Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of Patients Diagnosis System

Design and Implementation of Patients Diagnosis System

Design and Implementation of Patients Diagnosis System



The aim of this research work is to design a patient diagnostic application, capable of solving the already listed problems for His Glory Hospitals.

The objectives of the system are-

  1. To develop modern interactive software that will aid clinicians in handling of records.
  2. To design a system that will be used in detecting problems that pose obstacle with a view of modifying the operations and developing a new computerized system that will be more efficient and accurate such as in the area of misplacement of vital documents a computer will be used to record store and retrieval of large volume of documents.
  3. To enable easy retrieval and access to birth, death and patient diagnostics information
  4. To reduce the duplications of efforts due to inconsistency in activities and time that is taken in search of file when it is required for processing
  5. To setup efficient database system.




Computerization is the process of building a new system upon a computer technology for input, output, processing and storing. Computer entirely replaces the manual system that is using only paper and pencil for processing.

In Barba D.L.A (1979) in his contribution says that computerization does not only involve computer technology consisting to only hardware and software but also the communication link, that is it establishes the link for data communication devices to interact and share data as well as transferring data/information from one location to another. Besides, computers can be used for keeping records and these records are always available whenever they are needed and the need of carrying office file from one place to another is eliminated and in most cases some document may get lost or be tampered with the transmit.

Davies D.W (1979) state that computers have replaced manual technology because of its ability to process large volume of data or even handle complex work (processing capability) at a very high speed. It gives out accurate result at each time except when it is fed with incorrect data, Garbage-in-garbage-out. Hence, the need for computerization is certified.

Computerization help to keep accurate patients records in which case one can call up a patient record to find out necessary information about the patient when needed. This also helps to reduce redundancy in collecting patient’s record and eliminate the problem of missing of some patients files.

Also French CS. (1996) states that a file is a document stored in the computer individually by name and is organized in a particular way with a well defined structure consisting of a collection of records each of which are made up of files.

Henry C.L. (commented that a typical organization has a large number of files, many of which may be stored on a computer device. We call these data machine-readable because one can use computer to process them. Paper files on the other hand are much less accessible. A large organization related file as part of a database.

French C.S also defined a database as a single organization collection of structured data stored with a minimum of duplication of data items to provide consistent users of the system but is independent of programs that use the data. Databases are normally set up in order to meet the information needs of major parts of an organization. It is not possible to construct a database in a single operation; it is usually built up section. During this process, it is possible to:

  1. Add new “files” of data.
  2. Add new fields to record already present in the base.
  3. Create relationship between the items of data.

A database requires being stored on large capacity direct access devices. The usual medium is the magnetic disk. For security purposes a copy of the database may be held on magnetic tape or disk.

Like in His Glory Hospitals and general out-patients departments, patient’s data may be duplicated, it is important to realize the duplication are minimized and controlled. This is referred to as controlled redundancy.

Although to the user, the database may appear as a collection of files, data in database is organized in a more complex way than data in conventional files. Database may be classified according to the approach taken to database organization. The classes are relational, network, hierarchical and file inversions. But this project work discusses more on relational database (information system) that is it users, types of table called relations.

Data description must be standardized for this reasons a data description language (D.D.L) is provided which must be compared to the declarations and processing statement in a compared to the declarations and processing statement in a conventional programming language.

Since complex files are processed in the database, a complex software system called database management system is required for construct, expands and maintain the database. It provides the controlled interface between the user and the data in the database. The DBMS allocated storage of data.

It maintains indices so that any required data can be retrieved and so that separate items of data in the database can be cross-referenced. The DBMS provides facilities for different types of file processing such as process a complete file (serially or sequentially) process required records (selective sequential or random) and retrieved individual records. It has the function of providing security for the data in the database.

Kent (1983), present a set of guiding to make NORMALIZATION more intensive. Firstly, normal form requires that all occurrence of a record type contain the same number of fields. As a result of record cannot contain a repeating group. Second normal forms require the design to examine the relationship between key field and other field in the record. In general, normalization creates a database in which there is minimum redundancy of data and risk of demanding the database through updating is minimized.





