Office Technology Project Topics

The Impact of Internet Software Packages to the Modern Secretary (a Survey Study of Some Selected Organizations in Kaduna Metropolis)

The Impact of Internet Software Packages to the Modern Secretary (a Survey Study of Some Selected Organizations in Kaduna Metropolis)

The Impact of Internet Software Packages to the Modern Secretary (a Survey Study of Some Selected Organizations in Kaduna Metropolis)


Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to find out the impact of internet software packages to the modern secretaries.

  • To know the extent the internet had aid the efficiency and effectiveness of operations in an organization.
  • To know how the internet software packages help in widening the scope and knowledge of the secretary.
  • To ascertain how organizations benefit from the internet software package.
  • To ascertain how relevant the internet software packages is to the modern secretary.




This chapter will review the relevant literature of study this includes textbooks, journals etc. the reviews of literature is carried out under the following sub-headings:

  1. Background of the internet
  2. Internet resources
  3. Internet application
  4. The impact of internet software packaging to secretary
  5. Summary of the chapter

The Background of Internet

The internet has been described as a major breakthrough in technology, a revolution. The wonders of its millennia and indeed, the most flexible medium currently available in a technological era. It is international network of powerful computer which further turned the globe into a tiny village (Yerima and Mohammed 1998). Internet is a lot of computers connected to each other. It is, therefore a global network of thousands of computers, allowing worldwide community to communicate over any distance, to access information from any where in the world and publish text and images instantly.

The revolution of internet has suddenly enveloped industrial, political and commercial landscape of the world from its previous patterns during the pre-industrial ear to a whole new digital network (Maridell, 1989).

Mmeruwa (2001) put it thus; the internet is like to a room filled with many spiders, each spinning its own web. The webs are inter-connected that the spiders can travel freely with this image. The same way the internet is a global collection of many different types of computer and network that are linked together.

According to Ohakwe et al (2002), the internet is referred to as a global network of computers. This global network fulfils many and differing functions with the global network. It can travel places, get movies, theatre schedules, locate load friends, find a job, complete a complex research using the internet resources.

Ejehoms (2002) sees the internet simply as a vast type of topics from news and current events, to entrapments and references achieves.

Nwogwagugwu (2002) further describes the internet as an international network of computers. It is a mechanism for transferring of data from one computer as the net is the world largest computer network.

Physically, the net is a lot of computers and other communication devices connected to each other using telephone lines, satellites, microwave and other devices and carriers, each computer, taking a common language or protocol by instead of transmitting point to point as invoice communication.

The internet exchanges digitalized data. The internet is a composition of millions of connected computer worldwide web from household PCs to huge company machines that only programs can communicate with tiny one web the right equipment can connect to the net and become part of it. Typical uses at home or work usually, only need to make a temporary connection, while large institutions maybe permanently connected (the internet advisor 2001).

Furthermore, Awake (1997) states that the internet is a good collection of many different types of computers and computer networks that are linked together. Just as a telephone enable you talked to someone on the other side of the earth who also has a phone, the internet enables a person to sit at his computer and exchange information other courts and computer network.





This chapter is aimed at revealing the method used in conducting the research work which induce the research design area of the study.

Population of the sampling of the instrument data for data collection.

Research Design

The research approach is mainly descriptive in nature and it is design to help the problems base on the knowledge of internet, it is a guide to show how the subject under investigation are brought into the scope of the research and how they are employed in the study setting to get the requires result.

Area of the Study

The study was conducted in three selected organization within Kaduna metropolis, the organization are:

Ministry of information and foreign affairs.

Ministry of culture and tourism

Kaduna north local government

Population for the Study

The population for this study is made up of top level management, middle level and lower management. Where the investigation will be carried out. However, based on the data obtained from the organization, the population for the study is therefore made up of 120 staff strength.

The population is on the table below:




This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of data. The data are analyzed based on the response of the respondents in the research question earlier formulated.

The findings are also based on the respondents’ answers to the questions variable accordingly.

Report of the Retrieved Questionnaire

The 120 questionnaires distributed were retrieved and presented.




This chapter presents the summary of the work after which conclusions were drawn based on the findings.

Furthermore, the chapter contains the recommendations for improving the situation.


The impact of the internet software packages to the modern secretary research was made embark on the study.

Chaper one focuses on the background of the study, statement of the problems, purpose of the study, research question for the top management, middle management and lower management level. The significance of the study and definition of terms.

Chapter two, which is the literature review state the background of the internet, internet resources, internet application and the impact of internet software packages to the secretary. In which some of the application were mentioned and described as the use to the secretary.

Chapter three is the research methodology which covers the research design, area of the study, population of the study.

Sampling instrument used for the collection and analysis which questionnaire is being distributed to the three (3) organization.

Finally, chapter four (4) is the presentation and analysis of data of the question in which some variable were accepted and some rejected.


Base on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are made:

The internet aids the efficiency and effectiveness of operation of the organisation. Due to the knowledge of internet software packages, modern secretaries are able to carryout their job more effectively and efficiently which has contributed immensely to the growth and operation of the organization today.

Internet helps the secretaries to design and package the appropriate training program that will assist them to perform well in their job. It is very impossible for any secretary who does not have the knowledge of computer to perform well in the field of the secreatrialship in any organization which will definitely be set aback to that organization.

The internet also widens the scope of knowledge of a secretary. The modern secretaries are of high knowledgeable people you will find in any organization today because of the wide scope of internet knowledge they have which enhances their job opportunity.

Organizations benefits from the internet software packages. It helps the organization to get access to information on the net which improve the productivity and efficiency of business in the organization and it also enables the organization to meet up with the modern online business and communication.

Finally, it enables the secretary to make travel arrangement and conduct business communication through the use of the internet.


In the light of the for-going findings and conclusions, it is hereby recommended that the following should be put into consideration:

A secretary should always strive hard to update his/her knowledge to aid the efficiency and effectiveness of operation of the organization before the need may arise.

A secretary should try as much as possible to know more about internet software packages to enable the organization to exchange information within and outside the organization.

A modern secretary should put up his possible best in ensuring to reduce the risk of money transfer through the electronic commerce with the help and knowledge of internet software packages.

All modern secretary is expected to compose and send letters or document within a short period of time through Microsoft Outlook Express, which is also among software packages in the internet.


  • Ben Mbonu, Ejelonu (2002). Internet and the World Wide Web, Lagos. Becky Products Limited.
  • Henna et al (1972). Webster Secretarial Hand Book, G. and C. Merriam Company.
  • Internet Advisor (2002). Internet Basics.
  • JCR Licklider (1969). Galactic Network; United States.
  • Leornard Kleinrock (1961). Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Jimoh and Chukwudebe (2002). Secretarial Duties, West African Education, London.
  • Mmeruwa, Chukwudebe (2000). Secretarial Procedures in the Electric Office, Pitman Publishers, London.
  • Nwogwugwu, Pattern, Okoko (2002). The Millennium Secretaries, Owerri, a Publication of NASS.
  • Nwosu, Ogunsomoro and Osuagwa (2001). Secretarial Duties, a Book of Reading. Owerri Chin and Chris ventures.
  • Ohakwe, Idih, Chukwezie (2002). Contemporary Secretarial Duties, Owerri (Centers for Research and manpower Development).
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