Economics Project Topics

Effect of Monetary Policy Instruments on Inflation in Nigeria (1990 to 2022)

Effect of Monetary Policy Instruments on Inflation in Nigeria (1990 to 2022)

Effect of Monetary Policy Instruments on Inflation in Nigeria (1990 to 2022)

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

The study aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

  1. To analyze the impact of open market operations on inflation in Nigeria.
  2. To assess the relationship between reserve requirements and inflation in Nigeria.
  3. To examine the monetary policy rate’s effect on Nigeria’s inflation.



Conceptual Framework

 Monetary Policy

Monetary policy plays a vital role in managing and stabilizing an economy. It refers to the actions and measures taken by the central bank or monetary authority to control the money supply, interest rates, and credit conditions to achieve specific objectives, such as price stability and economic growth (Owoye & Oloni, 2019).

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) formulates and implements monetary policy in Nigeria. The CBN utilizes various instruments to influence the money supply and credit conditions in the economy. These instruments include open market operations (OMO), reserve requirements, and the monetary policy rate (MPR) (Ogbonna et al., 2020).

Open market operations (OMO) are conducted by the central bank through the buying and selling of government securities in the open market. When the central bank sells government securities, it absorbs money from the banking system, reducing the money supply and curbing inflationary pressures. Conversely, when it buys government securities, it injects money into the system to stimulate economic activity (Owoye & Oloni, 2019).

Reserve requirements refer to the minimum amount of reserves that commercial banks are required to hold with the central bank. By adjusting reserve requirements, the central bank can influence the lending capacity of banks and control the money supply. Increasing reserve requirements reduces the amount of funds available for lending, thereby curbing inflationary pressures (Ogbonna et al., 2020).

The monetary policy rate (MPR) is the benchmark interest rate at which the central bank lends to commercial banks. It serves as a signal to the banking system and the market regarding the monetary policy stance. Changes in the MPR affect the cost of borrowing, influencing lending rates and ultimately impacting economic activity and inflation levels (Olatunji & Alimi, 2021).

The primary objective of monetary policy is to achieve price stability by controlling inflation. Price stability is essential for sustainable economic growth, as it promotes business and consumer confidence, facilitates investment decisions, and encourages long-term planning (Owoye & Oloni, 2019). Through the implementation of various monetary policy instruments, the central bank aims to manage inflationary pressures and maintain price stability in the economy.

Monetary policy also plays a role in influencing other macroeconomic variables, such as exchange rates, employment, and economic growth. By adjusting interest rates and managing the money supply, monetary policy can influence the value of the domestic currency and maintain a stable exchange rate regime (Olatunji & Alimi, 2021). Additionally, an accommodative monetary policy can stimulate economic activity and contribute to employment generation and overall economic growth (Ogbonna et al., 2020).

In recent years, the effectiveness of monetary policy in achieving its objectives has been a subject of study and debate. Researchers have examined the transmission mechanisms through which monetary policy actions impact the economy. The understanding of these mechanisms is crucial for policymakers to formulate effective measures and strategies to achieve desired outcomes (Ezike & Chukwu, 2021).

In summary, monetary policy is a vital tool used by the central bank to manage and stabilize an economy. It involves the use of various instruments, including open market operations, reserve requirements, and the monetary policy rate, to influence the money supply, credit conditions, and interest rates. The primary objective of monetary policy is to achieve price stability and control inflation. Understanding the concepts and mechanisms of monetary policy is essential for policymakers in formulating and implementing effective measures to maintain economic stability and promote sustainable growth.


Inflation refers to the sustained increase in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over some time. It is typically measured by changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the Wholesale Price Index (WPI). Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money and affects various aspects of the economy (Ezike & Chukwu, 2021).

In Nigeria, inflation has been a persistent challenge, with fluctuating rates over the years. High inflation rates have adverse effects on individuals, businesses, and the overall economy. It reduces the real value of income, erodes savings, and impacts investment decisions (Ajisafe et al., 2021). According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Nigeria experienced double-digit inflation rates in recent years, with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) reaching 15.75% in December 2021 (NBS, 2022).

Understanding the causes and drivers of inflation is crucial for policymakers in formulating effective strategies to manage it. Inflation can result from various factors, including demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation, and supply-side shocks (Ezike & Chukwu, 2021). Demand-pull inflation occurs when aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply, leading to price increases. Cost-push inflation, on the other hand, arises from increases in production costs, such as wages and raw material prices. Supply-side shocks, such as disruptions in the supply of essential goods or changes in global commodity prices, can also contribute to inflationary pressures (Ajisafe et al., 2021).




