The design of this research work is survey method and it involves the use off questionnaires, administered to the respondents to solicit their views on effective communication as a tool for the achievement of administrative goals in an organization.

Area Of The Study

This study was carried out in Oyi local government Area of Anambra state, Nigeria.

Population Of The Study

The population of this study consist of superior and subordinate staffs of Oyi local government secretariat. The total number of the population is 480.



Data Presentation

At the previous chapter, it  was indicated that different methods were used in collecting data such methods as personal interviews, direct observation and questionnaire. It is new relevant to examine the research questions using the data collected from the questionnaire.


Summary Of Findings

It is any when people can discuss and interact with one another that they can open up and trust each other with one a share of the true selves.

Hence, communication is the life wire of the organization, managers should aim at organizing and co-ordination human and materials resources of this organization into an effective and efficient, working unit and to achieve this, tie must spend a good percentage of this time on communication. In this only when the human are harnessed into a united whole that the organizational objectives can be achieved through affective performance. Objectives of summary finding

  1. To determine the communication techniques used in Oyi Local Government
  2. To ascertain the system of communication used by the secretariat especially the language methods used.
  3. To identify the types of communication within and outside the secretariat.
  4. To determine the most effective system secretariat communicates.
  5. To determines the role of communication in achieving organization goals.

Inspite of the importance of communication for effective organizational performance, Oyo local government secretariat today pays no much attention to it. In the offices, most of the files are labelled confidential with the result that those who are supposed to utilize the information for effective performance are denied access to facts. Local government secretariats is peculiar from other private establishments. Most of the communication skills and requirements cannot or are not been employed in the local government system. For all there is communication in Oyi local government secretariat is mainly in Igbo language. Be it for bottom up or from up down but the quality and impact in achieving set goals are pretty much the same so, effective communication in which ever language is skill relevant in the local government. The staffs in local government, are local to be motivated as they still believe in the saying that government business is no body’s business and one must not stress his or her self on duty. Haven known this attitude, superiors uses goals through subordinates.


From the findings of this research study, it was concluded that:

A business can flourish only when all objectives to the organisation are achieved effectively.  For efficiency in an organization, all the people to the organization must be able to convey their message properly. Communication skills have proven to be the most powerful elements to posses for in a skill set of employment to equip yourselves for smooth carcer in the field management, it is even more essential to grasp practice and put on display high levels of communication, skills in regular crises situations. Effective communication skills act as ladder to the managers and leaders for quick progression , in the careers communication is thus a process by which meaning is assigned and conveyed in an attempt to create shared understanding. This process which requires a vast repertoire of skills in interpersonal processing listening observing, speaking, questioning, analysing, gestures and evaluating enables collaboration and cooperation misunderstanding can be anticipated and solved through formulations, question and answers, planning follow up a talks on critical written communication aspect of the every day way of doing business. A few minutes spent talking in the present will save valuable time later – by avoiding misunderstandings, in reiterating what are haved in one’s own words and asking the other personal if that realling was what  meant.

Effective communication occurs when a desired effect is the result of interpreted between multiple entire and acted on in a desired way. This effects also ensures that messages are not distorted during the communication process. Effective communication should generate the desired effective communication serves the purpose of whih it was planned or designed possible, purpose night be to elicit change, encrate action, create understanding, inform or communicate a certain idea or point of view where the desired effect is not explored, with the intention being to discover how the communication has been ineffective.


The researcher hereby makes the following recommendations based on the findings and conclusion above.

  1. That Oyi local council and every other public establishment against their efforts at serving.
  2. All barriers to effective communication in the council must be identified and eschewed for progress to be recorded towards achieving the numerous goals set by the council chair and legislatures
  3. The workers must be re-oriented to value communication as their only means of achieving goals quickly and easily.

Limitation Of The Study

It is a phenomenon that, in any research where the primary objective is to research for the true fact, a research project of this nature is never conducted without some inherent factors that  may make the findings difficult.

The limitation may however include;

  1. Financial constraints
  2. Lack in cooperation from respondents
  3. Time factor

In the process of undertaking this  research work the cost involved in transporting gathering data for processing information, and the production of material is needed cannot be over emphasized. Inadequate time is another factor owing to the fact that officers of the company have little time to give me attention while others pay no attention at all. There is also little time in gathering of data for this project work.

The problem of secrecy on the part of organizations where they hide out some fact which they believe are sensitive to their operation and because of the fear they may have against competitors is also a constraint.

Suggestions For Further Research

Further research should be carried out on this topic, “effective communication a tool for the administrative goals in an organisation in public sector or academic institution the further ascertain a comparative view of the problem.


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