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Dynamics and Determinants of Rural Urban Migration Among Rural Farm Household in Nigeria

Dynamics and Determinants of Rural Urban Migration Among Rural Farm Household in Nigeria

Dynamics and Determinants of Rural Urban Migration Among Rural Farm Household in Nigeria


Objective of the study

The objective of this study is to comprehensively investigate the dynamics and determinants of rural-urban migration among rural farm households in Nigeria. Specifically, the study aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To analyze the patterns and trends of rural-urban migration among rural farm households over time.
  2. To explore the economic, social, demographic, environmental, and policy factors that influence migration decisions among rural farm households in Nigeria.
  3. To evaluate the impacts of rural-urban migration on rural livelihoods, agricultural productivity, and food security



Rural-urban migration among rural farm households

Rural-urban migration among rural farm households is a multifaceted phenomenon influenced by various economic, social, and environmental factors. Scholarly research has shed light on the complexities of this migration pattern, highlighting its implications for rural livelihoods, agricultural productivity, and urbanization dynamics.

Economic opportunities in urban areas often serve as significant pull factors for rural farm households. A study by Adepoju and Yusuf (2012) found that higher wages and better employment prospects in urban centers attract rural residents, leading to increased migration flows.

Social networks and kinship ties play a crucial role in rural-urban migration decisions among farm households. Research by Afolayan and Osayomi (2013) highlighted the influence of familial connections and the desire to join relatives already residing in urban areas as motivators for migration.

Demographic factors such as age, gender, and household size also influence migration patterns among rural farm households. Okunlola and Ogunbameru (2013) found that younger individuals are more likely to migrate to urban areas in search of employment opportunities and improved living standards.

Environmental degradation and climate change can exacerbate rural-urban migration by affecting agricultural productivity and livelihoods. Amadi and Aluede (2014) highlighted the role of environmental factors such as droughts and land degradation in driving migration among rural farm households.

Government policies and interventions aimed at promoting rural development and enhancing agricultural productivity can mitigate rural-urban migration by creating employment opportunities and improving living standards in rural areas (Olaniyan & Okemakinde, 2012).

Migration serves as a livelihood strategy for rural farm households to diversify income sources and access urban markets. Ogunniyi (2014) discussed how migration enables households to supplement agricultural income with wages from non-farm employment in urban areas.

Rural-urban migration among rural farm households is influenced by a complex interplay of economic, social, demographic, and environmental factors. Understanding these dynamics is essential for designing effective policies and interventions to address migration-related challenges and promote sustainable rural development in Nigeria.





In this chapter, the methodology used to Dynamics and determinants of rural urban migration among rural farm household in Nigeria. The study will be limited to selected rural farmers households in Rural Area in Owo local government area of Ondo state, will be elaborated. This section provides a structured framework for understanding the research design, setting, population, sample size determination, sampling technique, instrumentation, pilot study, psychometric properties of the instrument, method of data collection, method of data analysis, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

The research design for this study is qualitative in nature. This approach was chosen to explore the lived experiences, perceptions, and perspectives of dynamics and determinants of rural urban migration among rural farm household in Nigeria.







This chapter provides a comprehensive summary of the research study, highlighting the key findings, drawing conclusions based on the data analysis, and presenting practical recommendations. The study focused on three research questions: Are there patterns and trends of rural-urban migration among rural farm households over time, what is the economic, social, demographic, environmental, and policy factors that influence migration decisions among rural farm households in Nigeria and What are the impacts of rural-urban migration on rural livelihoods, agricultural productivity, and food security?

The findings from the study offer valuable insights into dynamics and determinants of rural urban migration among rural farm household in Nigeria in summary:

  • Regarding public awareness and understanding of the redesigned Naira, a significant proportion of respondents expressed positive views, indicating that individuals are well aware of the patterns and trends is crucial for policymakers, urban planners, and agricultural authorities to develop strategies that address the needs of both rural and urban populations while promoting sustainable development.
  • The factors are essential for developing effective policies and interventions aimed at promoting sustainable rural development, reducing poverty, and managing migration in Nigeria.
  • The impacts of rural-urban migration on rural livelihoods, agricultural productivity, and food security requires a multi-faceted approach that considers both rural development and urbanization policies. Efforts to promote sustainable agriculture, enhance rural infrastructure, improve access to education and healthcare, and create employment opportunities in rural areas can help mitigate the negative consequences of migration while harnessing its potential benefits for rural development and food security.


In conclusion, the dynamics and determinants of rural-urban migration among rural farm households in Nigeria are multifaceted and influenced by a complex interplay of economic, social, demographic, environmental, and policy factors. Economic disparities, limited employment opportunities, and fluctuations in agricultural productivity drive individuals and families to seek better prospects in urban areas. Social factors such as access to education and healthcare, as well as existing social networks, also play significant roles in migration decisions.


Based on the findings of the study on dynamics and determinants of rural-urban migration among rural farm households in Nigeria, several recommendations can be made to address the challenges and harness the potential benefits of migration:

  1. Invest in rural infrastructure, including roads, electricity, and water supply, to enhance access to basic services and improve living conditions in rural areas. This will help reduce migration pressures by creating employment opportunities and improving livelihoods locally.
  2. Support smallholder farmers with access to modern farming techniques, inputs, and extension services to increase agricultural productivity and income. This will help retain labor in rural areas and ensure food security while reducing the need for migration.
  3. Improve access to quality education and healthcare services in rural areas to reduce disparities between rural and urban areas. This will not only improve the well-being of rural residents but also reduce the incentive for migration in search of better social services.
  4. Implement policies to secure land tenure rights for rural farmers, providing them with the confidence to invest in their land and livelihoods. Secure land tenure can help prevent land abandonment and promote sustainable agricultural practices, thereby reducing migration pressures.
  5. Encourage the development of rural industries and value-added processing activities to diversify rural economies and create non-agricultural employment opportunities. This will provide alternative sources of income for rural residents and reduce reliance on agricultural labor.


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