Impact of Information Technology on the Supply Function of an Organization
Objectives of the Study
- To identify the impact of information technology on supply function
- To identify the condition under which enterprise resource planning (ERP) can be a critical enabler or severe handicap for superior chain performance.
- To identify the basic concept involving in the analysis, design and operation of information system in relation to supply function
- To identify the innovative approaches that had been recently developed in relation to supply function.
- To determine whether the process is reliable enough in ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in increasing organizational performance.
Chapter Two
Literature Review
In the chapter the research reviews existing works related to the topic under study. The objectives of this literature review is to discuss widely the views and ideas presented by various schools and authors regarding information technology and it impact on supply function in particular and the entire industry. Key areas discussed in the chapter include; information technology; information systems; management information systems; eBusiness; eProcurement; application of IT in the supply function and the benefits of IT in the supply functions
What is information technology?
The society in which we live in today is becoming a complex structure; it is so dynamic that it changes everyday. We are witnessing a fast pace of change in the way we work, shop, study, play, relax, communicate and perhaps even in the way we live with one another. For those managers who must work with accurate and efficient information, there is the need for them to adjust themselves to these changes, especially in technology. The 21st century business must adapt itself to management on the web. It must also be predicated on dynamism, organized around networks, built on partnerships/alliances and constructed on technological advances (Hassan, 2009).
According to Kernaly (2001) organization that wants to succeed today’s information driven society must accept the fact that information technology is now part of our economy. Organization must accept information technology and relative activities in all their dealing, from staff recruitment, and in it relationship with wider community.
Chapter Three
Research Methodology
This chapter is based or centered on the research methodology that is been used by the researcher and the areas that the study covers. More so, the researcher is of the opinion that, carrying out a successful research work will depend on a well planned research methodology. The method adopted for the research work is starting from exploratory approach where new findings are being addressed which will allow for the researcher to critically understand all elements in details for the purpose of studying the project.
Area of the Study
This study is conducted in Peugeot Automobile Nigeria, located at Kakuri, Kaduna South local government. The justification of this choice is that Peugeot Automobile is into manufacturing of cars, and it is located in a good place that is not too far from my house, and also they provide quality service to their customers. In the course of carrying out this research work emphasis were limited in covering the activities of the Peugeot Automobile Nigeria. All data collected will be restricted only to information available from the staff and the management.
Chapter Four
Data Presentation and Analysis
This chapter focused on the presentation, discussion and interpretation of data generated for this study. The researcher was tables to analyse the data collected during the research work. 20 questionnaires were administered, of which all were filled and returned to the researcher which forms the basis for analyzing and presentation of result.
The four scale rating approach is used with a mean score of 2.5 as a cut off mark for analyzing the data and presentation of result. It is the same as the decision mark for result as any mean score above 2.5 is regarded as accepted while item which fall below 2.5 will be considered rejected. The following are meaning of acronyms.
Chapter Five
Summary, Discussion, conclusion And Recommendation
This chapter deals with the summary of procedure, discussion of findings, conclusion, implication of finding some useful recommendations to the management of Peugeot Automobile Nigeria and suggestion for further studies
Summary of procedure
The research centered on achieving the impact of information technology on supply function with special reference to Peugeot automobile Nigeria. The summary of the research are outlined below: the research study covers five chapters, the chapter one of this research work present the introduction, it covers other vital area such as the purpose of the study, statement of the problem, scope and definition of some key terms that are related to this study.
A critical review of related literature had been carried out. This covers views and opinions of various authors, scholars and researcher on the definition of information technology, definition of supply function, types of information technology, importance, and comparison of manual automated system and the impact of information technology on supply function in an organization.
In addition, the third chapter is concerned with the methodology of the research. It covers among other vital area, the study area are, research design, population, sample and sampling procedure, instrument for data collection, administration of the instrument and techniques for analyzing data presentation and analysis of data based of the research question.
Finally, the summary of the entire study, discussion, its conclusion and some useful recommendations are elaborated in chapter five.
Discussion of Findings
This discussion reveals that Peugeot automobile Nigeria lack adequate facility of information technology. Investigation also shows that the organization keep their records manually which time consuming cost effective.
The research study carried out revealed the following:
- Information not reaching the staff on time
- The organization lack stock checking and stock taking
- Keeping of files and record are done manually and this often resulted in keeping copies of the same documents in different places.
- Some times information do not get to the buyer and supplier on time on what is to be supplied, where, and time it should be supplied.
Implication of Findings
Information not reaching the staff on time, the implication of these findings is that there will be delay in decision making and this can have negative impact in achieving overall objectives.
The organization lack stock checking and stock taking. The implication of these finding is that it leads to huge number of items either going bad or be come obsolete. And even the location of material and identification becomes very difficult.
Keeping of files and record are done manually and this often resulted in keeping copies of the same documents in different places the implication is that it is expensive and at times the vital documents will be misplaced.
Sometime information does not get to the buyer and supplier on time on what is to be supplied where and time it should be supplied. The implication is that it will slow activities such as: Delay in processing orders and delay in delivery and this cause great set back in overall performance of the organization.
One major conclusion that can be drawn from this research work is that Information technology can solve the problems allowing smooth coordination of job an improving efficiency and effectiveness in the organization.
Information technology can also provide high quality service at stable manner, where should supply function fit in a firm’s organizational structure, organization development and capacity building. Information technology can solve the problem identified by determining the kinds of knowledge employees need in carrying out their work, it bogged down in the day to day problems, like technical problems that purchasing and supply face in transacting business, helps to reshape the way business done and contribute to organizational effectiveness.
The importance of information technology to supply function cannot be overemphasized as the gains are enormous and it enables for more greater efficiency and accuracy. Organizational executives and staffs and students should strive hard and acquire knowledge of information technology and apply the knowledge to their profession so as to meet changing circumstances and dynamic of the business.
Work is shrinking day by day with advancement of technology, customers’ expectation are also increasing and companies are prone to more uncertain environment. The innovations of information technology in supply function has so much impact on how organization buy and sell in the future.
Having seen some of the following problems affecting the organization without the use of information technology the researcher wishes to make the following recommendation.
- The keeping of record manually used by the organization as explained earlier has several weakness. As a result of this, organization have always been contending with problems such as delay in storage and retrieval of records, tempering with records, destruction or lack of proper security of existing records etc. As a way out of the difficult situation the organizations are going through, I would like to recommend that organization should automate its record system, this will definitely provide permanent solution for the above mentioned problems.
- The research also suggested a wider integration of the system or proper networking for speeder access to data within the network. Peugeot Automobile Nigeria should acquire web-site on the internet so that information of other automobile makers around the globe will be available in a matter of seconds.
- The staff should try and get more knowledge about information technology to assist them carryout their tasks efficiently and effectively.
Suggestion for Further Studies
During the course of the research, the researcher discovered some areas related to the study which are not discussed in the research work. This covers areas; international supply using IT, stock management using IT, and selection and valuation of suppliers in an IT world.
However, the above listed items are areas that future researchers can treat and come up with effective research work which can help organization in planning, organizing, maintaining and evaluating inventory systems.
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