Science Laboratory Technology Project Topics

Determination, Organic Matter, Total Nitrogen and Elemental Content of Cow Dung

Determination, Organic Matter, Total Nitrogen and Elemental Content of Cow Dung

Determination, Organic Matter, Total Nitrogen and Elemental Content of Cow Dung



The aim of this research is to determine the elemental content of Cow Dung, its total nitrogen and organic matter. The objective includes comparing the values with other animal waste and recommending its use as manure.




Several factors directly or indirectly influence the levels of minerals in plants and hence the amount available for humans and animals that depend on plants for foods and feed respectively.

  • Amount of nutrients of particular nutrients in the diet may be insufficient to meet the requirements. However, the metabolism of the animal may be deranged by the interaction of dietary, environment and genetic factors. (Gardon, 1997). For instance, location has been reported to influence the mineral and trace element compositions of rice, wheat, oats and barley (Basargin and Peregudora, 1989; Kavanek and Janicek, 1989) and these are mainly attributed to the altered soil conditions.
  • The nature and chemical composition of the soil. This also involved in the locational differences observed in the mineral elements present in grain sorghum (Beosthale and Belavady, 1978). Feeds grown on high – selenium soils are good sources of selenium and may be used in nation formulation for poultry in order to supply a source of selenium (Merck, 1986).
  • Uptake of Mineral: Minerals like copper, Zinc and is affected by the level of phosphate fertilizer (Baser 1966 and Deo, 19697), while the chemical form of nitrogen fertilizer has been reported to affect the uptake of copper (Chand, 1969).
  • Environmental factors such as location rather than genotype is reported to have greater influence on the mineral and trace element composition of sorghum grain (Belavady and Deosthale, 1978). Cobalt, copper, iodine and selenium deficiencies in the soil and flora in certain areas of the world have led to deficiencies of these minerals in domestic animals (Hays and Swenson, 1985). Also, the increment of selenium in the soil may lead to high levels in plants which are toxic to animals.
  • Nutritional disorders involving the mineral elements may arise as simple deficiencies or excesses of particular elements but the extent to which the other organic or inorganic nutrients are present in the diet will determine the deficiencies or toxicities. The conditioning factors may be a reflection of the soils on which the plants are grown, or they may be related to the presence of specific plants that are seleniferous or goitogenic (Hays and Swenson, 1985). Mineral deficiencies or imbalances in soils or forages have been implicated, in part, for low animal production, and poor reproductive performance in the developing regions of the world (Aletor and Omodara, 1995).
  • Antinutritional factors (ANF) present in plants could also affect the absorption and availability of some minerals by humans and animals. Antinutritional factors reduce the nutrient utilization and or food intake of plant foods (Osagie, 1998). The need for adequate processing to reduce the antinutritional factors in plants used as human foods, and animal feeds have been reviewed by (Soetan and Oyewole, 2009).





  • Cow dung
  • Flame photometer (Gallenkamp)
  • Sodium and Potassium Filters
  • Air pump (M. Essex Model)
  • Volumetric Flask (25, 50, 100 and 1000ml)
  • Digestion flask (1000ml capacity).
  • Kjeldahul flask (100ml capacity)
  • Erlenmergyer flask
  • Heating mantles
  • Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Pye Unicam)
  • Concentrated Trioxonitrate (v) acid
  • Perchloric acid (PCA)
  • Stock solutions of the minerals.


The sample (fresh cow dung) was collected in a slaughter located at Obo Annang market in Essien Udim Local Government Area. The sample was put in a clean container and transported to the laboratory where it was sprayed out to dry in the sun for a week. After proper drying, it was ground in a clean mortar using pestle until granular forms were obtained. This was stored in air tight container where required quantity was used for the determination of the parameters of interest.


Preparation of Stock Solutions


A stock solution containing 1000mg/ml of sodium ions was prepared by dissolving 2.0g of the dried sample in distilled water and subsequently diluted to the mark. From this solution standard solution of concentration 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3ppm were prepared.


A stock solution containing 1000mg/ml of potassium ions was prepared by dissolving about 2.0g of the dried sample in distilled water. The solution was made to 1000ml mark with distilled water. From this stock solution, standard solutions of concentrations 0.0ppm were prepared.

A stock solution of Lithium chloride (1%) was prepared and added to the standard solution of potassium to have 0.1% final solution.




As shown in the table, the result of the determination of organic matter, total nitrogen and macro – mineral content of fresh cowdung indicates that the sample contains sodium (2.71 ± 0.02 mg), Potassium (3.55 ± 0.01 mg), Calcium (4.00 ± 0.01 mg), Magnesium (2.33 ± 0.02 mg) and Phosphorus (2.45 ± 0.63 mg). The sample also contains total nitrogen (3.89 ± 0.01 %) and organic matter (6.00 ± 0.02%).




The use of cow dung in various processes varies from culture to culture. Whereas in India it is used traditionally as main source of fuel, in many villages in Nigeria cow dung is of great advantage to small and medium scale farmers because it serves as an organic manure to plants.

This study has been able to bring the usefulness of cow dung into light in the time with inorganic manures. Analysis of the total nitrogen content, organic matter and elemental composition has acknowledged the fact that cow dung may be an important agent in soil fertility improvement. The appreciable mineral content suggests that it can play vital and crucial role in improving soil structure and plant development.


Conclusively, this research has shown that cow dung offers a rich and cheap source of soil organic matter and minerals which can go a long way to replace fertilizer. Thus its usage as soil manure should be encouraged among small and medium scale farmers.


Based on the results of this study, it can be recommended that cow dung should be used as a form of organic manure because of its rich elemental and nitrogen contents.


  • Other animal dropping like pigs, goats should be researched into with a view to comparing their organic contents.
  • Microbiological analysis of cow dung should be studied in order to guide the users on potential hazards.


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