Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of Online Disaster Report Management System (A Case Study of Sokoto State Fire Service)

Design and Implementation of Online Disaster Report Management System (A Case Study of Sokoto State Fire Service)

Design and Implementation of Online Disaster Report Management System (A Case Study of Sokoto State Fire Service)

Chapter One


The study aims to design and implement a web-based application for the sokoto state fire service.

The objectives of this study can be simplified as follows;

  • To  design and implement a web based system to be easy to access at any time they want any report
  • To design and implement a web base system to provide adequate security for their document
  • To design and implement a web base system that will totally reduce paper work and produce database to keep their works intact.
  • Timely and quality report to managers for decisions making.
  • To monitor and observe the current status of environment through the repon generated.




This chapter deals with different concept, understanding, and ideas, generalization or conclusions and different development related to study of the disasters report management system from the past up to the present and which serves as the researcher’s guide in developing the project.


Management information system is an organize collection of data, information resources, procedures, people, database and devices used to provide routine information to  managers for decision making in an organization. It provides standard report generated with data and information from the transaction processing system. These management information systems began to develop in 1960s and are characterized by the  use of information to provide managerial reports which can be

produced —daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Basically an Information System handles the flow and maintenance of Information that supports a business or  some other operation. It contains information about significant people, places and things within the organization or in the environment surrounding it (George and Ralph, 1998).

The ferocity and impact of natural disasters in recent years has exceeded even the worst history. Report stated that disasters occurred in areas that had not been previously seen to be vulnerable to that particular disaster, or struck a traditionally vulnerable area with more intensity. In 2001 as a whole, India suffered 73.1% of all disaster-related deaths in Asia. With the growth and development of the social system in the community emergency management became responsibility of the local, and to some extent, governing agency. In the western world- several national level originations were created to provide assistance during major natural disasters in the nineteenth century. American Red Cross, established in 1881: the National Weather service; the US Army; US cost guards are some of the examples of such agencies added in disaster response efforts (Godschalk, 2008).

According to Laudon  in (1991), Three activities provide the information that organizations need. These activities are Input, Processing and Output. ‘Input’ consists of acquisition of the ‘raw data’, which is transformed into more meaningful packets of ‘Information’ by

means of ‘Processing’. The processed information now flows to the users or activities also called as ‘Output’. The shortcomings are analyzed and the information is  sent back to the  appropriate members of the organization to help them evaluate and refine the input. This is termed as ‘feedback’.He also define preparedness as planning, resource identification,  warning  systems, training, simulations, and  other pre- disaster actions taken with the sole intent of improving the safety and effectiveness of a community’s response during and after a disaster.





System analysis is the process of collecting and analysing facts of an existing system, when a new system is to be developed, system analysis and design play important roles. Analysis here, involved a detailed study of the current system (if any), which may lead to the specifications and design steps of new a system. The main prpose of this chapter is to make an in depth analysis of the current system


The method of the system analysis use in this project descriptive method of data analysis since the research works found under the qualitative research. In which the detail study of the existing system is being analysis.




The design is a solution the transition of requirement into ways of melting them. Features of a new system are stated at two levels of logical and physical design. Logical design means writing detailed specification for the new system i.e. describes its features output, inputs files, database and procedure to meet the project requirements specifies input forms and screen lay out.




The primary aim of this project has been met. All the objectives that were set out have been completed and giving positive results in the end.

In Sokoto state fire service, the keeping record and report of fire disasters is a huge reality and is a catalyst for the growth of fire service in sokoto state. Indeed, keeping of record and report of fire disasters gives to Sokoto state fire service department the possibility to significantly extend the reach of record keeping and retail trade in their department, which leads to a boost of speed in retrieving those records.

In the research work the researcher started background knowledge of what disaster report management system is all about, the researcher moved on with why the research was carried out with is need for a report management system that can store, retrieve report of disaster going on in sokoto metropolis. The significance of the study was also clearly stated and some terms as used in the research were clearly defined.

The researcher went further to review some related articles, journals and websites on disaster report and recording, some related systems and related tools were also discussed and the researcher finally justified the research.

Furthermore, the existing system of disaster report keeping used in Sokoto state fire service department were carefully analyzed and data were collected from the fire service department, the data collected comprises of the manual method of keeping reports of disaster taking place within sokoto state metropolis.

The researcher used the information collected from the existing system to design and implement the new system and in the new system the new system new input, out and processing requirement were designed, new files were also maintained and new human elements were stated.

Finally the researchers were summarized, conclusions were made and recommendations were also made.


In this paper an Online disaster report mangement system was presented. It enables easy, secure, and fast storage of report of disaster, at the same time reducing the editorial personnel requirements. The developed online management system helps automate the review and record keeping process, thereby reducing the time from sorting out thousands of records.


Having completed this research and designing and implementing the software for Fire service depanment, the researcher recommends that the new system should be implemented in sokoto state fire service

The researcher also recommends that every other organization should be able to implement a record keeping and disaster report system.


  • Revilla (2005) student record management system. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of honors in computer science, university of the waster cape. Retrieved 17/03/2017. From
  • james N.Hizt (20…
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