Public Administration Project Topics

The Procurement Act And Its Impact On The Accountability Of Officers In The Public Sector

The Procurement Act And Its Impact On The Accountability Of Officers In The Public Sector

The Procurement Act And Its Impact On The Accountability Of Officers In The Public Sector

Chapter One

Objective of the Study

The main rational of this study is to appraise the procurement act and its impact on the accountability of officers in public sector.

These objectives are as follows:

To evaluate the procurement act as it relates to providing fair opportunities to suppliers through bidding in a competitive environment for all government business.

To evaluate the contributions /impact of the act towards reducing and eliminating corruption in the procurement process and earn the respect of the public and supplier.

To examine the contribution of the act toward Quality control and assurance

To evaluate the contributions of the procurement act towards budget monitoring and control.

Chapter Two:

Literature Review

This chapter is designed to look in to accomplished works of various authors on the subject matter “impact of public procurement Act on the Accountability of procurement officers in the public sector” given a special reference to conceptual  clarification, due process and procurement in the Nigerian public sector, bureau of public procurement (BPP) on public procurement act 2007 as it affect constructors and consultants, code of conduct for public officers involved with procurement, procedures and documentation  pre-requisite for the issuance of a certificate of “no objection” to MDAS. By bureau of public procurement (BPP) and complaints procedure under the public procurement. For the interest of the readers, the researcher gather most of the fact from different textbooks, journal and publications. How ever names of the authors, title of the books and pages were quoted, where extracted will be given for reference.

Concept of Public Procurement

According to the Wittig (1999) views public procurement as a business process within a given political system distinct consideration of integrity, accountability, national interest and effectiveness.

These business operations, of government as controlled by public procurement, usually affect many different elements of society. The procuring entities for instance have needs for material support like roads, hospitals etc to help in fulfilling their designed national mission. The business communication of actual or potential suppliers on the other hand need to satisfy government procurement requirement. There are also other interest parties like professional bodies, various agencies, interested public etc who are all affected or influenced in one way or the other by public procurement.

Ogunseitan (2008) defines public procurement as the process of identifying what is needed, determining who is best qualified to supply this need and ensuring that what is needed is delivered to the right time, for the best price and all of this is done in a fair and transparent manner. This definition looks at public procurement objectively from almost exert point of view but however, does not include the quality and quantity of what is needed which are key determinant in public procurement.

Wikipedia – the free Encyclopedia (2008) defines public procurement as the acquisition of goods, works and services at the best possible total cost of ownership, the right quantity and at the right time in the right place for the direct benefit or use of government, corporations or individuals generally via  a contract. This definition has said much on public procurement, but it does not look at the quality of goods, workers or services and the way and manners public procurement is carried out to show it fairness and transparent procedure.

According to Obasanjo (2003) view due process as a mechanism that certifies for public funding only those projects that have passed the test of proper implementation, packaging and that adhere stringently to the international competitive bid approach in the award process.

Budget monitoring and price intelligent unit (BMPIU 2005) defined due process as a mechanism for ensuring strict compliance with the openness. Competition and cost accuracy, rules and procedure that should guide contract award within the federal republic of Nigeria.

Idemili (2006) define procurement as the process of obtaining the right materials in the right quality for delivery in the right place from the right sources with the service and at the right cost. This definition through concise captures the key elements in procurement.

According to Ugbana (unpublished) describe purchasing as a disciplined entrepreneurial activity directed toward improving organizational profit and efficiency.

According to van Weel (2000) purchasing as the process of obtaining from external sources all goods, services, project, capabilities and knowledge which is necessary for running, maintaining and managing the company’s primary and support activities at the most favourable conditions.

Procurement is much broader concept than purchasing as described above involve the legal acquisition of goods and services for their monetary value, procurement is the whole grant of acquisition.


Chapter Three:

Research Methodology

This chapter deals with the method, system and procedure which the researcher employed in data collection and for the analysis of various techniques in obtaining all the relevant data.

Area of Study

In the course of carrying out the research work emphasis were limited in carrying the activities of Kaduna State Ministry of Education which is located at State Secretariat, Independence Way, opposite Township Stadium, Kaduna North Local Government, Kaduna State.

All data will be restricted only to the information available from the management and staff of the Ministry.

Research Design

For this study, it is considered more appropriate and convenient to use descriptive research method. It is a descriptive research because it describe the current trend in the Federal Government Ministries and to this end solutions will be found to areas that are found deficient. Descriptive studies are distinguished for its flexibility with respect to the method used for gaining insight and developing research questions, in general of it is known by the clarity of the statement of the decision problem.

Research Population

This entails everything that has been covered in the research work in terms of who and who to be served.

The population for the research work will cover the purchasing department and users departments of the organization which will be estimated and presented in 100 percent (100%).


Presentation and Analysis of Data

This chapter deals with the analysis of data as related to the research question.

The chapter equally confirmed an attempt in explaining the collected data and their attendant frequencies from the inception of this project work.

Presentation of Result


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