Education Project Topics

Domestic Violence on Children and Its Effect on Academic Performance: a Case Study of Edo State

Domestic Violence on Children and Its Effect on Academic Performance a Case Study of Edo State

Domestic Violence on Children and Its Effect on Academic Performance: a Case Study of Edo State


Objective of the study

The purpose of this study is to examine the domestic violence on children and its effect on academic performance, using the Edo State as a case study. Specifically the study:

  1. Establish the extent of various forms of domestic violence among households of different socio economic characteristics in Edo state.
  2. Determine the influence of domestic violence on pupil’s school attendance in primary schools in Edo state.
  3. Determine the influence of domestic violence on academic performance of pupils in primary schools in Edo state.




This chapter entails the effects of domestic violence on students in general over time. It shows what various authors have noted or realized from the definition  and background of domestic violence to its relations to school drop outs, violence, truancy and concentration which all contribute to poor academic performance of high school students.

Domestic Violence

In the past two decades there has been growing recognition of the prevalence of domestic violence in the society. Moreover, it has become apparent that some individuals are at a greater risk for victimization than others.

Domestic violence has adverse effect on individuals, families and society in general.

Ganley (1989) states that Domestic violence includes: physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and abuse to property and pets.  According to him, exposure to these forms of violence has considerable potential to be perceived as life threatening by those victimized and  can leave them with a sense of vulnerability, helplessness and in extreme cases horror.

Dutton (1992) defines Physical abuse as any behavior that involves the intentional use of force against the body of another person that risks physical injury, harm and or pain. It includes pushing, hitting, slapping, choking, using an object to hit, twisting of a body part, forcing the ingestion of an unwanted substance and use of a weapon.

Dutton (1994) defines sexual abuse as any unwanted sexual intimacy forced on ne individual by another. It may include oral anal or vaginal stimulation or penetration, forced nudity, forced exposure to sexual explicit material or activity. Compliance may be obtained through actual or threatened physical force or through some other form of coercion. Psychological abuse may include derogatory statements or threat of being killed by another individual. It may also involve isolation, economic threats and emotional abuse.

Straus and Gelles (1990) domestic violence is widespread and occurs among all social economic groups. in a national survey of over 6000 American families it was estimated that between 53% and 70% of male batterers also frequently abuse their children. Other research by CWP, (1995) suggests that women who have been hit by their husbands are twice as likely as other women to abuse a child. Over three million children at a risk of exposure to parental violence each year observes Carlson (1984).





This chapter gives the methodology that the researcher used in the study. The research design, methods of data collection and methods of data analysis.

The Research Design

The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative research design. Qualitative because it’s not numeric and the researchers’ intention was concerned with experiences of individuals and also the researcher wanted to collect detailed information. The researcher therefore used the following instruments; interview and focus group discussion.

The researcher also used quantitative because it utilizes numerical data. This is because just like the researcher sought details by using qualitative design, she also sought to clearly define the subject matter. The researcher therefore used questionnaires to collect data from the targeted population.

Targeted Population

The researcher target population was the students and teachers of Edo public secondary schools in Benin city. The researcher targeted students studying in Edo public secondary schools because according to speculation, they are affected direct and indirectly by domestic violence and they are reason the study was conducted.

The researcher also targeted teachers because they are able to assess the students’ behavior socially, academically, emotionally and psychologically. Also because of the long stay with the students they are in a position to give detailed and clear information. The researcher then used a sample of 6o respondents.




This chapter presents the findings from the study as feedback from the respondents. As described in the previous chapter, tables and graphs has been used in this chapter to present the outcomes from the study. Questionnaires were used to a large extent as an instrument of data collection that consisted of four main variables namely poor concentration, truancy, violence and school dropouts. Data was presented in tables and pie charts where necessary. The researcher analyzed the chapter based on information gathered quantitatively and qualitatively. The questionnaires were distributed to a sample of 60 respondents; 10 teachers and 50 students.

Quantitative Analysis

Age of Respondents

This was obtained from the respondents of the sample target population regarding their general characteristics. The analysis was got from the structured questions and is presented in tables and pie charts.




The chapter presents summary of findings of the study conclusions made from the findings.

