Mass Communication Project Topics

Impact of Mass Media on Fashion Adoption of Adolescent Girls

Impact of Mass Media on Fashion Adoption of Adolescent Girls

Impact of Mass Media on Fashion Adoption of Adolescent Girls


Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study was to ascertain the Impact of mass media on fashion adoption of adolescent girls. The specific objectives were to:

  • ascertain the influence of mass media on Dressing style of students in tertiary institutions.
  • ascertain the influence of mass media on Dressing style and dressing habits of students’ in tertiary institutions
  • ascertain the influence of mass media on fashion trend of students’ in tertiary institutions.



Theoretical Framework

Clothing is the term for the various covering designed to protect or adore the human body (Roger, 1983).These sub-headings looked at the earliest theories on influence and clothing.

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

This theory was developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943 in U.S.A. In  Maslow hierarchy of needs we must satisfy each need in turns, starting with the  first, which deals with the most obvious needs for survival: only when the lower needs of physical and emotional well-being are satisfied are we concerned with the higher order needs of influence and personal development. Conversely, if the things that satisfy our lower order needs are swept away, we are no longer concerned about the maintenance of our higher order needs. The hierarchy of needs model comprised five needs:

  1. biological and physiological needs: air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep and others
  2. Safety needs: protection from elements, security, stability and others.
  3. Belongingness and love needs: workgroup, family, affection, relationships and others.
  4. Esteem needs: self- esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, prestige and others
  5. Self-Actualization needs: raising personal potentials, self-fulfillment, seeking, personal growth and peak experiences.

This theory or model is linked to Celebrities dressing styles and choice of students clothing because the third level which is belonging and love needs; is linked to reasons for students’ choice of clothing on what Social media are using in order to gain social belongness and love. These students want to belong and also want to be loved or appreciated. As a result imitate virtually everything Celebrities on mass media use as a dressing style. This is possible for our students because the first and second Maslow’s needs have been met. The students feel odd and out of circle when they are not going with the trend and this is the model on which this work is based.

Theory of Social Influence

Herbert Kelman in 1958 developed the theory on Social influence which occurs  when ones emotions, opinions or behaviors are affected by others which can be seen in conformity, socialization, peer pressure, leadership and marketing. He further identified three broad areas of social influence;

  1. Compliance; which is when people appear to agree with others, but actually keep their dissenting opinions private.
  2. Identification; is when people are influenced by someone who is liked and respected, such as a famous celebrity.
  3. Internationalization; is when people accept a belief or behavior and agree both publicly and privately.

Sturm and Edwin (1973) affirmed that some individual especially ladies want to grow towards independence and strive to express it in their clothing. Others have a strong desire to confirm to group dress code. Clothing is important for the social and emotional development of young ladies as the ideas about what will be worn appear mostly during this stage and these ideas are usually related to what their mates wear. Kefgen et al, (1971) explained that there is a strong desire for young women to dress like their group. The going is a signing count part of their lives and the feeling of belonging is usually strong. One of their greatest fears is that of being ridiculed by their peer group when clothing differs from what friends are wearing which may give rise to feeling of inferiority and insecurity as well (Elagwe, 1989). An open desire to dress like others is often strongest during the teen years and continues to early adulthood.




This chapter describes the procedure to be used for the study under the following sub-headings.

Research Design

Population for the Study

Sampling and Sampling Procedure

Instrument for Data Collection

Validity of the Instrument

Pilot Study

Reliability of the Instrument

Procedure for Data Collection

Procedure for Data Analysis

 Research Design

The study was descriptive survey design. Descriptive research attempts to examine situations in order to establish what the norm is by collecting data either through interviews, questionnaire and visual records among others. A survey design method was used to obtain information concerning the current position of a phenomenon. Therefore the design was considered suitable because the study sought to get information from a sample that was drawn from a population using a questionnaire.

Population for the Study

The target population was five thousand and thirty (5030) students from the various departments of the tertiary institutions in Kaduna state. The tertiary institutions consisted of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (200 and 300 level students of Social Sciences),

Federal College of Education, Zaria (NCE 2 and NCE 3 students of Art and Social Sciences) and Federal Polytechnic, Kaduna (ND 1 and ND 2 students of Social Development).The population was preferred due to the fact that they were dominated by adolescents/young adults whose mode of dressing were assumed to be mostly influenced by current trends.



The research work was on Influence of Celebrities on mass media Dressing Styles on Students Choice of Clothing and Socialization in Tertiary Institutions of Kaduna State. The data obtained using the 503 copies of questionnaire were organized using frequency, percentage and mean. The frequency and percentage analysis were performed on the personal data of the respondents as well as the research questions. In addition, regression analysis was used to test the four Null hypotheses of this research at 0.05 level of significance. Furthermore, the Predictive Analytical Software (PASW) also known as SPSS version 22 was used as statistical analysis software to generate the results of the analyses. This chapter was therefore organized under the following sub-headings:

  • Analysis of Personal Data
  • Answers to Research Questions
  • Testing Null Hypotheses
  • Summary of Major Findings
  • Discussion of the Major Findings



This chapter entails the summary, conclusion as well as recommendation; under the following sub-headings:


The study was carried out to determine Influence of Dressing style on mass media on Students Choice of Clothing and Socialization in tertiary institutions in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was used and the population for the study was 5030 students of tertiary institutions in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The Sampling technique used was systematic sampling purposive sampling to select 503 students from the three institutions. Tertiary institutions involved were Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria (200 and 300 level students of Social Science), Federal College of

Education, Zaria(NCE 2 and NCE 3 students of School of Art and Social Sciences) and Federal Polytechnic, Kaduna (OND 1 and OND 2 students of Faculty of Social Development). Structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents.

Four research questions and four null-hypotheses were formulated for the study.  Regression Analysis statistic was used to test the four null-Hypothesesat0.05 level of significance.

Hypothesis one, two, three, four were rejected because significant (P) value of 0.00 was less than 0.05 level of significance and a regression index value of 8.9, 7.7, 7.6, 4.8  were obtained  respectively. It was found out that Dressing style on mass media have significant influence on  students’ socialization in tertiary institutions; Dressing style on mass media have significant influence on dressing habits of students’ in tertiary institutions; Celebrities on mass media dressing styles have significant influence on fashion trend of students’ in tertiary institutions; Dressing style on mass media have significant influence on clothing accessories of students’ in tertiary institutions. It was concluded that students of tertiary institutions selected what they were from Celebrities on mass media dressing styles available around and in mass media; Celebrities on mass media dressing styles inform the usage of fashion among students in tertiary institutions, and Celebrities on mass media dressing styles are responsible for setting fashion trends for youths, including students of tertiary institutions.


It was concluded that Dressing style on mass media influenced students’ choice of clothing in tertiary institutions in kaduna state. Despite the fact that Social media’ to a certain extend introduced new ways of modernizing our clothing/appearance, students need to curtail their ways of conforming to Social media dressing styles and make use of clothing in an appreciable manner.


The following recommendations were made based on the findings:

  1. Students should have good relationship with each other irrespective of individual outfits and clothing should not be bases of determining the social status of their fellow students.
  2. The Student Affairs Unit of various institutions should reorient students on good clothing practices to discourage using controversial, confused and uncultured clothing within the campus environment to avoid provocation, harassment, and distractions of all sorts.
  3. Students should practice good dress sense irrespective of fashion trend which can be achieved when they are conscious of their structures and dress to conceal their figure faults.
  4. There should be moderations towards clothing/accessories of Social media and make use of clothing in a manner that accords them dignity and respect.


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