Transportation Project Topics

Computerized Transport Management Information System

Computerized Transport Management Information System

Computerized Transport Management Information System

Chapter One

Aims and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to develop a computerized transport management information system. The following are the objectives of the study;

  1. To design a workable automated transportation system software
  2. To create a system that can be used to record transportation records to database.
  3. To design a system that can be used to accurately compute transportation bills.
  4. To design a system that can be utilized to obtain reports of transportation records.




This chapter is concerned with the review of related literature pertaining to the study. The contributions of other experts on the concept of computerized  transportation system is presented in this chapter. It looks at the following sub heads;

The Concept of Automated Transportation System

Transportation management systems are evolving to fit an ever-increasing range of software functionality and purpose. An automated transportation system is a transportation management system always expected to improve the planning, execution, and also aiding analysis to continuously improve supply management or  product flow. As the ranks of global corporations with world-spanning supply chains are joined by more large and medium businesses, the capabilities and focus of tools designed for the logistics function are changing to meet new demands.  A proliferation of new and competitive solutions for transportation management guarantees that shippers and third-party logistics companies will have more choices and flexibility in transportation management.

Automated transportation system is a dominant technological practice focused on improving operational efficiencies, stripping out waste and reducing costs through automation and integration, while bringing increased visibility to key performance indicators and shipment status as well as daily exception monitoring in the commercial freight sector.

 Functionalities of an Automated Transportation System

According to Wikipedia (2013), there are four key processes of automated transportation management which are;

Planning and Decision Making: An automated transportation system will define the most efficient transport schemes according to given parameters, which have a lower or higher importance according to the user policy: transport cost, shorter lead-time.

Transportation Execution: The system will allow for the execution of the transportation plan such as carrier rate  acceptance, carrier dispatching, electronic data interchange, etc

Transport follow-up: The system will allow following any physical or administrative operation regarding transportation: traceability of transport event by event (shipping from A, arrival at B, customs clearance, invoicing and booking documents, sending of transport alerts (delay, accident, etc).

Measurement – An automated transportation system need to have a logistics key performance indicator (KPI) reporting function for transport.

Other functions of the system include but is not limited to :

  • Planning and optimizing of terrestrial transport rounds
  • Inbound and outbound transportation mode and transportation mode and transport provider selection
  • Management of motor carrier, rail, air and maritime transport





This chapter presents the research methodology, system design, analysis of the existing and proposed system and program flow chart.

  Research Methodology

Research methodology is the structured approach of arriving at the dependable solution to a problem through a planned and systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data. Research methodology in this case encompasses system investigation, analysis and interpretation of data. The methodology used in collecting data for this research is through observation and personal interview with the management and staff of AKTC Uyo. Other sources of data include textbooks, journals, encyclopedia and magazines.

System Analysis

System analysis entails examining a system in order to understand its step by step operations so as to identify its benefits and areas of limitation that require improvements.




This chapter presents the system flow chart, analysis of modules, choice of programming language and programming environment.




This chapter presents the constraints of study, summary, conclusion, and useful recommendations.

Constraints of the study

In carrying out the research work, some challenges were faced that limited the study such as:

Time: The time given for the completion of the research work was too short hence the researcher had speed up the research work to meet up and this has an impact on the study.

Limited Materials: few materials were found pertaining to the research area and this limited the bulk of the literature review.

Finance: The high cost of textbooks, internet browsing and transportation to different libraries to gather materials stood as a constraint to the research work.


From the foregoing, it is obvious that computerized transportation information system is very necessary for organizations that want a better way to maintain transportation records. The manual system has several limitations such as difficulty in retrieving needed transportation information reports but with a computerized system, transportation records can be easily managed. And needed information of transport records can be quickly accessed.


A computerized transportation information system is very useful as it enables organizations to be more efficient in their keeping transportation record operations, it places them at a professional level. Time would be  more efficiently utilized and reports will be easily presented if a computerized transportation information system is adopted.


The following recommendations are offered:

  • Seminars should be organized to enlighten transport organizations on the importance of adopting automated transportation system
  • Computer scientists and IT professionals should be contracted to develop and maintain customized automated transportation system to meet the needs of the organization
  • Research into the area of automated transportation systems should be encouraged in higher institutions.


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  • Gauld R. And Derrett, S. (2000). Solving the Surgical Waiting List Problem? New Zealand’s ‘Booking System’, .The International Journal Of Health Planning And Management, Vol. 15, Pp. 259-272,
  • Gomaa, H. (2004) Designing Software Product Lines With Uml. Usa: Addison-Wesley Boston.
  • Wee K. (2007). Bus ticket reservation system. Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Computer Science (Software Development). Faculty of information and communications technology Universiti teknikal Malaysia Melaka.
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