Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of Information System for Hospital Management

Design and Implementation of Information System for Hospital Management

Design and Implementation of Information System for Hospital Management



The aim of this project is to design an information system for a hospital, using His Glory Hospital as a case study.

The objectives of this project include-

  1. To provide total asset visibility.
  2. To allow high levels in giving full patient history.
  3. To reduce lead-time and errors due to damage, fatigue of staff.
  4. To provide full process control for the patient.
  5. To provide higher-level security as the system would require passwords to prevent unauthorized access.
  6. To help the management plan, monitor, optimize resources and ascertain their financial position at any time.




Sequel to what people have been saying and writing about the use of computers in establishments, it is still necessary to bring the suggestions and opinion of these people to our in this research work.  This chapter is set aside for analyzing the different views of these computers users and experts who have previously done a work on the same related discussions of the design and implementation of a computerized hospital management information system. 2.1 COMPUTER INFORMATION BASED SYSTEM

The computer based information system is of great importance to the growth and survival of the various sectors of the economy because computers have large storage capacity and besides, the overall cost of computerization is in general less than manual process cost for large jobs.

It is worthy to note that the main purpose of computerization irrespective of the application is to process data quickly, efficiently and effectively so that information kept is timely, meaningful and accurate.

Timeless is essential in the field of health services. For instance, Anuken, K.(2009), confirmed that as workload in medical laboratory increases day-by-day due to improved method of diagnosis, the time-lag between request and report of analysis will definitely increase, thereby making it cumbersome to the clerical system to cope up with the increase in the area of record keeping which may include features like sex, age record number, address and diagnosis.  These can be programmed in a computer and this will conveniently aid other people who may need the same data about such patient to be retrieved.  If in case a note on diagnosis is written by a doctor and another doctor wants to know the condition of particular patient, this of course will cause the attending Doctor to start all over again but if it is programmed, the safety is granted as it is permanently in the storage devices.

In the light of the above, Shannon M.D (2016) Opted that the computerization of records should be maintained in hospital management to help the updating, storage, and processing the records.  From the author’s point of view, the updating of the records would be of immediate help in the visiting Doctor making him to know where and how to start treatment of the patient.  In another development, some authors are not of the view that computers should be used owing to the disadvantages ranging from the loss of job by non-expert to incomplete record keeping since not all these records can be found at once.  Cornelius, C. N (2015) disapproved the process of computerization of medical record management system.  According to him, it would require summarizing all the old records, which may lead to incomplete computerization of the record.  When the required records are not to complete, proper, and efficient management of such an organization cannot be done.  However, seen to nullify his views bearing in mind that no technology or development is without at least a minute disadvantage but regarding the enormous gains that accrue from such computerized and should be encourage.





It has been established that physical achieves are not always helpful a much better alternative is to use automated base examination scheduler.

This implies the creation of database management system (DBMS) which ensure that computer records are kept up to date and made available on demand to those who need them for planning and operational purpose. The level of success achieved in caring out this research work is owed to the methodology adopted.

In other to attain quiet a reasonable acceptance of the research work we made use of the internationally accepted software engineering model, which is waterfall model.

This is a system approach` to the analysis and design of information system. It involves the application of a sequence of analysis, documentation and design tasks concern with the analysis of the current system logical data design, logical process design, etc. The research methodology used helps to ensure that a thorough study of the present system is effectively carried out thus helping the researcher to completely understand the modus operandi of the present system so as to know how to the new system should be structured and the functionalities needed in it to address the seemingly existing problems discovered.




System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system’s compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the scope of black-box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code or logic.


The new system is implemented using Microsoft Visual C# programming language. This is because the programming language has the advantage of easy development. Flexibility and it has the ability of providing the developer/programmer with possible hints and it produces a graphical user interface.

The database used for the design is Microsoft SQL, because of its, ease of integration with the programming language used.




Without the use of computerized system for medical system, I wonder what will be the stand of our economy today.  Since, the implementation of this system does more good than harm in our country especially health sector.  Hence not only does it provide good health with the help of the following factors, accuracy, flexibility, and speedy treatment.  But, also it will be a big relief for medical doctors and nurses when attending to patients.

This project is well designed with reliability and efficiency as our mainstay, have come just in time to correct those weaknesses and anomalies, which exist in the existing manual method. The achievements made up this design can be summarized

i. Result of high processing speed of the computerize system

  1. Patient’s records can now be retrieved easily.
  2. Billing system in the hospital will be more effective.
  3. Similarly there is also an easy accesses to clinical reports for research purpose and decision making


The objective of the project will be fulfilled if the following recommendations are adopted. The key personnel and staff of the hospital selected from the related department involved should be enrolled in computer training school for awareness course.  This will enable them to know about using a computer in documenting all activities within the hospital, rather than going through the manual method.


Coming to the end of this project work the researcher is concluding with the following points. A close investigation and analysis of the manual record keeping system of the hospital reveals so many problems and loop holes.

To overcome these problems of the manual system, computer based system have been designed the design provides a system specification and clearly pointing out the requirement specification for the system.

In all, the project equally provided and efficient working program for the effective operation of the computer base system.


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  • Anuken, K. (2009) “The computer laboratory diagnosis and the year 2000”. Retrieved from on July 4, 2018
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  • Cornelius, C N (2015) “Medical and health encyclopedia. Retrieved from on July 19, 2018
  • Ezeano A. N. (2007) “Fundamental of Operating system / file organization and management”. Retrieved from on July 19, 2018
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