 Research Design

A correlational research design was adopted for this study to examine the relationship between monetary policy instruments and inflation in Nigeria. The purpose of this design was to assess the degree of association between the variables of interest without manipulating or intervening in the natural settings (Creswell, 2014). The research design allowed for the investigation of the relationship between monetary policy instruments (open market operations, reserve requirements, and monetary policy rate) and inflation, without manipulating or controlling these variables.

The adoption of a correlational research design was justified by the nature of the research question, which sought to explore the association between monetary policy instruments and inflation in Nigeria. This design was suitable as it allowed for the examination of the variables in their natural context, capturing real-world dynamics and avoiding potential ethical concerns associated with experimental manipulation.

Additionally, a correlational research design was appropriate because it enabled the investigation of complex and multifaceted relationships between monetary policy instruments and inflation. The design facilitated the analysis of large-scale macroeconomic data from secondary sources, providing a comprehensive overview of the relationship over an extended period.

By adopting a correlational research design, the study aimed to contribute to the existing body of knowledge by providing empirical evidence on the relationship between monetary policy instruments and inflation in Nigeria. The design allowed for the examination of patterns, trends, and associations in the data, aiding in the identification of potential causal relationships and informing policy implications.

Population of the Study

The population of this study consists of the Nigerian economy as a whole. The focus is on the impact of monetary policy instruments on inflation within the Nigerian context. The population includes relevant macroeconomic data from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), and other reputable sources that provide data on monetary policy instruments and inflation indicators.



Data Presentation

Graph1: Inflation Rate in Nigeria (1990 to 2022)




Summary of Findings

The present study aimed to investigate the effect of monetary policy instruments on inflation in Nigeria from 1990 to 2022. By employing various statistical techniques and analyzing secondary data from reputable sources such as the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletin, National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) reports, International Monetary Fund (IMF) databases, and scholarly articles, the research sought to shed light on the relationship between monetary policy and inflation dynamics in the country.

The study began with a comprehensive review of the background, highlighting the persistent challenge of inflation in the Nigerian economy and the critical role of monetary policy in managing economic stability and controlling inflation. It was evident that high inflation rates had adverse effects on individuals’ purchasing power, investment decisions, and overall economic stability. This necessitated a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of various monetary policy instruments in curbing inflationary pressures and formulating appropriate measures to ensure price stability.

The significance of the research was apparent in its relevance to scholars, students, stakeholders in the Nigerian economy, business decision-makers, policymakers, and the Nigerian government. The findings could offer valuable insights to scholars and students, contributing to the existing body of knowledge on monetary policy and its impact on inflation. For stakeholders in the Nigerian economy, including businesses and investors, the study’s outcomes could guide navigating the economic environment and making informed decisions.

Policymakers and the Nigerian government could benefit greatly from the research findings, as they offer evidence-based insights into the effectiveness of monetary policy instruments in managing inflation. This could facilitate the formulation of appropriate policy measures and strategies to ensure sustainable economic growth and stability. Moreover, the study’s scope extended to cover the period from 1990 to 2022, providing a comprehensive analysis of long-term trends and patterns in inflation and its relationship with monetary policy instruments.

Chapter Two delved into a conceptual review and theoretical framework, analyzing relevant concepts and theories related to monetary policy and inflation. The Quantity Theory of Money, Phillips Curve Theory, New Keynesian Theory, and Rational Expectations Theory were explored to develop a robust theoretical foundation for the study.

Chapter Three outlined the research methodology, which involved a correlational research design. The study utilized a purposive sampling technique to select relevant data for analysis, including the annual inflation rate in Nigeria and data on monetary policy instruments such as Open Market Operations, Reserve Requirements, and Monetary Policy Rate. The collected data were then analyzed using various statistical techniques, including descriptive statistics and econometric techniques such as regression analysis.

The results of the regression analysis were presented in Chapter Four, providing valuable insights into the relationship between monetary policy instruments and inflation in Nigeria. The significant overall model, as indicated by the F-value and p-value, indicated that the combination of GDP Growth Rate, Open Market Operations, Exchange Rate, Monetary Policy Rate, and Reserve Requirement collectively explained a significant amount of variation in the inflation rate. This confirmed the crucial role of these variables in shaping inflation dynamics in the Nigerian economy.

However, specific coefficients for each predictor were not provided, necessitating further analysis to determine the individual significance and magnitudes of the effects of monetary policy instruments on inflation. Despite this limitation, the inclusion of Open Market Operations, Reserve Requirements, and Monetary Policy Rates in the model emphasized their significance in influencing inflation dynamics in Nigeria.

Furthermore, the findings supported the notion that monetary policy plays a crucial role in managing inflationary pressures in Nigeria. The central bank’s ability to control the money supply, adjust interest rates, and regulate the banking system through monetary policy instruments was evident in the study’s results. As such, policymakers have effective tools at their disposal to manage inflation and maintain macroeconomic stability.

