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Parents Support and Self Motivation as Correlate of Academic Achievement Among Ploy Techniques Students in Delta State (Otefe and Auchi Polytechnic Used Be Used as Case Study)

Parents Support and Self Motivation as Correlate of Academic Achievement Among Ploy Techniques Students in Delta State (Otefe and Auchi Polytechnic Used Be Used as Case Study)

Parents Support and Self Motivation as Correlate of Academic Achievement Among Ploy Techniques Students in Delta State (Otefe and Auchi Polytechnic Used Be Used as Case Study)


Aims and Objectives of the Study

The primary aim of this study is to examine the parent’s support and self-motivation as correlates to academic achievement among ploy techniques students the in delta state (a case study of Otefe and Auchi Polytechnics). The specific objectives of the study include:

  1. To assess the level of parental support received by polytechnic students in Delta State.
  2. To analyze the degree of self-motivation exhibited by polytechnic students in their academic pursuits.
  3. To examine the correlation between parental support, self-motivation, and academic achievement among polytechnic students.



Conceptual Review

The Concept of Academic Achievement

Academic achievement is a multifaceted concept that holds paramount significance within the realm of education. It signifies the successful culmination of educational efforts and is often used as a yardstick to evaluate students’ progress and competencies (Baron & Kenny, 2022). Academic achievement encompasses various dimensions, such as cognitive growth, skill acquisition, and knowledge assimilation. It goes beyond merely securing good grades; rather, it encapsulates the holistic development of students that extends beyond classroom boundaries (Eweniyi, 2019).

The measurement of academic achievement involves diverse methods and indicators tailored to assess different aspects of learning outcomes. Traditional metrics include standardized tests, examinations, and GPA calculations, which offer quantifiable measures of students’ comprehension and retention (David, 2019). Additionally, qualitative assessments like class participation, project work, and presentations provide insight into students’ critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills (Farrant, 2020). The evaluation process can vary across academic levels, disciplines, and institutions. However, academic achievement measurements often lack a comprehensive representation of students’ full potential due to their focus on a limited set of skills and outcomes (Azhar et al., 2021).

The significance of academic achievement extends beyond individual students to educational institutions and societies at large. High academic achievement is frequently associated with improved prospects, including access to higher education, employment opportunities, and overall social mobility (Ogunsola & Adewale, 2018). For institutions, student academic achievements reflect the effectiveness of pedagogical approaches, curriculum design, and institutional support systems (Schulz, 2019). Institutions with a track record of fostering academic success can attract more students and establish a reputation for quality education. Societies benefit from a well-educated populace that can contribute to economic growth, innovation, and social progress (Kuzilwa, 2017).

The assessment of academic achievement should consider individual variations, acknowledging that students have diverse learning styles, strengths, and challenges (Udida, Ukwayi, & Ogodo, 2018). Factors such as socioeconomic background, cultural influences, and access to resources can significantly impact students’ academic trajectories (Osunloye, 2018). Therefore, a holistic approach to measuring academic achievement should encompass cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions, embracing a broader spectrum of skills and competencies (Hurlock, 2019).

In summary, academic achievement represents a multifaceted concept that goes beyond grades and encompasses various dimensions of students’ growth and development. Its measurement entails a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, each shedding light on different aspects of learning outcomes. Academic achievement’s significance resonates not only with individual students but also with educational institutions and society at large. A more comprehensive approach to its assessment should consider diverse factors that influence students’ learning journeys, promoting a holistic understanding of their achievements and potential. The following sections of the chapter will further delve into parental support and self-motivation, exploring their roles in shaping academic achievement among polytechnic students in Delta State.




Research Design

Research design serves as the blueprint for the study’s overall structure and approach, guiding the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. In this study, a quantitative survey research ecosystems employed. Quantitative research involves the systematic collection and analysis of numerical data to identify patterns, relationships, and trends (Creswell, 2021). A survey research design aims to gather information from a representative sample of participants using standardized questionnaires or instruments (Sounders et al., 2022).

There are various types of research designs, each with its strengths and limitations. Experimental designs involve manipulating variables to establish causal relationships; however, such designs may not always be feasible due to ethical and practical considerations (Creswell, 2020). Descriptive designs aim to provide a comprehensive overview of a phenomenon, while correlational designs examine relationships between variables without manipulation (Field, 2021). In contrast, explanatory designs seek to establish causation by controlling for potential confounding variables.

