Sociology Project Topics

Age Grade Association as an Agent of Rural Development; A Case Study of Nkpouno in Idemili North Local Government Area of Anambra State

Age Grade Association as an Agent of Rural Development; A Case Study of Nkpouno in Idemili North Local Government Area of Anambra State

Age Grade Association as an Agent of Rural Development; A Case Study of Nkpouno in Idemili North Local Government Area of Anambra State

Chapter One

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY                        

The objectives or purpose of this study is to analyze the roles of age grade association towards rural and urban development especially in the areas of Agriculture, health, economy etc. Also to determine the problem s associated with age grade association in performing their duties functions towards the development of the rural communities and make some recommendations based on the findings.



        Nigeria like many other third world countries has a problem of development especially in its rural areas. Recently, government introduced one form of programme or the other to enhance rural development.

Also much literature are written on rural development in journals, textbooks, newspapers, magazines, etc.

The review of literature relevant to this study has been organized under the following headings.

  • The concept of rural development
  • Rural area and their problems
  • Related organizations engaged in the work of rural development.
  • Government involvement in rural development.
  • Community participation in rural development
  • The organization of age grade association.
  • Sources of finance to age grade association
  • Source of finance in rural development
  • Problems associated in organizing rural development
  • Age Grade Association contributions towards rural development


About 80 to 90 percent of Nigeria are living in the rural areas, such rural areas are characterized by lack of adequate social infrastructures, good road, network etc.

Then talking about hospitals, clinics, water and electricity supply, these social facilities are lacking or not sufficient in supply, must be made available before a place can be said to be developed.

No wonder why Odebera, (1974: 80) said that rural area are areas that still cry for basic educational amenities then World Bank (1975: ) defined rural development as a strategy designed to improve the economic and social life of specific group of people and live in the rural area, it involves extending the benefits of development to the poorest among those who seek a livelihood in rural areas. These groups includes small farmers, tenants, landless women etc.

Okoye, (1997) sees it as the process of making life more satisfying and fulfilling for millions of people who live in the rural areas. The strategies for rural development should hence aim (it providing) the rural development dwellers with the opportunities for gainful employment as well as the expansion of social services which could enhance the welfare and security of rural people.





        This research work centered on age grade association as an agent of rural development. Nkpor Uno in Idemili Local Government Area of Anambra State is used as a case study. This research method and design involved the use of questionnaire and face to face interview.

The design was made of the area of the study, population of the study, sample of the study, sample, of the study, instrument for data collection and method of data analysis.


This research design is to be used to obtain valid and accurate information from members of Nkpor Uno town which is being used as a case study to proffer solution/answers to the questions posed. This involves the quasireperimental design, which involves collective sample from the population of interest at a single point in time. The data used in the analysis comprised of qualitative and quantitative information on the age grade associations operating in the town (Nkpor Uno in Idemili Local Government Area in Anambra State).


The area of the study of this research work is Nkpor Uno Town in Idemili Local Government Area in Anambra State. A unique thing found out in this study is that age grade associations in Nkpor Uno are mostly men with a total population of 300 members.

This age grade associations were only make age grade association and there no female age grade association registered and existing in the town.


There were 8 (eight) registered and viable age grade association in Nkpor Uno with a total population of 300 members.

This age grade associations were only male age grade association and there is no female age grade association registered and existing in the town.



        In this chapter, presentation and analysis of data  is done through the use of research questions which were presented in chapter one of this research work to aid me get tentative (dependable) answer to this problem.

Each of these question contains some options from which the respondents choose an opinion chosen by the respondents were represented or covered into percentages. Now these questions include;




        The result of the survey showed that age grade association in Nkpor Uno was made up of mainly male adult of 45 years and above. The research also revealed that majority of the members of the age grade association fell in the age bracket of 50 to 60, at this stage of their life, all of them are married and are facing a lot of family responsibilities, from the findings in the data presentation and analysis presented in the previous chapter, it was observed that all age grade associations took part in the various community development projects.

In terms of schools, the age grade associations had constructed and build the only secondary school in town and provided scholarship to some of the children in the community at least to encourage them read and work harder. They also carry out some repairs in some of the primary schools in the town.        

        In the area of road construction and maintenance, some impact was make they were involved in grading of the towns major road and equally some agitations to the state government for construction of the road.

