Sociology Project Topics

Influence if Information Communication Technology on Secretarial Administration Student Interest and Attitude to Learning in Tertiary Institutions

Influence if Information Communication Technology on Secretarial Administration Student Interest and Attitude to Learning in Tertiary Institutions

Influence if Information Communication Technology on Secretarial Administration Student Interest and Attitude to Learning in Tertiary Institutions


Purpose of the Study

This research examines the influence of information and communication technology (ICT) student interest and attitude to learning secretarial administration administration in tertiary institution in Ekiti State.

The objectives of this study are:

  1. To ascertain the problems that is usually encountered in the use of information and communication technology.
  2. To determine the availability of ICT gadgets student interest and attitude to learning secretarial administration administration in tertiary institutions in Ekiti State.
  3. To examine the impact of ICT tools on the teaching and learning of Secretarial administration in tertiary institutions in Ekiti State.



Theoretical framework

This study was guided by Vygotsky’s (2004) social constructivism theory. It postulates that in the process of knowledge construction and cognitive development of principal importance was the social context within which teaching and learning takes place. The proponent of this theory posit that the process of collaboration between learners and their peers as well as with the instructors or experts leads to socially negotiated knowledge, culminating in concrete knowledge building that would otherwise not be possible. In the process, the learning environment should be designed to support and challenge the learner’s thinking processes in order for them to think critically. This is achievable through collective efforts by the stakeholders in the integration of ICTs in education. Another Vygotskian notion was that the instructor assumes the role of a facilitator and co-learner and guides, plans, organizes, and provides directions to the learner, who is accountable for his/her own learning. The teacher supports the learner by means of suggestions that arise out of ordinary activities, by challenges that inspire creativity, and with projects that allow for independent thinking and new ways of learning information. Students work in groups to approach problems and challenges in real world situations, this in turn leads to the creation of practical solutions and a diverse variety of student products.

The theory views the context in which the learning occurs as central to the learning itself. A social constructivist notion is that of authentic learning, where the student takes part in activities relevant to the application of learning that take place within cultural contexts similar to reality. The learning experience is envisaged as a shared process. The stakeholders in the learning process are considered as integral in learning. Approaches based on constructivism stress the importance of mechanisms for mutual planning, diagnosis of learner needs and interests, cooperative learning climate, sequential activities for achieving the objectives, formulation of learning objectives based on the diagnosed needs based on the interests of the learner. Development of student’s social interaction and learning through affording appropriate social and intellectual skills begins in school learning contexts. Collaborative learning activities encourage students to develop team building skills and to understand how individual learning is related to the success of group learning.

The social constructivist theory aims to make learning more interactive and participatory with students being able to do tasks on their own under guidance of their teachers. Computers provide students with tools to experiment and advance their own learning at their own pace. A Vygotskian classroom emphasizes creating one’s own concepts and owning knowledge. It stresses assisted discovery through teacher-student and student-student interaction.




Research design

The design of this study was survey design of the descriptive type of research. This was considered as appropriate because the researcher did not manipulate any of the independent variables been measured.

Population of the study

The population for the study comprises of all Polytechnics and College of Education in Ekiti. There are three (3) polytechnics in Ekiti and one (1) College of Education. The institutions are listed below:

  1. Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti  Ekiti State
  2. College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti  Ekiti State
  3. Crown Polytechnic, Odo, Ado-Ekiti Ekiti State
  4. First Mark Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti Ekiti State



This chapter presents the analysis of data and interpretation of the results. Descriptive statistic involving frequency counts, percentage and mean analysis were used to answer the research questions.



The chapter deals with summary, conclusion and recommendations.


The study is design to investigate the availability of ICT gadgets for secretarial administration programme in tertiary institutions in Ekiti State. Two tertiary institutions were involved in the study which is Crown Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti and College of Education Ikere-Ekiti. A total number of 100 respondents were used for the study. Simple random procedure was used in sample selection in order to have equal representation of respondents from the two institutions. The research instrument used in selecting sample for this study was the questionnaire.

Discussion of Findings

The findings of this study based on result in table 1 above shows that, respondent agreed that lack of electricity is part of the problem encountered in the use of ICT gadgets in teaching Secretarial administration. Also, cost of maintenance is one of the problems facing information and communication in the teaching Secretarial administration. The researcher affirms that in-conducive environment is part of problem that is encountered in the use of information and communication technology. This finding confirms that inadequate professionals to operate ICT gadget is also a problem facing the use of ICT student interest and attitude to learning secretarial administration administration. Furthermore, inadequate space to store ICT tools is also included in the problem encountered. This is in line with the view of Akunja (2011) who observes that lack of adequate ICT infrastructure has hampered provision of efficient and affordable ICT services in the country. She suggested that emphasis should be placed on provision of software development. Other consideration should be Promotion of local manufacture and assembly and implementation of ICT policy.


Instructional resources are important ingredients for the attainment of secretarial administration objectives. Human resource is paramount to derive the use of ICT effectively in tertiary institutions. Teacher is central to the successful implementation of the new ICT curricula. Equipping students with employable skill is the main responsibility of instructional personnel. It is certain that the qualities of today’s teachers will be reflected in the citizens of tomorrow. This is why it is very necessary to have professional skilled, competent and efficient instructional personnel to enhance the realization of the dreams and expectations of secretarial administration programmes in our business world. The need for the provision of relevant material resources in every secretarial administration department is no doubt importance, just as the stethoscope is to a medical doctor and farming tools to a farmer, so are the material resources to secretarial administration lecturers/instructors and students. This is because the mastery in secretarial administration courses will not be easy if not impossible without the use of relevant materials. Based on the findings of the study therefore, it could be concluded that this resources are only lecturers and instructors and physical facilities for secretarial administration programme in polytechnics in Ekiti are partly adequate while equipment and supplies for office practice are grossly inadequate. This could be impacting negatively on the preparation and performance of secretarial administration graduates of these polytechnics over the years.


5.4 Recommendations

Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made:

  1. secretarial administration lecturers and instructors should be adequately re-trained by polytechnic authority in line with the curriculum components especially on ICT to enable them deliver instructional activities effectively.
  2. Most of polytechnics in the area should recruit and retain adequate number of lecturers relative to NBTE (2004), minimum standards.
  3. Management of polytechnics in the area should provide adequate physical facilities for secretarial administration department as stipulated by NBTE (2004), minimum standards.
  4. secretarial administration departments should regularly appraise and review the status of their instructional facilities in line with the minimum standards stipulated by the supervisory body.
  5. The National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) should regularly supervise
  6. secretarial administration programmes ensure that its stipulated standards are maintained.
  7. The National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) should review the secretarial administration curriculum at least every five years.


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