Mass Communication Project Topics

Sports Radio Programme and Sports Fandom in Ibadan Metropolis

Sports Radio Programme and Sports Fandom in Ibadan Metropolis

Sports Radio Programme and Sports Fandom in Ibadan Metropolis


Objectives of the Study

The research study aimed at achieving the following objectives:

  1. To assess frequency of radio listenership by Chelsea fans and Tottenham fans in Ibadan Metropolis of Oyo state.
  2. To establish the utilization of the content of radio messages by Chelsea fans and Tottenham fans in Ibadan Metropolis of Oyo state.
  3. To establish the factors that influence audio technology used by Chelsea fans and Tottenham fans in Ibadan Metropolis of Oyo state.



Radio Listenership

Korzenny (2011) suggests that in Latin America, and in the United States of America (USA); radio listenership is part of the daily routine of Latinos. Korzenny (2011) noted that when you visit almost any public park in most metro areas in USA, one may find young Hispanic men in groups listening to their radios and conversing. In addition, one will also find families barbecuing, dancing, and enjoying their day with a radio as the centre of attention. This tradition of radio enjoyment extends to most Latin American countries and particularly in their rural areas. Korzenny (2011) suggests that radio utilisation is ubiquitous and therefore the most local of all media. Radio listenership and utilisation has served traditionally as the town-crier, an interactive medium and as symbolic precursor of what the Internet is becoming.

Paul (2012) on a recent study found that internet radio listenership is on the rise — and while digital device usage may have something to do with this increase, it is harder to pinpoint social media‟s role in this increase.

A study, commissioned by the digital audio advertising network, found that 42% of U.S. households with broadband Internet listen to Internet radio. That is not to say  that listening to regular radio, AM/FM station is in decline. More than half (65%) of broadcast  radio  listeners  spend the same amount of time listening as  do the  internet radio users (Paul, 2012). More than half (53%) of the participants indicated reported listening via computer or laptop while at work or any other portable technologies such as the mobile phones. These statistics show that radio listenership in U.S.A. is still there and as advancement in technology increases, people are getting better chances of listening to radio.

Africa Development Research Series (2011) noted that in Africa, radio listenership is high in all countries. A study in Ghana indicated that radio broadcasts are the most widely accessible and the most overall widely used medium as source of news and information for Ghanaians. Ninety percent of respondents said that they had listened to radio broadcasts in the last week, and virtually all of those respondents (96 percent) also said they used the radio programmes on at least a weekly basis; to get news and information, as opposed to just listening for entertainment (Africa Development Research Series, 2011). Nearly all radio listeners (defined as people who said they listened to a radio programme within the last year) said that they tuned to FM radio stations regularly. A substantial minority had listened to the radio broadcasts via a mobile phone. These were far more than those who had used AM or shortwave radio signals—highlighting the fact that mobile audio technologies are used frequently to access radio programmes.

Kimutai (2011) noted that in Nigeria , radio broadcasts are still the preferred media. A study commissioned by the Nigeria  Audience Research Foundation (narf, 2011), and conducted by Synovate, a media research company reported that radio listening leads in media consumption or utilisation. It is followed by the mobile phone, television, newspapers, and the internet respectively.





This chapter deals with the research methodology that was used in the study. It is organised into the following sections: the research design, target population, sampling procedures, validity and reliability, data collection procedures, and data analysis and presentation techniques.

Research Design

The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. This type of design was appropriate for gathering information, summarizing, presenting and interpreting it for purpose of clarification. The method was appropriate for the study since it assisted the researcher to produce statistical information on the topic of study.

Target Population

The target population for this study were two categories consisting of Chelsea fans and Tottenham fans, in Ibadan Metropolis of Oyo state. There are 23 towns with 200 hundred Tottenham fans and 400 Chelsea fans. It was from these that the sample was selected.

Sample Size and Sampling Procedure

Stratified sampling method was used for sample selection. The sports formed a stratum. From each stratum, simple random sampling was used to select the specific respondents to reduce bias as it gave all parties equal chances of being selected. From each stratum, 10% of respondents were selected.




This chapter consists of the data analysis, presentation in form tables and interpretation of the findings. The chapter is organized into: questionnaire return rate; demographic information; radio listenership; audio technology; and the messages listeners prefer in radio broadcasting in Ibadan Metropolis of Oyo state.




Radio was found to be very common among football fans with Tottenham fans preferring listening in the afternoon and Chelsea fans listening mostly in the evenings. Inooro Fm and Kameme FM were found to be the most commonly listened to broadcasting stations while news, farming techniques and sports were the most common programmes among the respondents. Both Tottenham fans and Chelsea fans acknowledged that radio programmes were used as a platform for solving problems and that it solved social, political and family problems. Phone-in programmes were used but not very common. Tottenham fans were found to use phone-in programmes mainly to get information from experts who they felt could help improve their lives while Chelsea fans primarily used them for social reasons. football fans were found to use cable radio as the most common audio technology followed by phone radio and to a small extent internet radio. The factors considered in the choice of audio technology were portability, wide range and ability to serve many people at a time. However, majority preferred to use satellite if given the opportunity and digital radio due to their clarity and coverage all over the world.


Radio is a popular media among the respondents. The government and other stakeholders should thus organize programmes that are important to the community to be aired through radio. The programmes should also be broadcast either in the afternoon or evening. Use of experts coupled with phone-in interaction can better the utilization of the radio messages given.

To enhance radio listenership, it is necessary that the government introduces digital and satellite radio technologies in the country. Internet connectivity and infrastructure should also be enhanced as well as online relay of radio programmes.

The government and other stakeholders through the Communications Commission of Nigeria  should ensure that radio programmes broadcasted through radio whether educative or political issues as they have positive impacts on people lives and not detrimental.

Suggestions for Further Studies

  • There need for a comprehensive study that covers the general population as this study covered only football fans
  • A study covering the effects of use of different languages in broadcasting is also necessary so as to determine the most effective language in disseminating information to the people.


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