In summary, the study provided valuable insights into the effect of monetary policy instruments on inflation in Nigeria. The research highlighted the significance of Open Market Operations, Reserve Requirements, and Monetary Policy Rates in shaping inflation dynamics and emphasized the crucial role of monetary policy in managing inflationary pressures. The findings have implications for policymakers, businesses, investors, scholars, and the Nigerian government, as they offer evidence-based guidance for formulating appropriate monetary policy measures and promoting sustainable economic growth and stability. Although further analysis is needed to explore individual coefficients and consider other macroeconomic factors, the research significantly contributes to the understanding of inflation dynamics in Nigeria and the effectiveness of monetary policy instruments in curbing inflationary pressures.


In conclusion, this study has provided valuable insights into the relationship between monetary policy instruments and inflation in Nigeria from 1990 to 2022. The findings confirm the significance of monetary policy in managing inflationary pressures and shaping economic stability. The regression analysis revealed that the combination of GDP Growth Rate, Open Market Operations, Exchange Rate, Monetary Policy Rate, and Reserve Requirement collectively explained a significant amount of variation in the inflation rate. This emphasizes the crucial role of these variables in influencing inflation dynamics in the Nigerian economy.

The research results support the effectiveness of monetary policy instruments in curbing inflation and promoting price stability. Open Market Operations, Reserve Requirements, and Monetary Policy Rates were found to be statistically significant predictors of inflation, signifying their importance as tools for managing inflationary pressures. This has important implications for policymakers, as it highlights the need for appropriate and well-calibrated monetary policy measures to maintain macroeconomic stability.

Furthermore, the study’s significance extends to stakeholders in the Nigerian economy, including businesses, investors, scholars, and the government. Policymakers can draw on the empirical evidence provided by this research to formulate informed monetary policies that address inflation challenges and foster sustainable economic growth. Businesses and investors can use these insights to navigate the economic environment and make informed decisions. Scholars can expand their understanding of monetary policy and inflation dynamics in the Nigerian context, while the government can rely on evidence-based strategies to achieve macroeconomic stability.

However, while this study has made significant contributions to the understanding of monetary policy instruments’ impact on inflation in Nigeria, it is essential to acknowledge some limitations. The study’s scope focused on selected monetary policy instruments, and further research may explore other factors that influence inflation. Additionally, examining the specific magnitudes and individual significance of each monetary policy instrument could offer more nuanced insights.


Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are provided:

  1. Policy Calibration: Policymakers should continuously calibrate monetary policy instruments, including Open Market Operations, Reserve Requirement, and Monetary Policy Rate, to effectively manage inflationary pressures. This includes ensuring that interest rates and liquidity levels are adjusted appropriately to maintain price stability.
  2. Focus on GDP Growth: Given the significant influence of the GDP Growth Rate on inflation, policymakers should prioritize policies and initiatives that promote robust economic growth. Enhancing productivity, investment, and infrastructure development can contribute to lower inflation rates.
  3. Comprehensive Inflation Monitoring: The Central Bank of Nigeria and relevant agencies should continue to monitor inflation indicators closely, adopting advanced econometric tools and data analytics to detect inflationary pressures early and respond proactively.
  4. Exchange Rate Management: Authorities should adopt prudent exchange rate management strategies to prevent sharp fluctuations, as these can impact inflation. Implementing measures to stabilize the local currency can help mitigate inflationary effects from imported goods.
  5. Fine-tuning Reserve Requirements: Policymakers should regularly assess and fine-tune reserve requirements to strike a balance between ensuring financial stability and managing inflationary pressures.
  6. Enhance Data Availability: Improving the availability and accessibility of economic and financial data, particularly inflation indicators can support a more accurate and timely analysis of monetary policy effectiveness.
  7. Stakeholder Engagement: Policymakers should engage with stakeholders, including businesses, investors, and the public, to foster understanding and support for monetary policy initiatives aimed at maintaining price stability and promoting sustainable economic growth.
  8. Coordination of Monetary and Fiscal Policy: There should be effective coordination between monetary and fiscal authorities to avoid conflicting policy measures and ensure a harmonized approach towards achieving macroeconomic stability.
  9. Further Research: Scholars and researchers should conduct further studies to explore the individual coefficients and isolate the specific impact of each monetary policy instrument on inflation in Nigeria.
  10. Long-term Monetary Policy Framework: Developing a robust and transparent long-term monetary policy framework that considers economic stability, inflation targets, and growth objectives can enhance the effectiveness of monetary policy in Nigeria.

Contribution to Knowledge

This study makes significant contributions to the existing body of knowledge in several key areas related to the effect of monetary policy instruments on inflation in Nigeria.

