Religious Studies Project Topics

Corruption in Church Its Consequences and Way Forward

Corruption in Church Its Consequences and Way Forward

Corruption in Church Its Consequences and Way Forward


Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are; to:-

  1. Evaluate the nature of moral corruption in the contemporary Kaduna State.
  2. Examine the concept of morality and its significance to the life of a contemporary Christians .
  3. Appraise the causes of corruption of the Christianin Kaduna state.
  4. Analyze the effects of moral Corruption in the lives of the contemporary Christianin Kaduna state.
  5. Proffer possible solutions to the problems and challenges of moral corruption.




This chapter is bringing forward a comprehensive account of researches and works that are in relationship with this very one. It is explaining; in detail, how the topic has been viewed in a related research.

An Insight on Morality

A moral sense is inborn in man and through the ages, it has served as the common man‟s standard of moral behavior, approving certain qualities and condemning others. While this instinctive (natural) faculty may vary from person to person and community to community, human conscience has consistently declared certain moral qualities to be good and others to be bad.

Justice, courage and truthfulness have always found praise, and history does not record any period worth the name in which falsehood, injustice, dishonesty and breach of trust have been praised without condemning it. Sympathy, compassion, loyalty and generosity have always been valued, while selfishness, cruelty, meanness and bigotry have never been approved by any society. Man has always appreciated perseverance, determination and courage, but never impatience, fickleness, cowardice and stupidity. Dignity, restraint, politeness and friendliness have throughout the ages been counted virtues, whereas snobbery and rudeness have always been looked down upon. People with a sense of responsibility and devotion to duty have always won the highest regard, those who are incompetent, lazy and lacking in a sense of duty have never been looked upon with approval.(Ondigo, 2010)

In view of the pervasive extent of corruption and indiscipline in almost all facets of life in Nigeria and in honest recognition of their adverse economic, political, socio-cultural and moral costs to the nation, “it is agreed by almost all Nigerians (including even the most incessant perpetrators of corruption) that „something‟ fundamental needs to be done, and urgently too, about the problem. In other words, the enormity of the problem and its dire consequences for the Nigeria‟s survival as a viable economic, political, social and moral entity calls for serious and effective action, counter-action” (Odekunle 1991:13)

Moreover, Odekunle added that; to be considered serious and credible and to have any chance of success (i.e. effectiveness) any suggested counter-action/remedy must be scientifically anchored on the facts or characteristics of the problem rather than on interest-motivated beliefs. That is just as the medical doctor‟s prescription on any ailment must be based on a valid diagnosis of the ailment and its contexts to be effective, so must any suggested response to the problem of moral corruption in Nigeria derive from a correct understanding of the attributes of the problem and its economic and social context.





This refers to the structure of the study. It is the plan and the strategy of investigation which guide the collection and analysis of data in any research. It therefore explains the methodology that will be used to obtain data in the study. It is the overall scheme of program of the research.

This chapter focuses on the research design, the population of the study, sample and the sampling techniques, the instrument for data collection, result of pilot study, the statistical tools employed for data analysis and the summary.

Research Design

Kerlinger as cited in Bello and Ajayi (2000:16) describes research design as “plan, structure and strategy” of investigation conceive so as to obtain answers to research question and control variance. The plan is the overall scheme of the research objectives which will be reached and how the problems encountered will be tackled.

Gall (1987), as cited in Bello and Ajayi (2000:16) believes that search design is the type of situation that the researcher is investigating such as correlational, experimental, historical, survey, etc. Answers have to be provided to research question and the variance has to be controlled. The type of research design to be used in a particular design will depend on the nature of the researchable problem or question.

Tukur (199:191) mentioned that it includes the outline of what the researcher intends to do from the beginning to the end of the research, so as to archive the stated objective of the research. In other words, a research design can be likened to a building-plan which guides the builder at every stage of the construction such that the type of building constructed id exactly the same as that drawn by the architect.

Sambo (2005:108) describe a survey research as a type of research in which information is obtained from a sample of respondents for the purpose of testing hypothesis concerning the state of a given problem.




This study is to investigate the effects of corruption the lives in the church . A total of 800 respondents from the three senatorial zones of Kaduna state were used as respondents. Out of the 800 questionnaires distributed to them, 730 were fit for analysis. This is because the remaining 70 were unreturned, ruined or incompletely-filled.

The Statistical package of the SPSS IBM 20 was used to analyze the data. The first section presents the bio data variables distribution of the respondents. This consists of; gender, geographical location, age, education and occupation of respondents. The second section answers the research questions using item frequencies, mean and standard deviations while the third section test the three null research hypotheses using the Analysis of variance (ANOVA). All hypotheses are tested at 0.05 alpha level of significance. The summary of findings concluded the chapter.




Modern societies are faced with existential socioeconomic and political pressure, which push off the precinct of their normal fabric and effectiveness of their value system. Christian moral philosophy seeks to spiritually perfect the social fabric of every organized church society. Thus, any corruption or deviation in the christian‟ commitment to religious moral guidance would realistically amount to a dangerous precursor of God’s anger,  The study aimed to find out and analyze the effects of corruption in the church and way forward. A total of 800 respondents within the state were used as respondents.

The high points of the analysis include:

  • The main causes of corruption are lack of respect and obedience to the elders by the youth contributes to further deterioration in moral attitude and misappropriation of public funds on the part of the government contributes to the moral decadence in society.
  • The main effects of corruption are that moral corruption weakened and destroyed the faith of a Muslim and immoral behaviors affect christian religious devotional exercise.
  • The best possible solutions to the problem include people should be vigilant and vanguard of moral values and government should ensure the good welfare of the citizens.


The following recommendations are suggested as a result of the analysis of the study;

  1. The parents and church leaders should do more in propagating the tenets of faith as this will greatly reduce incidences of moral corruption in the society.


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