On the area of health and agriculture the age grade association also was involved in the construction of the towns general hospital for child health care delivery, treatment of some diseases etc. The age grade association has also contributes to the agricultural development of the town by supplying or given of soft loans to the village farmers and also provision of fertilizer bags at cheaper rate.

So, it is pertinent to say that the age grade association in town has contributed so immensely and are about to complete all their projects for the town, come next year.


In the light of the findings of the research, the following recommendations are made for consideration. It has been observed that most age grade associations were male. There is no need to encourage their female to form their own age grade association to meet with the needs of the area. It was observed that majority of the members of the age grade association were above 40 years, so there is the need to encourage the youth or young ones growing to form more age grade association because, those above 40 years may pay less attention to their age grade activities due to more pressing family matters, but the younger ones would put in more time because of few responsibilities. Since most associations engage in political programmes to enlighten and increase their awareness to the political environment there is need to lay more emphasis on equipment of schools with modern educational facilities for enhance educational development of their children in this community (Nkpor Uno).

In other to further development in Nkpor Uno more rural roads should be opened up to spared up evaluation of formed produce, provide for table water, electricity and good communication system. There is great need to improve on the agricultural, educational and health condition of the rural development in Nkpor Uno. This is by building more modern schools and hospitals and equipping them and the already existing ones with materials (human) and financial resources as well as local products as raw materials and slops should be built in the town to enhance economic activities.


The attainment of rural development as obtained by age grade association in Nkpor Uno town in Idemili Local Government Area in Anambra State has been attempted by the researcher. The research showed that age grade association have made some impact in the development of the town (Nkpor Uno) but the expectation of the rural dwellers in rural development are still not yet complete from what is seen in the other rural communities. There was complete or near absence of infrastructural facilities which include all federal roads, portable water, electricity and communication system.

The education, health and agricultural facilities are pre-requisite to rural industrialization and economic activities are agriculture, but there is little evidence to show that effort has been made but enough to develop this vital section.

Consequently, the rural can not achieve increase productivity and the source of income has the years remained at the mercy of marginal land crude implement.

This means that the expectation spark created health and agriculture which includes food, – sufficiency employment surplus for expectations and poverty alleviation are not achieved, hence the mobbed migration of people to urban areas.

The level rural actualization for devolvement by age grade association in Nkpor Uno could have been at the highest point if not for a number of factors which were explained in chapter 2 how ever, it is the researcher condition that if the recommendation made above are implemented to the later by the associations, government knowledge in development would be in the very near future.


The most daunting problems encountered in the course of these study where finance, and data collections.

In finance, I was always faced with short of cash to transport my self to the town where I did the field survey.

Time as another problem was as a result of the number of the other course which we offer and they need the same attention given to this work and it was very difficult to make out time to embark on this research work.

Finally, data collection was another problem because there some difficulties in getting correct data from the respondent, and age grade officials were cautions and hesitant to release the relevant information needed to complete to carry out this research work.


This work concentrated on the age grade association as an agent of rural researchers should not embark into the same work but should lay or carry on the following studies.

  1. Age grade associations as agent of rural development from another setting.
  2. Functions and critical analysis of the roles of age grade association.
  3. Critical analysis of the problems at age grade association and proper solutions to the problems.
  4. Study the objectives of age grade association and their goals.


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  • Aroh, E.U. (2002) Community Development. Enugu: Abot Book Publishers.
  • Battem, T.R. (1965) Communities and their Development in Ghana. London: University Press Ltd.
  • Carnes, M. (1985) Putting people first socio-logical variable in rural development projects. London: University Press.
  • Chukwuma, M.N. (1982) Leading Issues in Rural Development. Enugu: Acena Publishers.
  • Gabir, M.O. (1963) Introduction to Economic Hummords Warth. Ogun: Penguin Book Ltd.
  • Odebara, J.I. (1994) The Role of Audit Education in Community Development. Awka: Mekslinks Publishers.
  • Okafor, F.C. (1979) Local Government and Community Development. A paper presentation at the National Conference on the new Local Government System UNN.
  • Olira, M.S.O. and Obiukwu, J.I. (1982) Rural Development in Nigeria Dynamics and Strategies. Awka: Mekblink Publishers.
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