Summary of Findings

The research findings led to the following conclusions. There was a major problem in the area school dropout rate, violence, poor concentration, truancy were just a drop in the ocean as the researcher gathered a lot of effects of domestic violence in Edo area. She found out that domestic violence is rampant. It has led to a trickledown effect to the society. Social vices in the area have been directly or indirectly caused by domestic violence at the grassroots(their homes) most teachers who are also parents confirmed the drug abuse, suicides, muggings and illegal trades are more of a result to high rates of school dropout rates and violence in the area.

The researcher also observed drug abuse and alcoholism has led to domestic violence in the area where parents become violent and create chaos at homes. The abuse has led to family breakups and disunity in the social setting. Some of the teachers are heavily charged with the duty of caring for the affected victims who are socially, psychologically, physically and morally affected. Domestic violence is real and is an issue that needs to be addressed with urgency.

Conclusions of the Study

The study came up with the following conclusions

  • Domestic violence was found to be a major cause of truancy as many students did not go to school consistently and this affected their academic performance.
  • Due to truancy as a result of domestic violence dropout rate was high resulting to students not completing their education leading to lack of tertiary education and joblessness.
  • Domestic violence had contributed to high rate of insecurity in the region since teens tend to develop violence traits experienced during upbringing.
  • Domestic violence caused poor concentration among students.
  • In most cases, the inflictor of the violence was under the influence of alcohol and drug abuse hence increasing the rate of violence.


  • From the research findings, domestic violence is rampant in contemporary society. There is therefore need for educating people about family responsibility, as way of eradicating domestic violence among families.
  • There should be guidance and counseling therapy sessions in both school and community level. This will educate sensitize and rehabilitate each and every individual in the society. This would also help students to cope with the trauma associated with the violence
  • The helping professionals should take responsibility of reporting the suspected abuse to the child protection agency or police; this would reduce the rate of violence since law will be applied effectively to apprehend offenders typically counselors and school personnel should be required to report and be granted immunity from liability because they are presumed to be acting in good faith.
  • The government has also enacted laws but its efforts of implementing them bear no fruits, therefore legislation of strict laws should be formulated to protect the children
  • . Communities, churches, schools and the government should take the responsibility of minimizing domestic violence and provide security for the young ones in particular and the community as a whole.
  • Finally offices should be erected in communities where one is able to report to in case of such incidences, they should be in strategic positions and easy to access in order to stem out the vice.
  • The nation should move through stages of public awareness and face the phenomenon head on. Practitioners should be aware of the widespread domestic violence cases reported and unreported. And take action when necessary. Counselors should keep abreast of the indicators of maltreatment in order to help victims of domestic violence.
  • In conclusion, the above suggestions are inadequate and the researcher strongly recommends a consultative meeting involving all stake holders e.g. parent, educational officers, family based organizations, sponsors, teachers, pupils and the community at large to deliberate on effective counseling in our institutions in order  to reduce if not stop domestic violence in our society
  • The recommendations suggested in this chapter are based on major findings and conclusion drawn from the study.

Suggestions for Further Research

Further research should be done on the effects of alcohol and substance abuse on academic performance of students in secondary schools.


  • Alexander, R. (1988) The Crimes (Family Violence) Act (1987) Law Institute Journal. March pp 166-169.
  • American Psychiatric Association (1994) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
  • (4th). Washington, DC: Author Ammerman, R.T. and Herson, M. (eds) (1990), Treatment of Family Violence, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Blanchard, A., Molloy, F. and Brown, L. (1992) ‘I Just Couldn’t Stop Them’: Western Australian Children Living with Domestic Violence: A Study of Children’s Experiences and Service Provision, Curtin University School of Social Work, Western Australia.
  • Bowker, L.H., Arbittel, M. and McFerron, J.R (1988), ‘On the relationship between wife beating and child abuse’ in: Feminist Perspectives on Wife Abuse, M. Bograd, Sage, and California.
  • Calvert, G (1993) Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect: the National Strategy, National Child Protection Council and Canberra.
  • Carlson, B.E. (1984), ‘Children’s observations of inter-parental violence’ in: Battered Women and Their Families, ed. A.R. Roberts, Springer, New York.
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