Sociology Project Topics

The Youth and ENDSARS Protest

The Youth and ENDSARS Protest

The Youth and ENDSARS Protest

Chapter One


The objective of this study on the #EndSARS protest and its impact on Nigerian youth and society are as follows:

  1. To analyze the historical and systemic issues within the Nigerian police force, particularly SARS, that led to widespread public discontent and the eventual eruption of the #EndSARS protest.
  2. To evaluate the specific ways in which police brutality, harassment, and misconduct by SARS officers have affected the lives, safety, and mental health of Nigerian youth.
  3. To understand how social media platforms were utilized by the youth to document abuses, mobilize protests, and garner international attention and support for the movement.
  4. To critically assess the actions taken by the Nigerian government in response to the protests.




The #EndSARS movement is a social and political campaign against police brutality in Nigeria, specifically targeting the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) of the Nigerian Police Force. This unit, originally established to combat violent crimes, became infamous for its widespread abuse of power, including extrajudicial killings, torture, arbitrary arrests, and extortion. The #EndSARS protests in 2020 marked a significant moment in Nigeria’s contemporary history, driven by the youth and amplified by social media.

SARS was created in 1992 as a response to escalating armed robbery and violent crime in Nigeria. Initially, SARS was intended to operate as a covert unit with minimal interaction with the public, focusing on undercover operations to apprehend armed criminals (HRW, 2020). Over the years, however, SARS officers became notorious for their involvement in human rights abuses, leading to public outcry and demands for the unit’s dissolution.

The discontent with SARS had been brewing for years, but it reached a tipping point in October 2020 when a video surfaced allegedly showing SARS officers killing a young man. This incident sparked nationwide protests, with the hashtag #EndSARS trending on social media and becoming the rallying cry for demonstrators. The movement quickly gained momentum, drawing attention to the broader issues of police brutality and lack of accountability within the Nigerian police force (Amnesty International, 2020).

Social media played a pivotal role in mobilizing the #EndSARS protests. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook were used to share information, organize protests, and document incidents of police brutality. The decentralized nature of the movement, facilitated by these platforms, allowed for widespread participation and coordination without a central leadership structure. This digital mobilization not only brought national attention to the issue but also garnered international support and solidarity (Quartz Africa, 2020).

The Nigerian government’s response to the protests was initially dismissive, with promises of reform that failed to satisfy the protesters’ demands. On October 11, 2020, the government announced the dissolution of SARS, but protests continued as demonstrators called for broader systemic reforms and an end to police brutality. The situation escalated dramatically on October 20, 2020, when security forces opened fire on unarmed protesters at the Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos, an event widely condemned and referred to as the Lekki Massacre (BBC News, 2020).

The #EndSARS movement highlighted several critical issues within Nigerian society, including governance failures, systemic corruption, and the disenfranchisement of the youth. It also showcased the power of collective action and digital activism in driving social and political change. The protests underscored the need for comprehensive police reform and greater accountability mechanisms to protect citizens’ rights and restore public trust in law enforcement (The Guardian, 2020).

The #EndSARS movement represents a watershed moment in Nigeria’s struggle against police brutality and systemic injustice. Driven by the youth and amplified by social media, the movement has brought significant attention to the need for reform and accountability within the Nigerian police force. While the government’s response has been inadequate in addressing the protesters’ demands, the #EndSARS protests have set the stage for continued advocacy and action towards achieving meaningful change in Nigeria’s governance and law enforcement practices.




 Research Technique

The research design is the basic plan that guides data collection and the analysis phase of any research work. It is regarded as the framework which specifies the type of information to be gathered, the source of the data and the procedures to be used in collecting them.

This study is approached from the audience analytical perspective using the survey research design. Nworgu (1991, p.55) posits that “a survey research is one in which a group of people or items is studied by collecting and analyzing data from a few people or items considered to be representative of the entire group.”

According to Okoro (2001, p. 41) “survey research is the process of gathering data from a target population through the use of questionnaire or interviews and subjecting such data to statistical analysis for the purpose of reaching conclusions on the subject matter of study and providing solutions to identified research problems”. To further buttress this fact, Sobowale (1983) notes that this technique (survey) involves drawing up a set of questions on various subjects or on various aspects of a subject to which a sample is requested to react.

Therefore, the survey design used in this study serves as a veritable tool for collecting empirical data through the questionnaire from a sample of the population under study.

 Population of the Study

A population for a research study may consist of a group of individuals taken from the general population, who share a common characteristic such as age, sex, or health condition. It is a target population from which the sample is actually selected.

