The Effect of Unemployment on Standard of Living in Upper West (Wa Municipal Precisely)
Objectives of the Study
The general objective is to examine the effects of youth unemployment on the standard of living. The specific objectives are:
- To find out the effect of youth unemployment on standard of living in Wa municipal
- To investigate the effect of other factors on income Wa municipal
- To draw conclusions and provide policy recommendations on the findings of this research
The objective of the literature review is to explore the perceptions, discourse and notions of various authors in order to gain better understanding of the variables under study. The researcher will review relevant literature under the following headings
Conceptual Framework
Empirical Literature
Overview of Literature
This chapter deals with the methodology that will be used in the study. It presents the research design, Area of study, model specification, conceptual framework, definition, measurement and expected signs of variables, measurement of unemployment, data source and type
Research Design
The appropriate research design for this study will be survey design as it considers both qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Survey design is used to collect generalised data and information from a well known human population. It is efficient in giving large amount of data at a very low cost in short time period possible Smith (1975). Thus, using this research design format will enable the researcher to get data or information in less time.
Model Specification and Conceptual Framework
Conceptual Framework
In this study, the econometric model that was used is the mincerian earnings function model (Mincer, 1974). The model was used by Daniel Cooper (2014) in the analysis of the effect of unemployment duration on future earnings/wage. The model stated that there is a link between wages/earnings and the quantity of skills owned by individuals in a competitive labor market.
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