Sociology Project Topics

Factors Responsible for Child Abuse and Neglect in Kano (Case of Study of Bebeji Local Government Kano)

Factors Responsible for Child Abuse and Neglect in Kano (Case of Study of Bebeji Local Government Kano)

Factors Responsible for Child Abuse and Neglect in Kano (Case of Study of Bebeji Local Government Kano)



The research at glance intent to critically analyzes, appraises and examines the impact of negative attributes of child abuse and neglect on the individual, families and the society. The specific objectives are:

  1. i)     Determine the impact of child abuse and neglect on the child.
  2. ii)   Determine the relationship between child abuse, child neglect and crime.
  3. Determine the roles of parents and government in curbing the menace.
  4. Determine the influence of culture in propagating child abuse and neglect.
  5. Make appropriate recommendations to the government.




The review of related literature would evaluate child abuse and neglect: implication on the educational development of the child. This chapter looks at: the concept of child abuse and neglect, causes of child abuse and neglect, signs of abuse and neglect, consequences of child abuse and neglect, educational implications of child abuse and neglect and summary.

The Concept of Child Abuse and Neglect

“Child abuse is a complex term that defies a precise, timeless definition. What one generation may regard as acceptable, even desirable child discipline may be regarded by another as unacceptable and abuse.” Not until the Western society became industrialized in the nineteenth century and the growth of large cities did people begin looking at and evaluating the treatment of children. Child abuse is known as any avoidable and non-accidental act that causes physical injury to a child and is inflicted by someone who is responsible for that child’s welfare. Child maltreatment is a blanket term used to describe all child abuse and neglect which includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse as well as neglect and exploitation.

The World Health Organisation defines child abuse thus:

Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.

Child abuse can be a single incident, but usually takes place over time. As explained by the women participants in a study:

We were told throughout our lives that we were ‘useless’, ‘good for nothing’ and ‘deserving of everything we got’. This was reinforced by ‘betrayal’ from our family and ‘manipulation’ from the perpetrator/s who ‘dominated’ us from their position of power and trust, making us feel ‘powerless’, ‘worthless’, ‘ashamed’, ‘guilty’ and ‘to blame somehow’. We were ‘used’ and treated as ‘objects’ or ‘meat’. When other children were developing ‘the building blocks for a strong identity’ and understanding that they were unique and worthwhile, ‘able and OK’. We were ‘stuck’ in a world that taught us ‘we would never amount to anything’. But worse, we still carry the burden of ‘shame’ and ‘guilt’, ‘confusion’ and ‘sadness’ which continually diminishes our ‘self-worth’ and ‘shatters our identity’.





This chapter is aimed at highlighting the systematic and theoretical methods applied by the researcher in studying the crime of child abuse and neglect and its effect on the Nigeria society in Bebeji local government area, Kano  State.

It includes research design, research instrument, sampling frame, sampling size, method of data collection, method of data analysis, reliability and validity of research instruments, limitation of data analysis and ethical issues


It was not possible to study every unit of the population under study. The researcher, therefore, employed the survey design which involves the collection of information from a sample of individuals through their responses to the questionnaire. It is a popular research design because of its versatility.


The research instrument is a simple questionnaire titled “Child Abuse and Neglect; Effects on Social Security (A Case Study of Bebeji Local Government Area)”. The questionnaire is structured and designed clearly to ensure understanding from the respondent to avoid ambiguity.




This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of data from the field work which is the most important aspect of the research work. The simple designed and well structured questionnaire titled Child Abuse and Neglect and its Effects on the society. A total of 120 questionnaires were distributed to the residents within the metropolis but only 115 questionnaires were returned.




This chapter entails the summary and conclusion on child abuse and neglect and its effects on social security and recommendations on what can be done to reduce its occurrence in our society.


The concept of child abuse and neglect is a very eclectic one. Its understanding as it occurs varies from individuals, ethnic groups, religious institution, professional bodies etc.

However, This study have discussed the occurrence of child abuse and neglect as it occurs in various forms like physical abuses, verbal abuse, emotional/psychological abuse, child labour, child abandonment and child sexual abuse.

Furthermore, The researcher also made available the factors that contribute to child abuse and child neglect in our society; This include the parent or caregiver factors, family factors, child factors, environmental and protective factors.

The experience of child abuse and neglect has very significant consequences in the life of an individual. It has effects on the health and physical well being, intellectual and cognitive development and emotional, psychological and behavioural aspect of his/her life. All this were critically analysed in this study.

Basically, this study does not only state or lament the problems of child abuse and neglect in our society, it also enumerates factors that contribute to its occurrence and its consequences on the child. This study also made a conscientious look at what can be done to abate the menace of child abuse and neglect in our society.

And lastly, the researcher also visited teachers, health workers, parents, caregivers, law enforcement officers and residents within the Local Government Area to interview them by the means of a questionnaire so as to get their submissions and what they feel about child abuse and neglect as it affects our social security. The aggregate views of the respondents and the analysis of their responses were fully and meticulously presented in chapter four of this research project.


Every child deserves to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of children are reported to be victims of child abuse and neglect every year. An untold number of other children are also maltreated but not reported.

However, from the research that has been conducted in this study, it can be concluded that child abuse and neglect is one that needs to be tackled aggressively to maintain the sanity of our social infrastructure. The cycle of abuse has to be nipped in the bud. Child abuse should be taken seriously in our society. Abuse of children will always create problems for those children and the society at large. Abuse may cause the children to be depressed. It may make them lose their self esteem, self confidence and ego. Abuse may affect the academic performance of the children involved. Abuse may make children distrust others and cause sleeping disorder and other self destructive behaviours.


The researcher has therefore deemed it fit to proffer some recommendations to address the issue of child abuse and neglect, within the context of Nigerian Society, in order to arrest the ugly situation.

Firstly, Parents should be sensitized on the problem of child abuse. Some parents cannot distinguish between child abuse and discipline at homes. Public awareness on what constituted the abuse of a child must be increased throughout the nook and cranny of the Nigerian Society. Parents need to understand what child abuse really is and the forms of the abuse. Some consider abuse as discipline but they are two different things. Parents need to understand the point where child abuse and child discipline intersect or where discipline crosses over and becomes an abuse. Moreover, some parents lack good act of parenting. Some Nigerian parents need to be taught the act of parenting. The researcher therefore recommend public talks, seminars, workshops and training by the government at various levels, non-governmental organizations and religious bodies to assist in this regard.

Secondly, the laws that protect the rights of the children must be fully implemented with all sincerity. The violators of the law must be judiciously prosecuted by the law enforcement agencies. The researcher however recommends the training of some officers of the law that would specially take care of the investigation and prosecution of child abuse cases in the country as such will deter the incidences of child abuse and neglect in the country. We equally want the government to always review laws protecting the rights of children in line with the updated law at the international level. Such laws must also be implemented.

Thirdly, The researcher equally implores the non-governmental organizations and religious bodies to assist in launching and implementing programs of various forms that would counter the problems of child abuse in the country.

Fourthly, Schools should also endeavour to organise a kind of orientation programme to sensitize the children on avoiding potentially harmful scenarios.

It should also be noted that the identification and prompt reporting of any suspected case of child maltreatment to the police or other relevant law enforcement agency is very crucial.

And lastly, the religious leaders in our various religious institutions should also provide counselling for their congregation and preach against various forms of child abuses and neglect.


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