Education Project Topics

Socio-psychological Factors of Home Conflict as Predicators of Academic Performance of Some Selected Secondary School Students

Socio-psychological Factors of Home Conflict as Predicators of Academic Performance of Some Selected Secondary School Students

Socio-psychological Factors of Home Conflict as Predicators of Academic Performance of Some Selected Secondary School Students



The study is mainly to identify some socio-psychological effects of conflicts in the home on the students’ academic performance. Also, it is to find out the extent to which the socio-psychological effect of conflict in the home has effectively contributed to the academic performance of the child.

The study also analyzes the relationship between the student, his peers and family. The study addresses how the family stands to influence the positive or negative academic performance of the child and make some recommendations on how to manage conflict in the home.




This chapter reflects on the modern view of marriage, the influence of a family on an individual’s behaviour, relationship between parents and their children’s educational and social life, causes of conflicts in families, impact of family conflicts on children and Guidance and Counselling in Schools.

The Modern View of Marriage

Marriage is the first step towards starting a family. Kiura (1999) indicated that if two people share a good marriage, then starting a family and taking good care of it would not be a problem. He adds that the vice-versa is true if the marriage is not built on a strong foundation. According to Durazi (2005), there are people who no longer view marriage as a means to personal fulfilment. Majority of women today prefer taking care of their children single-handedly. They argue out that being a mother is a better legacy than being a wife. Durazi quoted what one woman, Elizabeth, said; “The modern woman is against being taken for granted and that is what puts her off the whole marriage thing.” It is believed that formal marriage is slowly disappearing since majority of the youth prefer live-in arrangements. Many people see marriage as a form of enslavement, particularly for the woman. In the traditional golden days, marriage was viewed as the ultimate rite of passage for which a girl was prepared from a tender age, (Durazi, 2005). Today’s woman is realistic enough and knows that she deserves love and respect from her husband. Durazi also says that women can no longer shoulder the responsibility of making a marriage work; men must do their share as well. Bokea (2006) believes that while sometimes separation may seem like the only option, people are slowly becoming a society that believes in divorce and separation rather than in marriage for life. She laments that if only people could make the effort in their marriages that they do sustaining other areas of their lives. When recruiting new employees, most employers look for people with superior skills in communication, analysis and public relations, they want team players who are culturally sensitive, able to handle multiple tasks, ready to work long 9 hours, willing to learn new ways of doing things and so on. She asserts that if they could apply these same skills when handling their family life, things would be much better. She goes ahead to give another example.




This chapter deals mainly with the methodology or strategies in which the researchers used in collecting valid and reliable information and data for the stud, which includes:

  1. Research design
  2. Population and sample
  3. Research instrument
  4. Procedure for data collection
  5. Method of data analysis


The research is survey design on the effect of broken homes on academic achievement of students in selected schools in Alimosho Local Government Area.

Ndagi (1984), survey research is a type of descriptive research in which respondents for testing hypothesis concerning the states of some educational problem are measures. It is also techniques involving larger number of persons and described population characterized by the selected of unbiased sample.

It involved using questionnaire and sometimes interview test and generalizing the result of the survey to the population from which it’s drawn.


The population study consists of the senior students in the four (4) selected secondary schools in Alimosho Local Government Area. Twenty five (25) respondents per school have been selected sample random sampling thereby bringing the total number of respondents to hundred (100) participated in study.




This chapter discusses the presentation and analysis of data based on the investigation carried out on the effect of broken homes on academic achievement of students with particular reference to some selected secondary schools in Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State.

Percentage (%) were employed as the statistical tools for analyzing data. The result of the analysis are presented in percentage terms merge for Yes or No”. The data for the research work was obtained through the questionnaires.




This research work studied the effects of family on student’s academic achievement in secondary school Alimosho Local Government Area.

The work was organized into five chapters. Chapter one presented the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research question, relevance the study, scope of the study and operational definition of terms.

Chapter two also presented the review of related literatures by some researchers and educational covering the theoretical framework and nature of family, and it relation to achievements, implication of divorce of academic achievement, family implication to the teachers in school setting, summary of literature review and uniqueness of the study.

Chapter three comprises of research design, population and sample research instruments, procedure for data collection and method of data analysis.

Chapter four also consist of presentation and analysis of data discussion of results.

Chapter five covered summary, conclusion, recommendation and suggestions for further studies.


The study conclude that, most of the respondents are not staying with their parents. They perform below expectation due to the, lack of security care and discipline in school are not been paid.

The study further concluded that some of the factors which causes psychological effects on students academic achievement as a result of broken home, are lack of care security and discipline.


The following are the broken stated recommendation of the study:-

  1. The government should create academic and counseling units in schools with adequate found, while students from conflict homes should be given proper guidance and counseling concerning their psychological needs and social problems towards their studies for appropriate discipline.
  2. More learning materials should be provided to the students from by their parents and guidance for effective learning
  3. Proper monitoring, security and discipline should be given to the students by their guidance and single parents.
  4. Government should found or create sufficient orphanage homes and finance them so that they will take care of family home till the problem is solve.
  5. Religious scholars should offer to parents on dangers of broken homes and their effect on academic performance.
  6. Principal and teachers should monitor the affairs of students from broken homes and counsel them from time to time in their schools.


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