Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of a Web-Based System That Will Link Farmers to Buyers

Design and Implementation of a Web-Based System That Will Link Farmers to Buyers

Design and Implementation of a Web-Based System That Will Link Farmers to Buyers

Chapter One


The following are the objectives of the study:

  1. To design and implement a Farm Product Marketing system to aid farmers in rural areas have a proper platform to promote their farm products.
  2. Enhance the link between Farmers and end product users in urban areas.
  3. Ease the distribution of farm products across the country through technology.



Conceptual Framework

Local producers

Local producers according to John (2002) are unsophisticated farmers in rural communities who are engaged in agricultural production which include raising of livestock, cultivation of crops and vegetables to eat and to sell at a local market. Onyebinama and

Onyebinama (2010) stated that in physical terms, the environment of local producers of agricultural products in Nigeria vis-à-vis Taraba state, is largely rural which is characterized by lack of functional modern infrastructure such as pipe borne water, electricity, all season roads, communication services, hospitals, storage and preservation facilities, markets, etc.

Agricultural products

Agricultural products have been variously defined by several authors in so many ways. They may be referred to as any agricultural commodity or product, whether raw or processed, including any commodity or product derived from livestock that is marketed for human or livestock consumption (Dyer, 2007). Agricultural products in the view of Colestous (2011) refer to all products raised or produced on farms and processed or manufactured to be transported in interstate and/or foreign commerce. Agricultural products are, therefore, crops and animals grown under cultivated conditions whether used for personal consumption, subsistence or sold for commercial benefits.

Agricultural products in Nigeria fall into two main groups: food crops produced for home consumption and exports (Omolola, 2007). According to Jordan (2012), the major agricultural products can be broadly grouped into foods, fibers, fuels and raw materials.

Specific food crops include: cereals (grains), vegetables, fruits, oils, meats and spices. Fiber crops include: cotton, wool, hemp, silk and flax. Raw materials include lumber and bamboo.

Other useful agricultural products are produced by plants, such as resins, dyes, drugs, perfumes, biofuels and ornamental products such as cut flowers and plants. According to the author, farm products might be sold either to a market, in a farmers’ market, or directly from a farm. The author also stated that in a subsistence economy, farm products might to some extent be either consumed by the farmer’s family or pooled by the community. Agricultural products are the life force, the very source of survival for the man kind. It is not only that man breathes with the support of food but a major chunk of the world population is also dependent on agriculture as their source of survival.

Agricultural products are of different nature than industrial products (Cheng, 2002).

So the features of products can be divided in three major types on the basis of production, marketing and consumption. The production related features includes seasonal and scattered productions. Most of the agricultural goods are produced only in certain season. The food crops such as maize, paddy (unprocessed rice), wheat etc. and cash crops such as sugarcane, tobacco, jute and vegetables, potato and fruits are produced in certain suitable seasons. But some products such as fish, dairy products, eggs etc. can be produced in all seasons.

Everything cannot be produced in all seasons. So, seasonal products affect agricultural market. Except some limited goods, most of the agricultural goods are produced in all parts of the country by farmers who live scattered in different parts of the country; hence middlemen collect agricultural products and supply to the major markets found around the states of the country.

Cheng (2002) further stated that major marketing-related features of agricultural goods include perishable products, bulky products, quantity and quality variation. Most of agricultural products are of perishable nature, but all are not equally perishable within same duration of time. Some perish within shorter time and some others remain usable for little longer. Fish, milk, meat, fruits, vegetables, etc. remain fresh only for shorter time, so they are quick perishables. Such products should be supplied to the market as quickly as possible, which requires special cold storage to keep such goods safe and fresh.





A computer system can be seen as a collection of interrelated and interdependent hardware and software component working together in a regular relation to achieve a specific objective or goal.

Hardware is the computer component that can be seen and handled, while software are programs designed by a programmer on manufacture and use in the computer system with their associated documentation if parallel therefore, system analysis can be defined as the study of system by examining its parts and their relationship in order to recommend the specified business requirement for the techniques used in obtaining data which is to be sued in the course of the project.  This particular aspect of data which is been elaborated would include:

  • the various methods of facts findings techniques
  • Their merit and demerits.
  • Amidst the various methods, one would be adopted and he reason for adoption would be clearly stated.

After investigating the old system a new system is proposed.  It is here that the management analyze situations that could trigger or set an action or process in motion, a change of the old system which includes,  What to do, how to do it, when to do it, to enhance the performance of the system.


This basically deals with the way of data collection. This research work was conducted through careful identification and selection of data that contains reliable information about the farm structure.

Farm Link Nigeria was selected as a source of data for both primary and secondary type of data.  The research obtained the primary sources of data after frequent visitations and interviews to the different departments of agriculture division.  The secondary data were collected from views and finding of some previously researched work and comprehensive review of literature on the subject matters contained in textbooks, journals, libraries, magazine, newspapers and internet.  There are fact finding techniques employed during the research work.




The overview of the new system over the old system and the need for change led to the system design and implementation.




For the Farm Link Nigeria to have a better and very effective data manipulation, storage and retrieval system, computerization must be highly advocated for.  But still the following factor affects the computerization of (Farm Link) Nigeria.

  1. The power holding company of Nigeria (PHCN) is grossly unreliable therefore the institution should have an alternative means of power supply (generator) these generators must have back-up spare parts in cost of breakdown. In addition an interrupted power supply (UPS) system must be installed and it must interface between the power supply from the (PHCN) generator and the computer system.
  2. Adequate spare parts and maintenance personnel must be available. This is very important because many computer users in Nigeria have a better experience in the delay in faults rectification on their computers by the maintenance components major contributing factors to these are usually lack of adequate spare parts and lack of enough experience on the staff of these companies.
  3. Adequate training must be conducted of the staff, so as to make them conversant with the with the


It is crystal clear that the invention of computer into the society has greatly lead to more greater and accurate means of data processing in almost any field of human endeavor.  With the use of computer, things could be alone easily within a very short time interval and with greater and more reliable information achieved.

Though, many organization firms, small scale business do still use manual method of data processing.  There is an absolute need for them to change from the manual to the computerized system.  This will go a long way to improving their services.

This project work, once it is implemented it will not be possible for the organization to revert to the following benefits.

  1. Readily available, neat and accurate information
  2. Enhanced agricultural research analysis results.
  • greater scope of data processing
  1. Significant increased in patronage by scientist, researchers, genetic engineers organization
  2. simple and neat offices


  • Akin Odebunm (1994).  Understanding Agriculture and its importance, Umudike: Umudike Age Publisher Limited
  • Collins, M.N. (1988).  Comprehensive dictionary of Computer, London: Evans Brothers Limited.
  • French, C.S. (1989).  Data Processing and Information (Eighteenth Edition), Oxford: Kindons DP Publisher Limited.
  • Galantion, A.O. (1994).  Computer Science for Mathematics teacher and students, Nigeria: Anuchuna Educational Books Nigeria Limited.
  • Green, G. (1988).  Database manager in Microsoft Basic, Canada: Tab Book In. ridge Submit Pans.
  • Uma, RAM, NATH (1986). Agricultural science (Third edition), Oxford: New year Oxford University Press.
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