Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of a Police Crime Diary

Design and Implementation of a Police Crime Diary

Design and Implementation of a Police Crime Diary

Chapter One


  1. To design a system that is a website that automates the manual crime diary of Nigeria Police force. The system is designed using of visual studio 2008, as its front-end design and data drum was designed using Microsoft SQL server management studios 2005. This proposed website is an online diary that will:
  2. Help in the privacy of crime suspects, as they will not be pervaded and only the authorized officer’s and the reporter will know the superseded criminal.
  3. Totally reduce paper work and
  4. Promote record keeping via digital means.
  5. To explain the terms diary, Crimes and Online diary.
  6. To show the new feature of this automated police crime diary other manual police crime diary.




Crime is the breaking of rule or laws enacted by a governing authority over its area of jurisdiction. Automated diary, specifically, internet diaries have been since 14th November 1994. In this chapter, authorities and resource material in relation to the search are referenced.


Internet diaries, which are of the form of online diary and blogs, started at MIT media LAB Website on 14th November 1994. The increased access of Internet services made many people to adopt the internet for crime reporting also and not just for social purpose.

Diary, be it manual (hand written) or automated are of different form or type notably institutional diary, person diary, war diary and so on. A crime diary is a periodical documentation of crime as committed by individual (a suspect). Every security, governing and over sight organizations have their diaries. The Nigeria police force, for example have a crime diary at each police station and contain crime as reported by individual, against a suspect or defaulters of enacted law. A crime diary on an overall note contains the information of the suspect, the reporter (if there be any) and the crime committed as well as the place and time it was committed.

According to business dictionary (an online dictionary) “harmful act or omission against the public which the states wishes to prevent and which, upon conviction is punishable by fine, imprisonment and /or death is a CRIME” (source; www.businessdictionary. com/definition/crime.html, date accessed: 6th November 2012). Public in the definition refers to the geographical area where the governing authority have jurisdiction. The state is the governing authority which may be, the president, Governors and so on in the geographical area. A crime is not a crime until a preventive measure such as conviction fine, imprisonment and / or death is attached to it. “No conduct constitutes a crime unless it is declared criminal in the law of the country / state. Some crimes may be civil wrongs also, in which the victim(s) may claim damages in compensation; says

The Nigeria Police force performs conventional police function and is responsible for internal security generally. A comparative analysis of offence for 2008 & 2009 against person, property, lawful authority local acts, 2009 was done by NPF in all the state commends and its shown below;

(Source:, accessed: 2nd November, 2012)

The above statistic calls for an automated police crime diary to ease the work of searching record and limit paper work. The NPF, presently lead by Inspector General of police, Mohammed Dahiru Abubakar was established by section 194 of the 1979 constitution as a national police of Nigeria with exclusive jurisdiction throughout the country. NPF comprises of IGP, DIGs, AIGs, ZCs, CPs, ACPs, and DPOs at the helm of authority. It has zonal commands, state commands and Divisional and District heads. The IGP is assisted by Deputy Inspector General of police. Some sections in NPF are

  • Administration
  • Anti-fraud
  • Central criminal registry
  • Special Anti- Robbery squad (SARS)
  • Special fraud unit (SFU) and so on

Prior now, NPF had had IGPs which are always appointed by the president of Nigeria. They are shown below.




System study (Information Gathering)

Considering the objectives of the proposed system, extensive research has been done to gain an insight into the needs and behaviors of various users. The working of the application is made convenient and easy to use for the end user. Other than this, a lot of research on various other methods of building this application which and was able to incorporate a few stronger features into the application.

The tools and controls used in the application are recommended ASP.NET controls which improves the navigation and usability and interactivity.

System Feasibility

The system feasibility can be divided into the following sections:

  1. Economic Feasibility

The project is economically feasible as the only cost involved is having a computer with the minimum requirements mentioned earlier. For the users to access the application, the only cost involved will be in getting access to the Internet.

  1. Technical Feasibility

To deploy the application, the only technical aspects needed are mentioned below:

  • Operating System Win 2000/XP/Vista/7
  • Platform .Net Framework & IIS
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005

For Users:

  • Internet Browser
  • Internet Connection
  1. Behavioral Feasibility

The application requires no special technical guidance and all the views available in the application are self explanatory. The users are well guided with warning and failure messages for all the actions taken.

System Analysis

After carefully analyzing the requirements and functionality of the web application, the diagram below is used to explain the system functionality.




System implementation can be defined as the means by which the purpose of the system is achieved. This chapter explains how the website and the database will be implemented by the NPF. It involves the acquisition, development and installation of the hardware and software testing of the system and training the people that will use the system. It also covers the conversion and use of the new system by the management of NPF.




Diary (record keeping) is a major and important activity to institutions, organization and individuals. Crime also has become a part of human life. In combating crime a good record keeping is required as well as safety of crime reporters. The merits of this automated system over the manual police crime diary are as follows



Reduced paper work

Speed in processing time

It cannot be stolen, lost and misplaced

Simplicity in record keeping

Cost effective

Users friendliness with GUI

Privacy and safety of crime reporters


This work should not put a stop to research on automated crime diary as advance technology like; biometrics can be integrated to automated crime diary as a means of user identification instead of password.

Also, we strongly recommend this software for Nigerian Police Force and others crime fighting organizations.


Automated system has proved to be more successful when compared to manual systems.

Automated Police Crime Diary redefines the manual / hand written crime diary, hence averts lost of diary, promotes privacy and secrecy as well as safety.

Since the reputation of the suspects and users of crime diary lies on the content of the diary, automated crime diary will in no distance time totally ‘pocket’ the manual diary with the utilization of advance technology.


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