Research is an investigation in order to discover new factors through planning and systematic collection analysis and interpretation of data, where as particular task, therefore, research methodology is a detailed description of what the researcher planned and procedure adopted in gathering new facts relevant to the project work.

It is therefore an established fact that without data, there can be no analysis. This is the crux of social science research. Data can be defined simply as basic facts an figure mostly numeric in nature, resulting from business economic and social activities of man.


System analysis is meant to reveal the current system of administration and record keeping of the hospital, which were studied under the system investigation.  This analysis meant to propose a well-designed computer base management information system that will take care of the existing problems of the current system.

The investigation carried out revealed that when a patient visits the hospital, he will first obtain a card at the registry, called reference card.

The Doctor diagnoses illness, its causes and prescribes drugs for it treatment.  The Doctor will then direct the patients to the pharmacy to collect the drugs.  The treatment card will be filled at the end of the day, the treatment caret will be collected and filed according to their registration numbers.

If the patient comes on the date given to him by the Doctor for checkup, he will still present his reference card to the check who update his files and this is done with the help of the name and registration number.  The patient will still be asked to see the Doctor for actual “checkup”.

However, if the patient is on admission, a case note that will contain the Doctor, the patients’ name, Address, Occupation, Date of admission, Religion, Age, Date of discharge index no, the year the patient is admitted to the hospital, the disease, ward or unit prepared.




In order to make amendments to the system file like adding or deleting of program files to improve the performance of the system. Also to keep the system running effectively, one has to always update the information updated to keep the information on the system current to improve the performance of the system.


The new system is implemented using Microsoft Visual C# programming language. This is because the programming language has the advantage of easy development. Flexibility and it has the ability of providing the developer/programmer with possible hints and it produces a graphical user interface.

The database used for the design is MySQL, because of its, ease of integration with the programming language used.




Since, the implementation of this system does more good than harm in our country especially health sector.  Hence not only does it provide good health with the help of the following factors, accuracy, flexibility, and speedy treatment.  But, also it will be a big relief for medical doctors and nurses when attending to patients.

This project is well designed with reliability and efficiency as our mainstay, have come just in time to correct those weaknesses and anomalies, which exist in the existing manual method.

The health institution His Glory Hospitals facing several approaches needs a development of this hospital that can automatically prepare.

  1. Patient doctors report
  2. Offers accurate/effective health care services or treatment system
  3. Maintaining security system.
  4. Filling /access system
  5. Updating /maintaining system for patients medical records
  6. Records outputs in the form of soft copies and hard copies.


Computerization should be used in running the daily activities of data processing (as per patient records) in His Glory Hospitals.

The objective of the project will be fulfilled if the following recommendations are adopted. The key personnel and staff of the His Glory Hospitals selected from the related department involved should be enrolled in computer training school for awareness course.  This will enable them to know about using a computer in documenting all activities within the hospital, rather than going through the manual method.


Computerization at large is ideal and effective towards solving this day data processing problems with indent analysis of vast activities of computerization covered in this project, despite the limited timeframe, the organization can discover it an easy task in processing patient records.

Coming to the end of this project work the researcher is concluding with the following points. A close investigation and analysis of the manual record keeping system of His Glory Hospitals reveals so many problems and loop holes.

To overcome these problems of the manual system, computer based system have been designed the design provides a system specification and clearly pointing out the requirement specification for the system.

In all, the project equally provided and efficient working program for the effective operation of the computer base system.


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  • Davies, Donald W (1979), Computer Networks and their protocols. Retrieved from on on April 12, 2018
  • French, C.S. (2002) Computer Science, Book Power publisher London. Retrieved from on May 13, 2018
  • Hossain et al (2014).  Expert System for Diagnosis of Influenza under Uncertainty. Retrieved from _to_Diagnose_Influenze on June 20, 2018
  • Jimmy S (2013). The Diagnosis of Some Lung Diseases in a PROLOG Expert System. Retrieved from on June 17, 2018.
  • Kent, J.T (1983) The Fisher-Bingham Distribution on Data Normalization. Retrieved from on May 14, 2018
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