The adoption of a quantitative survey research design is justified by the nature of the study’s research questions and objectives. This design is particularly suitable for investigating the correlation between parental support, self-motivation, and academic achievement among polytechnic students. By employing a quantitative approach, the study aims to establish patterns and relationships between variables within a larger population (Creswell, 2019). The survey method allows for the efficient collection of standardized data from a relatively large sample, enabling the exploration of general trends and associations (Sounders et al., 2021).

Additionally, a quantitative survey design provides the opportunity to quantify the strength and direction of relationships between variables using statistical techniques (Creswell, 2022). In this study, Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis was employed to determine the extent of correlation and prediction between parental support, self-motivation, and academic achievement. The use of statistical procedures enhances the rigor and objectivity of the researcparent’sgs, contributing to the overall validity of the study (Field, 2020).

Furthermore, a quantitative survey design aligns with the study’s aim to gather data from a diverse range of polytechnic students in Delta State. This design’s structured format ensures that each participant responds to the same set of questions, enabling standardized comparisons and minimizing potential bias in data collection (Sounders et al., 2021). The quantitative approach also allows for the generation of numerical data that can be analyzed using statistical software, facilitating efficient data processing and interpretation.



Data Presentation



Summary of Findings

The findings derived from Tables 4.1 to 4.8 provide a comprehensive overview of the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, offering valuable insights into the sample’s composition and backgrounds.

Table 4.1 illustrates the distribution of the questionnaire, revealing that 93.3% of the questionnaires were returned and completed, while 6.7% were not returned or remained incomplete. This high return rate signifies a strong engagement and willingness of the respondents to participate in the study, which enhances the credibility of the data collected.

Table 4.2 presents the gender distribution of the respondents, with 39.3% identifying as male and 60.7% as female. This gender balance in the sample reflects a relatively diverse representation, which enhances the generalizability of the study’s findings across the population of polytechnic students.

Moving on to Table 4.3, the age distribution of the respondents is shown, with 25.0% falling within the 18-20 age range, 35.7% in the 21-25 range, 23.2% in the 26-30 range, 9.8% in the 31-34 range, and 6.3% aged 35 and above. This diverse age distribution reflects the various stages of academic progress among the respondents and contributes to the comprehensive understanding of the study’s context.


In conclusion, the comprehensive analysis of the research data and the hypotheses tested has shed light on the intricate interplay between parental support, self-motivation, and academic achievement among polytechnic students. The results from Tables 4.21 to 4.23 collectively highlight the significance of both parental support and self-motivation in influencing students’ academic performance.

The findings affirm the presence of a positive correlation between parental support and academic achievement, indicating that students who receive consistent encouragement, active participation, and necessary resources from their parents tend to exhibit better academic outcomes. Additionally, the study establishes a positive correlation between self-motivation and academic achievement, emphasizing that students who display strong self-motivation, determination, and enthusiasm towards their learning journey tend to achieve higher grades.

This study’s outcomes are in line with the theoretical frameworks that underscore the importance of these factors in educational contexts. The positive relationships established between parental support, self-motivation, and academic achievement emphasize the need for educators, parents, and educational institutions to collaborate in fostering an environment that nurtures students’ intrinsic motivation and provides them with the necessary support systems. By recognizing the pivotal role of both external and internal factors in students’ educational journeys, this study contributes to a broader understanding of the factors that influence academic success among polytechnic students.


Based on the comprehensive findings and analysis conducted in this study, several recommendations are proposed to enhance the educational environment and further our understanding of the factors influencing academic achievement among polytechnic students:

Parental Engagement Programs: Educational institutions should develop and implement programs that encourage parental engagement and active involvement in students’ academic pursuits. Workshops, seminars, and regular communication channels can bridge the gap between parents, educators, and students.

Student Motivation Workshops: Educational institutions should organize workshops and seminars aimed at enhancing students’ self-motivation and determination. These sessions can provide strategies to develop intrinsic motivation, goal-setting skills, and strategies to maintain enthusiasm for learning.

Parental Education Awareness: Parents’ awareness of the vital role they play in their children’s academic success should be raised through campaigns, workshops, and information dissemination, emphasizing the positive impact of their support on their children’s academic journey.

Institutional Support for Self-Motivation: Educational institutions should create an environment that fosters self-motivation and academic growth by offering extracurricular activities, mentorship programs, and support systems that encourage students to actively seek opportunities for self-improvement.

