Business Administration Project Topics

The Effect of Stress on Workers Productivity

The Effect of Stress on Workers Productivity

The Effect of Stress on Workers Productivity


Objectives of the Study

Based on the foregoing, it is worthwhile to conduct a research of this nature to reveal specific fact about occupational stress in Nigeria working environment.

The specific objectives of the study can be stated as follows.

  1. To know whether there is any effects of occupational stress on workers’ productivity in Edwin and Emmanuel table water Afikpo North Local Government  Area of Ebonyi State.
  2. To examine the nature of occupational stress in Nigeria sector.
  3. To ascertain the strategies for dealing with occupational stress among Nigeria worker.
  4. To investigate the factors that are responsible for occupational stress in Edwin and Emmanuel table water Afikpo North Local Government  Area of Ebonyi State.




This information discusses stress caused by factors in the work environment. While factors outside the workplace can contribute to a person’s overall stress response, this information focuses mainly on stress that has occurred as a result of factors within the workplace.

Stress can affect everyone so this information is relevant to workers, employers, managers, supervisors, the self-workers apprentices and trainees.

Conceptual Framework

Meaning of Occupational stress

Stress is a universal element experienced by workers around the globe. Stress has become major problem for employer particularly in developing nation where the employer does not realized impart of stress on workers productivity which over stress, managerial role, stress management job productivity.

An individuals in his or her job in Edwin and Emmanuel table water  face stress  as Jam Shed et al (2011) suggested the work place is potentially an important source of stress for bankers because of the amount of time they spent in their respective banks and that stress often a decrease their productivity. Therefore, occupation of individuals could be a major source of stress in the given circumstance. When individual faces stress due to various conditions of their occupation and fail to cope with stress, it results into burnout.

Basically in Industries  lack of administrative support from boss (manager) work overload and time pressure, riskiness of job, poor relationship with customers and co workers and work family balance cause stress which in turns decrease worker productivity. The same was contributed my maters on (1980) “cause of stress are many like work load. Cut in staff, change at work, long work hours, shift work, lack of supervision, inadequate training, in appropriate working conditions, too heavy responsibility and poor relations with colleagues. “ The same was identified by Ganster and Loghan (2005) “ huge and multi fields literature points a lots of key factors such as work environment, management support, work load etc in determining how stressful the work can be its effect on worker physical and mental health”

In Edwin and Emmanuel table water  particularly higher management does not realize the impact of stress on worker productivity which ultimately result in critical managerial dilemmas as Subha and Shakeel (2009) described “higher level of stress existed which no managerial concern for solution consequently lowering the worker productivity, staking organizational reputation and loss of skilled workers, effective stress managing practices to increase worker satisfaction and overall worker productivity” work overload and the time pressure to complete too much work in short span of  time is big source of stress which decreases the productivity of workers as Baback at al (2010) studied “ with excessive pressure, the job demand cannot be meet, relaxation turns to exhaustion and a sense of satisfaction replaces with the feeling of stress, motivation sheds away and the workers start losing interest in the work and hence productivity chart shows a negative trend”

Stress, Threat and Numbing Out

When animals, including beings are exposed to potentially life threatening situations, their bodies release endorphins, which are nature’s pain-killer; this makes sense from a survival perspective. If you are being attacked by a predator and are injured, you don’t want to be focusing, your attention on how much you hurt. This response doesn’t just happen in response to tangible by potential threat. Thus, if we feel threatened or fearful, our body releases endorphins, thus sets the stage for serious intellectual and interpersonal consequences, and because endorphins dull both our ability to think and our ability to feed effective decision making and interpersonal skills require both.

Research by Dr James Penne baker of southern Methodist University has demonstrated very serious consequences of uncontrollable stress on thought processes. In an experiment productivity by Dr. Penne baker subject wrote about whatever was going on in their mind their stream of consciousness. One group was subjected to a loud noise in the middle of the exercise and told there was nothing they could do about it they had to (grain and Bearit” they  engaged in deep, reflective, creative, thought. Thus, it wasn’t the negative external situation, but the perceived lack of control which resulted in administrative thinking capacity.





This chapter focuses on how the research study was carefully carried out on field by the researcher. It explains how the research was design in order to achieve the stated objectives and also to gather relevant data that will enhance the importance of this study. It presents how the researcher practically made used of the adopted methodology with an in-depth analysis on research design, method i.e. survey research method, sampling procedures and attributes of study population.

Research Design

The study is mainly a descriptive research carried out in the form of a field survey with a limited number of company staff only. The design serve as a guide in obtaining research information for the purpose of understanding and predicting some aspect of the behavior of the population interest. It is also enables the research to test hypothesis and give room for appropriate answers to be provide.




This chapter deals with presentation and analysis of the data derived from the distribution of returned questionnaire. The result of the interview conducted among various categories of people, member which will be used as the guideline in analyzing the data obtained during the study. The population sample was (100) while 80% of the population was picked at a sample techniques using Shata i.e equity (80) questionnaire were properly filled, incomplete and returned promptly.




In this chapter the findings of this study were presented, conclusions were made and finally necessary recommendations were made in line with the findings.

Summary of the Findings

This research case summary has tried to give a succinct definition of stress on worker productivity on job. Stress has been defined as the outcome of facet of the assigned work role that causes harmful effect for individual. Occupation stress is considered as harmful factor of the work environment. It can also be defined as the pattern of reactions that occurs when worker presented with work demands that are not matched to their knowledge, skills or abilities and which challenges their ability to cope.

This also shows the effect and factor’s of stress to worker productivity in the organization and is stated as follows:

  1. Promotion and transfer to another location
  2. Formal reprimand by one’s supervisor
  3. Personal life of workers


Based on the results of the study, it became clear that stress has effect on worker productivity in the organization and also show the implication of stress to worker productivity in organization.

This study reveals the positive effect of stress on worker productivity, because stress can cause worker effect on health of an individual and might not let worker be able to contribute fully to work because of weakness in the body and might cause serious health problem because of loss rest.

In table 4.2.6, decision rule show’s that respondent responds to the hypothesis (Hi) that occupational stress has serious effect on worker productivity when 70% respondent accept the fact that stress affect their productivity and we accepted the (Hi).


  1. Worker should have control over their work, can reduces stress and enhance motivation and growth to several finding.
  2. Making sure that worker have the resources and training to do their job well. The process of identifying training needs in an organization for the purpose of improving worker job productivity.
  3. Simply sharing your thoughts and feelings with another person can help reduce stress. Talking over a problem with someone can be a great way to let off steam and help you become calm and focused.
  4. As well as increasing social contact at work, having a strong network of supportive friends and family members is extremely important to managing stress in all areas of your life. On the flip side, the more lonely and isolated you are, the greater your vulnerability to stress.
  5. If you don’t feel that you have anyone to turn to at work or in your free time it’s never too late to build new friendships. Meet new people with common interests by taking a class or by volunteering your time.


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