Science Laboratory Technology Project Topics

Estimation of Viscosity Values of Different Samples of Oil, Using a U-tube Glass Viscometer

Estimation of Viscosity Values of Different Samples of Oil, Using a U-tube Glass Viscometer

Estimation of Viscosity Values of Different Samples of Oil, Using a U-tube Glass Viscometer


Objectives of The Study

  •   This research project is aimed at investigating the viscosity of   different brands of oil samples using a glass U tube viscometer with a capillary tube build into one leg.
  •  To present an investigation results  on the effects of the high viscosity and low volatility of raw vegetable oil sample.
  • To determine the moisture contents of the sample
  • To analyze the relationship between several types of oil which are defined by stoke law and conclusively to apply these in order to calculate the viscosity of the oils from my result
  • To determine the viscosity of common liquids by measuring the transit time of marbles through the liquids / oils.




An oil is any neutral, non polar chemical substance, that is a viscous liquid at ambient temperature and is both hydrophobic (immiscible with water, literally “water fearing”). And lipophillic (miscible with other oils literally “fat loving”). (Eliot et al., 2000). Oils have a flammable and slippery. The general definition of oil included classes of chemical compounds that may be otherwise unrelated in structure, properties and uses. Oil may be animal, vegetable or petrochemical in origin and may be volatile or non-volatile. They are used for food, fuel, lubrication, and the manufacture of paints, plastics and other materials. Specially prepared oils are used in some religious ceremonies as purifying agents.

Classification of Oil

Organic oils are produced in remarkable diversity by plants, animals and other organisms through natural metabolic processes. Organic oils may also contain chemicals other than lipids including proteins, waxes and alkaloids.

Mineral Oils: Crude oil or petroleum and its refined components, collectively termed petrochemicals are crucial resources in the modern economy. The name “mineral oil” is a misnomer  in that minerals are not the source of the oil but ancient plants and animals are. A mineral oil is any of various colourless, odourless, light mixtures of higher alkanes  from a non-vegetable (mineral) source, particularly a distillate of petroleum.

Application of Oil

  • Cooking: Several edible vegetable and animal oils and also fats are used for various purposes in cooking and in food preparation. In particular many foods are fried in oil much hotter than boiling water. Oils are used for flavouring and for modifying the texture of foods  e.g stir fry. Cooking oils are derived either from animal fat as butter, lard and other types or plant oils from the olive, maize, sunflower and many other species.
  • Custometics: Oils are applied to hair to give it a lustrious look to prevent tangle and roughness and to stabilize the hair to promote growth e.g so-fine hair cream.
  • Religion: Oil has been used throughout history as a religious medium. It is often considered a spiritually purifying event and used for anointing purposes. As a particular example holy anointing oil has been an important ritual for Judaism and Christianity e.g Goshen Olive Oil.
  • Painting: Color pigments are easily suspended in oil, making it suitable as a supporting medium for paints.




Materials Used: The following were the materials used: Funnel,  U-tube glass, ball bearing, stop watch, beaker, different oil sample, clamp stand, water, weighing balance, and micrometer screw gauge.


The U-tube glass was fixed on the clamp stand, a  screw gauge was used to measure the diameter of each of the ball bearings. The density of the oil was also determined. The U-tube glass was filled with the different oil sample, with the used of stop watch the time of which the ball drops from the top to the bottom was noted and it was recorded as T. the magnet was used to remove the ball bearings. This experiment was repeatedly done until five different readings were obtained.

The  ball bearing dropped is acted upon by three  different force which are: viscous force (v), upthrust  force (U) and force of gravity (mg). The equation of motion becomes mg-v-u= ma.

A Stage will be reached where the ball ceases to accelerate but move with velocity which is called terminal speed. When the viscous force V is equals  the downward force.




Viscosity is the quantity that describes a fluids resistance flow. Fluids resists the relative motion of immersed objects through them as well as to the motion of layers with differing velocities within them. The S.I. unit of viscosity is the pascal second [Pa.S]. (Sithells, 1999).


Summary, conclusion and recommendations


Viscosity in a layman’s knowledge is the thickness of a fluid, scientifically, it is the measure of a fluids internal friction. A fluid’s viscosity determined by viscometery, which is part of a wider science called rhemetry. Oil is any neutral, non-pola chemical  substance that is a viscous liquid at ambient temperature. The s/i. of viscosity is the Pascal Second [Pa.S]. the Gaussian unit of viscosity is the poise (p=dyne s/cm). Stephen and Lucas, 1996). Kinematic viscosity is defined as a measure of flow of a liquid under the  gravity.  Therefore the more viscous the oil is the slower it flows and the less vsicous the oil is the faster it flows.


In conclusion, the viscosity of a liquid is a fluid’s resistance to shearing force. Any object will sink faster in fluid of low viscosity and will sink slower in a high viscosity fluid such as glycerin. The internal friction for any fluid is higher at low temperature and  much lower at higher temperature.


From the finding of this study, it is established that vegetable oil is high in viscosity and this makes it flows faster.

I then recommend that groundnut oil should be used in cooking cause of its/no cholesterol.

  •  Groundnut oil is a natural source of phytochemicals, antioxidants that protect our body from damage from toxins and free radicals. Because of this high content of antioxidant content, reduce inflammation in those who regularly induced it in their diet.
  • Groundnut oil is also a good source of vitamin E a natural antioxidant


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