Incorporate Parental Support in Curriculum: Educational institutions should consider integrating parental support aspects into the curriculum, ensuring students develop skills for effective communication with their parents regarding academic progress and challenges.

Faculty Training on Student Support: Faculty members should receive training on recognizing and supporting students’ self-motivation and encouraging an environment where students feel empowered and motivated to excel.

Holistic Approach to Assessment: Assessments should be designed to not only measure academic knowledge but also to evaluate students’ self-motivation, dedication, and enthusiasm, providing a more comprehensive view of their overall potential.

Longitudinal Research: Future research should explore the long-term effects of parental support and self-motivation on students’ academic and professional trajectories to understand how these factors contribute to lifelong success.

Policy Development: Policy-makers should consider these findings when formulating educational policies and programs, emphasizing the importance of parental involvement and fostering students’ self-motivation within the educational system.

Contribution to Knowledge

This study makes significant contributions to the existing body of knowledge in several key areas related to polytechnic education, student academic achievement, and the roles of parental support and self-motivation. These contributions have the potential to inform educational policies, practices, and interventions, benefiting both educational institutions and students.

Firstly, this study contributes to the understanding of the intricate relationship between parental support and academic achievement in the context of polytechnic education. By uncovering the positive correlation between parental support and students’ academic achievements, this research reinforces the significance of family involvement in educational success. This finding provides empirical evidence that can guide educational institutions, parents, and policymakers in fostering a collaborative environment that nurtures students’ learning experiences.

Secondly, the study adds to the body of knowledge on the importance of self-motivation in shaping students’ academic outcomes. The identification of a strong positive relationship between self-motivation and academic achievement underscores the value of cultivating students’ intrinsic motivation and dedication to their studies. This finding accentuates the role of educational institutions in nurturing students’ internal drive and enthusiasm, which can lead to improved learning experiences and outcomes.

Furthermore, the study contributes to the broader field of educational psychology by exploring the correlation between parental support, self-motivation, and academic achievement. This interdisciplinary approach offers insights into how these factors interact and influence one another within the unique context of polytechnic education. This contribution expands the theoretical understanding of the complex dynamics that impact students’ success, enriching the existing literature on student motivation and achievement.

Moreover, the study’s methodology, which combines quantitative survey research and advanced statistical analysis, adds to the toolkit of research methods in the field of educational psychology. The careful design and execution of the survey instrument, along with the rigorous data analysis, serve as a model for future researchers interested in exploring similar relationships among student populations.

In conclusion, this study contributes significantly to knowledge by shedding light on the interplay between parental support, self-motivation, and academic achievement in the context of polytechnic education. The findings emphasize the need for collaborative efforts between educational institutions, parents, and policymakers to foster an environment that supports students’ holistic growth. This study’s outcomes are relevant not only within the specific educational setting but also provide valuable insights for broader discussions in educational psychology, student motivation, and educational policy formulation.

Implications of the Study

The implications of this study carry profound significance for various stakeholders in the field of education, particularly in the realm of polytechnic institutions. These implications have the potential to inform practices, policies, and interventions that foster a more conducive learning environment and contribute to student’s holistic development.

Firstly, the identified positive correlation between parental support and academic achievement underscores the critical role that parents play in students’ educational journeys. Educational institutions should recognize and actively promote avenues for increased parental involvement in students’ academic pursuits. By establishing channels for regular communication between parents and educators, institutions can facilitate a supportive network that enhances students’ learning experiences. This finding also emphasizes the need for targeted workshops and awareness campaigns to educate parents about the impact of their involvement on students’ academic success.

Secondly, the strong relationship between self-motivation and academic achievement highlights the importance of nurturing students’ intrinsic motivation. Educational institutions should adopt teaching methodologies that foster students’ sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness – elements closely associated with self-determination theory. Encouraging self-directed learning, providing opportunities for personal growth, and recognizing individual achievements can help cultivate students’ motivation, resulting in improved academic outcomes.

Furthermore, the study’s revelation of the interconnectedness between parental support, self-motivation, and academic achievement suggests a comprehensive approach to student development. Institutions can design integrated programs that harness the combined influence of family support and intrinsic motivation. By aligning the efforts of parents, educators, and students, these programs can create a synergistic environment that maximizes students’ potential.

Additionally, the study’s insights have implications for educational policy formulation. Policymakers can draw from the findings to advocate for increased collaboration between schools, parents, and community organizations. Incentivizing initiatives that promote parental engagement and self-motivated learning can be integrated into educational policies to enhance overall student achievement.


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