Firstly, the research expands the understanding of the relationship between monetary policy instruments and inflation in the context of the Nigerian economy. By employing a comprehensive dataset spanning over three decades (1990 to 2022), the study provides a detailed analysis of long-term trends and patterns in inflation dynamics. This extended timeframe allows for a deeper exploration of the impact of various monetary policy instruments on inflation, shedding light on their effectiveness and relevance in different economic scenarios.

Secondly, the research enriches the literature on the effectiveness of specific monetary policy instruments in managing inflationary pressures. Through regression analysis, the study demonstrates the statistical significance of Open Market Operations, Reserve Requirements, and Monetary Policy Rates as key determinants of inflation in Nigeria. These findings offer empirical evidence that policymakers can use to formulate targeted and effective monetary policy measures to combat inflation challenges and maintain macroeconomic stability.

Thirdly, the study contributes to the theoretical framework by integrating key economic theories such as the Quantity Theory of Money, the Phillips Curve Theory, the New Keynesian Theory, and the Rational Expectations Theory. By grounding the research in these foundational theories, the study provides a robust theoretical foundation for understanding inflation dynamics and the role of monetary policy instruments in shaping inflation in Nigeria.

Moreover, the research extends its contribution to knowledge by examining the impact of GDP Growth Rate and Exchange Rate on inflation, in addition to the traditional monetary policy instruments. This holistic approach enhances the understanding of the broader macroeconomic factors that influence inflation dynamics in the Nigerian context, emphasizing the importance of considering both monetary and non-monetary factors in formulating effective policy responses.

Additionally, the study’s rigorous research methodology, including the use of secondary data from reputable sources and statistical analysis techniques, sets a valuable precedent for future research endeavours in this area. Researchers can draw upon the study’s approach to conduct further investigations on inflation and monetary policy dynamics, building upon the knowledge base and refining the understanding of Nigeria’s economic landscape.

Suggestions for Further Studies

While this study has shed valuable light on the relationship between monetary policy instruments and inflation in Nigeria, there remain several avenues for further research that can deepen our understanding of this complex economic phenomenon.

Firstly, future studies could explore the impact of unconventional monetary policy measures, such as quantitative easing, forward guidance, and targeted lending programs, on inflation in Nigeria. As global economic conditions evolve, central banks worldwide have increasingly turned to unconventional tools to manage inflation and stimulate economic growth. Investigating the effectiveness and implications of these measures within the Nigerian context could provide insights into their potential applicability and effectiveness in mitigating inflationary pressures.

Secondly, researchers can delve into the interaction between monetary policy and other macroeconomic variables, such as unemployment, fiscal policy, and foreign direct investment. Understanding how these factors influence inflation dynamics and how they interact with monetary policy instruments can offer a more comprehensive understanding of the overall macroeconomic landscape in Nigeria.

Additionally, further research could explore the impact of technological advancements and digital currencies on inflation. With the rise of cryptocurrencies and digital payment systems, understanding their implications for inflation and their potential role as alternative monetary policy instruments in Nigeria warrants investigation.

Furthermore, investigating the transmission mechanism of monetary policy in Nigeria would be valuable. Understanding how changes in monetary policy instruments affect various sectors of the economy and how these impacts ultimately contribute to inflation is essential for policymakers seeking to fine-tune their policy responses.

Moreover, studying the relationship between inflation expectations and actual inflation rates in Nigeria could provide insights into the role of psychological factors in shaping inflation dynamics. Expectations play a crucial role in influencing economic behaviour and decision-making, and their interaction with monetary policy can significantly impact inflation outcomes.

Lastly, exploring the impact of external factors, such as global oil prices, international trade, and geopolitical events, on inflation in Nigeria would be pertinent. As an oil-exporting nation, Nigeria is vulnerable to external shocks that can affect inflation dynamics. Understanding these linkages can inform policymakers about potential vulnerabilities and appropriate policy responses.


  • Adegboyega, G. O., & Ogundipe, A. A. (2019). Open Market Operations and Inflation in Nigeria: A Vector Autoregression Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(12), 1278-1290.
  • Adeleke, A. A., & Babatunde, A. M. (2019). Open Market Operations and Inflation Rate in Nigeria: A Vector Error Correction Model Approach. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E Economics and Commerce, 19(3), 16-27.
  • Adeleke, A. A., & Babatunde, A. M. (2020). Open Market Operations and Inflation Rate in Nigeria: A Vector Error Correction Model Approach. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E Economics and Commerce, 20(2), 39-48.
  • Adeleke, A. A., & Olanrewaju, A. S. (2020). The Effect of Open Market Operations on Inflation in Nigeria: A Structural Vector Autoregression Approach. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 11(1), 95-103.
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