In this research study, the population used comprises both the male and female youths in Ibadan metropolis within the age of 18-35 years, selected randomly from different places within Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

The population of youths in Ibadan metropolis is about 134,229 [National Bureau of Statistics,2021].The youths were selected for this study because they formed the most vibrant segment of the society and were thought to be those who took part in ENDSARS protest in 2020.



This chapter presents the analysis of data derived through the questionnaire and key informant interview administered on the respondents in the study area. The data analysis is based on the simple frequency and percentage of the respondents as well as interpretation of the information gathered.

For this study, 398 copies of the questionnaire were distributed to respondents of which 370 were returned 21 were discarded for several reasons including incomplete data or unnecessary information. The analysis of this study is based on 349.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and recommendations on the study of the youth and EndSARS protest.


This study focused on finding the influence of the selected youths in Ibadan. The study was carried out to ascertain whether the youths in Ibadan are aware of the EndSARs that was carried out

The following findings emerged from the study:

  1. A greater percentage of the youths in Uyo (98.3%) know the historical and systemic issues within the Nigerian police force, particularly SARS, that led to widespread public discontent and the eventual eruption of the #EndSARS protest
  2. Most of the youths in Ibadan (79.1%) know the specific ways in which police brutality, harassment, and misconduct by SARS officers have affected the lives, safety, and mental health of Nigerian youth.
  3. A large percentage (73.6%) of the youths in Ibadan were certain that social media platforms were utilized by the youth to document abuses, mobilize protests, and garner international attention and support for the movement.
  4. For almost all the youths in Ibadan (98.3) of youths in Ibadan aware the actions taken by the Nigerian government in response to the protests.


The EndSARS protest, a significant movement in Nigeria, exemplified the pivotal role of youth in driving social change. This study reveals that the youth, empowered by social media and driven by a strong desire for justice, transparency, and systemic reform, were instrumental in the organization and execution of the protests. The youth’s involvement was characterized by their ability to mobilize rapidly, communicate effectively, and sustain momentum, highlighting their critical role in contemporary social movements.

The analysis shows that the EndSARS protest was not merely a reaction to police brutality but also a broader call for accountability and improved governance. The youth’s frustrations with systemic issues such as corruption, unemployment, and lack of opportunities fueled their participation, indicating deeper socio-economic discontent. The protest underscored the potential of digital platforms as powerful tools for advocacy and collective action.

Moreover, the response to the protests, including the violent crackdown by security forces, exposed significant gaps in Nigeria’s approach to human rights and governance. It also brought international attention to the plight of Nigerian youths, prompting discussions on the need for substantial reforms.


  1. There is a critical need for comprehensive policy reforms aimed at addressing the root causes of youth discontent. This includes tackling police brutality, ensuring accountability in law enforcement, and implementing judicial reforms to restore public trust.
  2. The government should actively engage with youth leaders and include them in decision-making processes. Creating formal channels for dialogue can help bridge the gap between the government and the younger generation, ensuring their voices are heard and their concerns addressed.
  3. To address the underlying socio-economic issues, the government must invest in creating job opportunities and improving the quality of education. Policies aimed at economic empowerment and entrepreneurship can help reduce youth unemployment and alleviate some of the frustrations that fueled the protests.
  4. Digital Advocacy: Recognizing the power of social media, there should be efforts to promote responsible digital advocacy. This includes training youth on digital literacy and ensuring that online platforms are used constructively to foster positive change.
  5. It is imperative to strengthen mechanisms for the protection of human rights. Establishing independent bodies to investigate allegations of human rights abuses and ensuring that perpetrators are held accountable can help restore public confidence in the system.


  • BBC News. (2020). #EndSARS: The Story of Nigeria’s Anti-Police Protests. Retrieved from
  •  Premium Times. (2020). #EndSARS: 24 Hours After Disbandment, No Police Officer Prosecuted for Extra-Judicial Killings. Retrieved from
  •  Al Jazeera. (2020). Nigeria’s Youth Find Their Voice with the #EndSARS Movement. Retrieved from
  • CNN. (2020). How Nigeria’s Protest Against Police Brutality Spiraled Out of Control. Retrieved from
  •  Amnesty International. (2020). Nigeria: Authorities must end pattern of police brutality and unlawful killings. Retrieved from
  • Reuters. (2021). Nigeria Plans Social Media Regulations to Fight Fake News. Retrieved from
  • The Guardian Nigeria. (2020). EndSARS Protesters’ Demands: FG Moves to Address Police Salary, Welfare Concerns. Retrieved from
  • The New York Times. (2020). Nigeria’s Youth Came Together to Protest Police Brutality. Then the Shooting Started. Retrieved from
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