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Role of Local Government in Rural Development in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria

Role of Local Government in Rural Development in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria

Role of Local Government in Rural Development in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria

Chapter One


The study sought to investigate the roles and functions of Jos South Local Government Area in the development of rural areas and to identify and proffer solutions to some of the fundamental problems challenging the development of rural areas

Specifically, the study intends to achieve the following aims and objectives:

  1. To evaluate the role of Jos South Local Government Area in rural development.
  2. To examine the organic relationship between local government and rural development.
  3. To make a critical appraisal of the performance of Jos South local government council between 2008-2014 in relation to rural transformation.
  4. To identify the constraints militating against the performances of Jos South Local Government in the development of rural areas.
  5. To analyze the prospect for Nigerian local government in the light of this investigation and coherently recommend ways for more effective and vibrant administration and management of local government in Nigeria.




Local government constitutes the most critical level of government at which the momentum to sustain national development can be created. To some countries in the third world. It is the only semblance of authority known beyond the tradition. (Bello, 2007). As from the 1970s, the national leaders all over the world and even their followers started to change their erstwhile attitude towards local government for a more positive appreciation of the role of the level of government. Consequently, they started to think of more functions, more finance and more qualified manpower for the level of government. This re-awakening vis-à-vis the pivotal role of local government gained prominence in Nigeria as from 1976 nationwide local government reforms. The reforms recognized the level of government as distinct tier of government. (Bello, 2007).

The United Nations Division of Public Administration 1976 defines local government as a political sub division of a nation (or in a federal system, a state) which is constituted by law and has substantial control of local affairs including the power to impose taxes or exert labour for presented purposes. The government body of such an entity is elected or otherwise locally selected (Enemuo, 1999).

Local government can be seen as political authority under state for decentralizing political power and delegation of authority. It is administration under local committees to maintain law and order based on social amenities and to encourage cooperation and participation of people at the grassroots to improve their living conditions. Based on this, local government administration stresses on maintenance of law and order a means of grassroots and national development has persisted in spite of modern achievement in the fields of politics, economic technology, communication transportation etc. The increasing demand for local government is every part of the world is being motivated by the desire of the rural populace to contribute directly in the affairs of their communities. In fact local government is as old as mankind, because it is the only form of human control that has existed from the history of man. The theory of human society is shrouded with the necessity of community development through a recognized local administrative structure that later culminated into local government administration. The predominant structures of the archaic forms of administration the world over have persisted with slide changes to suit modern changes.

The institution of local government is at its best in countries which are governed on democratic lines. It is the experience of many countries that all matters of a local concern are ultimately best administered by a property organized system of local government. Local government means the regulation and administration of local affairs by the people inhibiting the locality through representatives. These local assemblies of citizens says De Tocquelle “constitute the strength of free nations, Town meetings are to liberty while primary schools are to science, they bring it within the peoples reach, and they teach men how to use and how to enjoy it. A nation may establish a system of free government, but without the spirit of municipal institutions it cannot have the spirit of liberty”. This foundation aspect of local government is described as “grassroots” democracy a phase which has becomes popular. Local bodies serve as a training ground in the art of self government and the experience and knowledge acquired in Local government can best utilized for the wider affairs of central government. Laski says that the institution of local government is educative in perhaps a higher degree than any other part of government. It cultivates a sense of civil duties and responsibilities and inculcates among citizens a cooperate spirit of common administration of common interest. Bryce says “whoever leans to be public spirited, active and upright in the affairs of village has learnt the first lesson of the duty incumbent on a citizen of a great country”. Local government institutions train men not only to work for others but also work effectively with others. The citizens develop common sense reasonableness, judgment and sociability, the qualities of moderation, accommodation and social dependence which are so essential for the success of democracy.





Jos south local government council area with its headquarters in Bukuru was carved out of the then Jos Local Government, in September1991, by the then Ibrahim Babangida’s administration, leaving behind what is now referred to as Jos North and Jos South Local Government Areas. Bukuru was probably chosen as the council’s headquarters because of its central location and its economic and social relevance to the people of the area (Enemuo, 1995).

On the Ist of October, 1996 the then late General Sani Abacha’s administration further splited the local government creating Jos east out of Jos south local government area. With the further splitting of Jos south, only the Berom district were left behind with those of the Afizere carved out into Jos east local government area.

The council headquarters, Bukuru is about 15 kilometers from the state capital which is the Jos Township. The council area is surrounded by Jos north local government to the north, Jos east to the east, Barkin Ladi to the south, Riyom to the west and Bassa to the north-west. If The Bukuru express way serves as the main road linking states in the

far North (East) to Abuja, Lagos and other states of the southern, eastern and western parts of ‘Nigeria. Indigenous tribes of the local government are the Beroms, but other tribes of the local government such, as Yoruba, Hausa,       Fulani, and other plateau ethnic groups settled in’ the area due to the tin ‘f mining activities of the early 1900’s.



The Jos South Local Government contribution to rural development is analyzed using the following indices:




In the course of this research, the effectiveness of local government’s participation as it relates to rural development so far has been highlighted. Nevertheless, there have been some problems inhibiting the growth and development of Jos South Local Government Area in particular and the country at large. For instance, the issue of state-local government joint accounts that has been a lingering issue for a long time now, the issue of  granting full autonomy to local government, high rate of poverty in the rural areas, lack of human capital development, lack of intensive mobilization and education in areas of local government by the state government, incessant interference in the affairs of local government by the state government, frequent changes in the administrative portfolios of local government officers among other thing’s constitute a problem to the development of local government in Nigeria.

Without being bias one can say government still have a lot of work to do as it regards rural development in Jos South local Government Area and Nigeria in General.


The research is based on the summary of findings above, it was discovered that’ in the light of development with references to the provision of good roads, electricity, health facilities, pipe borne water, schools etc.  It is discovered that Local Government in Nigeria have failed to provide basic needs to the local people.

Therefore, based the findings it is believed that the officials of local governments will take serious steps to provide the basic amenities to the people at the grass root for the betterment of the whole country. The objective for the creation of the local government area seems not to have achieved its goal due to the irresponsive activities of the successive administrations in the area council.


Based on the research conducted the researcher hereby make the following recommendations;

  1. Development in rural areas should be viewed as a totality of activities ranging from rural mobilization to political
  2. Local government officials should be compulsorily made to undergo series of training and re-training in order to enhance their
  3. A sincere functional rural development programme should be established to engage the rural dwellers in economic activities that will facilitate their financial status as a remedy to the prevalence of poverty in the rural areas.
  4. Mass literacy campaign should be organized more often to enable the rural dwellers know how to read and write that will help them to understand the policies and programmes of government.
  5. In the area of agriculture, the local government should be able to provide improved seed and fertilizers at an affordable rate to the rural dwellers to increase their farm yield as majority of the people are
  6. Both the federal and state government should stop interfering in the affairs of local Government as that will cause unnecessary distraction in the system and the business of governance suffer.
  7. Funds meant for local government should be released on time to enable them provide the dividends of democracy to the rural people like good roads, electricity, pipe borne water, good schools e.t.c.
  8. To achieve development at the local level, the local government needs to involve the community through the various organizations and associations that abound in the communities.


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