Mass Communication Project Topics

Examination of the Impact of Internet on Radio Broadcasting

Examination of the Impact of Internet on Radio Broadcasting

Examination of the Impact of Internet on Radio Broadcasting

Chapter One

Objective of the Study

The objectives of this study are:

  1. To find out if Internet is used by Atlantic FM, Uyo in it broadcast reporting.
  2. To find the extent ICT is been applied in broadcast reporting in Atlantic FM,
  3. To find out impact of Iformation and Communication Technologies on the output of broadcast reporting in Atlantic FM Radio, Uyo.
  4. To make recommendations on the use of ICT on news report.



Review of Concepts


This term, communication, can be defined as the process of transmitting information, ideas, norms, values, attitudes from one person to another. It deals with the technology of transmission of information, as in the private word or computer, between people or machines. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signal, may take linguistic or unliguistic forms and may occur through spoken or other modes. (National Joint Committee for Communicative Needs of persons with severe Disabilities, 1992, p.2).

Broadcast reporting

Broadcast Reporting is the field of news and journals which are broadcast, that is, published by electrical methods, instead of the older methods, such as private newspapers and posters. Broadcast methods include radio (Via air, cable and internet). And especially recently, the internet generally such medias disperse pictures (static and moving), visual text and/or sounds. Broadcast reporting also involved to be written differently from text to be read by the public.

 FM (Frequency Modulation)

Frequency Modulation (FM) is a method of impressing data onto an alternating-current (AC) wave by varying the instantaneous frequency of the wave. This scheme by be used by both analog and digital data. In analog, FM, the frequency of the AC signal wave also called the carrier varies in a continuous manner while in digital FM, the carrier frequency shifts abruptly rather than continuously leaving the number of possible carrier frequency states toe power of two (2) as compared to the analogue whose frequency carriers are infinite.


A radio is communication over distance where sounds are converted to electromagnetic wave and sent to a receiver that transfers the waves back to sounds. It can also be defined as the transmission and reception of electromagnetic wave of radio frequency, especially those carrying sound messages.

ICTs (Internet)

These are technologies (sets) used in accomplishing modern radio communication. ICT refers also to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. Although similar to Information Technology but focuses primarily on communication Technologies which includes internet, wireless mediums. For example people can communicate in real time with others in different countries using technologies such as instant messaging, voice over IP (VOIP), video-conferencing, social networking websites like facebook allows users from all over the world remain in contact and communicate on a regular basis.

Review of Related Studies

The two works reviewed are:

  1. Technological Determinism theory and media practitioners perception of cultural impact of Internet on developing nations by Levi Nwodu(2004)
  2. Internet for sustainable livelihood by http//egov.gor. sglegont actionplanning.htm(website).

The first work to be reviewed is journals by Levi Nwodu, 2004, published in the Nigeria Journal of Communication. The work was on Technology Determinism theory and media practitioners perception of cultural impact of Internet on Developing Nation” this work which used Enugu based journalists as its population and sample subject examined the level of awareness of the existence of Internet, the rate which people are exposed to Internet and its impact on their local cultural values. The research method used was case study. Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection in the work and the sampling techniques used was purposive sampling because after the questionnaire as the principal data collection instrument, key officers from the forum of the Enugu-based journalists were selected for interview. The findings of the study sowed that Internet had a negative impact on the cultural values of developing nation.

Finding also showed that limited access to and lack of proper training in the use of internet were responsible for this situation. The study however recommended that various governments in developing nations should assist their journalist to obtain proper training in the use of Internet as well as make the technologies easily accessible to the journalists.

The reviewed work is related to this study in that it used the case study and focused on the impact of ICTs (Internet) on mass communication and mass media practice.

Another study that underscores the impact of Internet on broadcasting was conducted by Levis Brown in 2007, on “Internet for sustainable livelihoods and published by http// actionplanning:htm (website). The study was conducted to outline the finding from a desk study on new communication technologies and existing information systems on small scale farmers and entrepreneurs in rural communities.

The study looked at whether and how Internet might further marginalize disadvantaged communities to determine what could be done to mitigate those adverse effects; whether and how modern Internet can be used to strengthen and develop the information system of small-scale farmers and small-scale enterprises (SME) in developing countries and contribute to poverty reduction.

Findings showed the importance of the telephone and the radio in changing the life of the poor. The telephone is the most common communications strengthening kinship relations and is the backbone of Internet.

Findings also revealed that at present, there is a vast inmate demand for radio broadcasting in developing countries. A commitment to rural broadcasting via appropriate creation and enforcement of policies to provide licenses, support start up broadcasters and trained professionals will enable information and communication services reach more people than any other medium.

The study recommended that there should be a shift from technology driven projects to consider the under systematic economic, social on Internet with regard on their impact in all facts of human life, either in communication or business.





Research Design

The research work adopted survey method for the study, this is so because the method provides room for an in-depth study of the organization which the research is carried out. The detailed examination of the one case is expected to give an insight that will help in understanding the phenomenon under investigation in general.

Consequent upon the afore-mentioned, the researcher seen the study as the most appropriate for the study.

Population of the Study

The population of the study was thirty-nine (39) in all (the entire staff of Atlantic FM Radio, Uyo.





This chapter presents analysis and discusses data gathered from the questionnaire. All the 39 questionnaire copies distributed were retrieved and were dully completed by the respondents, representing a return rate of 100 percent. They were deemed fit for analysis and the raw data gathered are presented in tables, showing the number and percentage of respondents and their responses to questions.



 Summary of Findings

The research centered on the impact of Internet on Radio News Reporting (A study of Atlantic FM, Raid, Uyo).

In carrying out the study, the researcher obtained information from primary sources. In this case, a questionnaire was used for the study.

Internet are used in broadcast reporting at Atlantic FM, Uyo.

That there is full application and frequent use of Internet in broadcast reporting at Atlantic FM, Uyo, implying that such application and sue of the Internet at the Radio Station to a great extent.

Also, that Internet impact positively on the output of broadcast reporting of Atlantic FM, Uyo as well as helping to increase performance and productivity of staff of the Radio station.

Findings equally brought to the fore the number of problems encountered at Atlantic FM, Uyo. These problems include, how to gain access to Internet devices by the lower cadre staff-messengers, cleaners, drivers and gate men.


From the findings of the study, it is established that computer, mobile phones, satellite, CD-ROM, DVD player and the Internet are Internet available at Atlantic FM, UYO. The study also has it that there is full application and frequent use of Internet in broadcast reporting in Atlantic FM, Uyo.

The study noted that the application of Internet in broadcast reporting at Atlantic FM, Uyo, have helped to increase the performance of the station’s staff and boost the output of the Radio Station generally.

The study observed that among the problems encountered at Atlantic FM, Uyo, in the course of applying the modern Internet devices in its broadcast reporting are those of how to gain access to the Internet equipment, unavailability of the Information and Communication Technology devices in the offices due to poor finding, lack of skilled personnel, inadequate power (electricity) supply to power the equipment and the high cost of the Information and Communication Technology items that make them unaffordable.


Having gone through the study successfully and based on findings, the researcher hereby makes the following suggestions:

  1. That for more positive impact and better output in broadcast reporting at Atlantic FM, Uyo the management of the Radio Station should tackle the problems of staff to satisfy the need of those staff on the lower cadre which include drivers, cleaners, messengers, gate men and plant operators.
  2. Management should see to upgrading of the broadcasting
  3. This work also recommends that particular attention should be paid to the retraining of the skilled staff to increase their efficiency in broadcast reporting.


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