Assessment of Health, Safety and Environmental Hazards and Risks in Construction Project Management
Objectives of the study
Main Objective
the study aims at improving on the framework of existing Healthy and safety environmental hazard and risk in construction project.
Specific Objective
- To identify the level of application of Healthy and safety practice in construction project in the study area
- To access the effects of the various Healthy and safety practice used in the study area
- To analyze the frequency of occurrence of various types of site accidents in the study area?
Construction Industry and Construction Projects
The Construction Industry can be described as the sum of all economic activities related to civil and building works: their conception, planning, Execution, and maintenance. Such works normally comprise capital investment in the form of roads, railways, airports, ports and maritime structures, dams, power generating stations, irrigation schemes, health centers and hospitals, educational institution, warehouses, factories offices and residential premises. Construction is widely acknowledged as the most important single constituent in a developing country‟s investment program. Because of such a high contribution, the construction industry has a major influence on the economic growth of a country. (Tackle and Mahelet, 2009)
Research Design and approach
The study used a descriptive survey research design for the study as the study conducted to answer question of how health and safety compliance practiced in construction project in Akure metropolis at Bamacon Engineering P.L.C. it helped to identify the nature of the Healthy and safety practice and used on the construction sites and evaluate their enforcement mechanisms on construction sites. Direct observation also use on visits to construction sites to directly observe and document the identified hazards, tasks, job site organization, work practices, equipment and tools Bing used.
The study used quantitative research approach. For this purpose a questionnaire were developed and quantitative data were obtained through questionnaire.
Target Population and Study Units
The population size of this study comprise 50 employees of the company that engaged in the construction project (PM, safety engineer, office engineers, site engineer, quality engineer, electrical engineer, sanitary engineer & other) with engineering educational background.
The study used random sampling techniques this is considered as a technique fairly represent all of the construction projects and the workers in these projects is implemented to select the representative sample size for the study.
Source of data and Data collection Method
Source of data
Structured Questionnaire is developing by studying several international journals. And also reference material source of data such as books, journals, reports, and related articles collected from the internet. The sources of data were from the main parties in the construction projects mainly contractor side. Those reference material data were then use to prepare questionnaires in relation to the topic under discussion. Closed ended questionnaires were prepared and distributed for all selected respondents.
Data collection Method
Pilot questionnaire: it is normal practice that the survey tool should be piloted to measure its validity and reliability which test the collected data. The design of the questionnaire were based upon the research objectives and theoretical directions derived from the literature review as well as a preliminary questionnaire which consisted of a few simple questions about their health and safety awareness and practice. A pilot study was conducted with one project managers and four project engineers in the company who are working on building projects, to test whether the questions are understandable, easy to answer, unambiguous, cover most the required questions, etc. valuable comments were obtained to improve the quality of the questionnaires, after a refinement, the questionnaires were developed.
Observation: the goal of obtaining rich data justifies a research combining other methods of collecting primary data such as observation. That involves observing workplace relationship among the workers and work processes/procedures, recording, description, analysis and interpretation of research subjects‟ behavior. Observations of are to type structured observations and participant observation.
Documentary source: Documentary source data formed part of the data collection methods. These were including written materials such as annual reports, administrative records, statutes, laws, acts, regulations, and minutes of meetings. Analysis of these sources help to triangulate findings based on primarily data.
Data Presentation
The questionnaire was designed and distributed to investigate health and safety compliance practice in construction project held by BAMACON construction company in the Akure metropolis sites, 50 copies were distributed to PM, safety engineer, office engineers, site engineers, quality engineers, electrical engineer, sanitary engineer & other employees in each project sites. From the50 questionnaires, about 40 questionnaires were filled out and returned representing 80% response rate. Despite several follow ups 20% failed to respond. A response rate of 50% was deemed adequate for analysis and reporting, response rate of 60% was good and a response rate of 70% and over was considered very good (Mugenda & Mugenda,2003). Thus, the study returned a very good response rate at 80% and was considered adequate for analysis and reporting. Figure4.1. below shows the percentage of both distributed and received questionnaires:
Safety and health in workplace is a vast discipline consists of various aspects in human life which is considers as fundamental for healthier and sustainable life style. Most of the findings are consistent with the obvious literature in other developing countries. It is found that the level of occupational health and safety practices in the Nigerian construction industry is very poor. Indeed the construction industries are working very hard to improve its health and safety record, this paper based on the analysis concluded that:-
- The construction companies do not have occupational safety and health (OSH) components like written safety policy, health and safety committee, hazard identification and reporting program, and properly placed safety signs.
- In the company there is a shortage of health and safety officer or they are very small in number relatively, there is careless and lack of motivation of management for implementation of health and safety practice, training and also budget constraint. Additionally there is carelessness of worker attitudes and lack of safety Knowledge.
- Poor working conditions/ environment and lack if personal protective equipment (PPE) is the main cause of accidents in construction companies. On the other hand foot and hand injuries as well as falling from height are the more frequently occurring types of accidents in the industry.
- To improve the level of occupation health and safety practices in the construction industry, the concerted effort of stakeholders of the construction company including owners, management and employees of construction companies, consultants as well as government is necessary.
- It is imperative for the construction company to increase the quality and quantity of safety and health supervisors since port supervision is the main reason which is responsible for the accident occurrence.
- Regular health and safety training and orientation should be given to employees by construction companies; the ministry of labor should also give training to representatives (e.g. safety officers) of construction companies and certify them.
The safety officers‟ intern will train workers in their respective companies and inspect the site regularly.
- Regular work place hazard analysis and construction materials inspection and giving adequate orientation on ways of performing job safely and about the hazards related to their work activity are vital actions in kipping workplace safer.
- To monitor health and safety performance (such as reports, audits and inspections) during bid the contractor should have incorporate safety audit report for their qualification. The contract document prepared for tender should have guidelines for health and safety regulation and enables the enforcement of rules and regulations for health and safety problem minimization.
- Occupational safety and health education should be given by colleges/ universities to student who will be working in the construction section when they graduate.
- An adequate budget for safety and health provision should be stated in all construction contracts which should be approved by all parties. Safety as a pay item in contract document is suggested to be included.
- Finally all parties in construction project must contribute their rightful parts towards making construction sites healthy and safe.
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