Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of an Online Bookstore Management System (a Case Study of Kano Public Library in Nigeria (KPL))

Design and Implementation of an Online Bookstore Management System (a Case Study of Kano Public Library in Nigeria (KPL))

Design and Implementation of an Online Bookstore Management System (a Case Study of Kano Public Library in Nigeria (KPL))

Chapter One

Objectives of the Project

Main Objective

The main objective of the project is to create an online book store that allows users to search and purchase a book online based on title, author and subject.

Specific Objectives

  • To design an online bookstore management system
  • To analyze the problems in the existing system
  • To analyze the possible requirements for the new system




This chapter deals with the analysis of the existing relevant literature of online clearance systems used to clear, their benefits and limitations, it further stretches the development of web base clearance system.

Role of Information Technology in the Academic System

The introduction of computer into information technology has massively improved the information need of organization; the success of this machine is dependent on the knowledge base. Therefore, one can be prompted to ask aloud “what is a computer” Funk (1980) defined a computer as an electronic device that can perform automatically at a high speed of a sequence of logical operations according to instructions giving to it inform of pre-arranged program.

Anigbogu (2000) define a computer as an electronic device capable of accepting data and instruction; process the data base on the instruction to generate result or output in such a manner that is yet to be equaled by any other known machine to mankind.

Chimezie (1990) define computer by saying that computers are looked upon as obedient servants who are ever ready to free man from tedious procedures and produce result as compared with human computing time.

Obilikwu (1995) define a computer as a machine that is capable of accepting input data, store and process the data base on the instructions giving by the computer users and in this way produce expected result, generally called output.

World net describes an information system (I.S) as systems consisting of all communication channels used within an organization and include software and hardware. It may also be define as a system that collect and 18 process data (information) and provide it to manager of all levels that use it for decision making, planning, program implementation and control.

The aim of information system to admission, registration, result processing and clearance in universities using computer software based online clearance system is to improve the quality and accuracy of information provided to all involved as well as assisting universities in compiling and reporting information, making work lesser for the management.

Information technology has been an integral part of academic system since almost four decades. According to Hewlet (1993) the world is entering an era in which technology will literally transform every aspect of business, every aspect of life and every aspect of society.

Since the arrival of internet technology, school system has taken a new shape style with a blend of convenience and satisfaction. Taylor (1980) says that computer base education includes both computer-assisted instruction programs that interact with students in a dialogue and a broader array of educational computer applications such as simulations or instructions in computer programming. Learning from a student bedroom, office or anywhere in the world has made its way into university system with the advent of internet technology. Information technology has always helped the university system to educate student in better way. To explain few examples. Student online clearance is a method where the student obtains his/her clearance letter without carrying files around. This is safe, fast and has no hazels. Filling out the documents and comparing options and writing for approval is a time consuming process. Through the internet, this process is made much easier and sometimes the approval is made within minutes. This explains an efficient way of obtaining clearance and saves time and money for students.

Data and Information

The concept of data and information are very important in understanding issues that go with development and implementation of a computer software based online clearance system. The term “data” and “information” are used interchangeably every day conversation as meaning the same thing. Too many manager and information specialist. However, these terms have distinct meaning. According to O’Leary (1996) data simply consist of raw unprocessed facts while information is a data that have been processed by the computer. Hordeski (1986) gives the following definition of data; A graphic or textual representation of facts concepts, numbers, letters, symbols or instructions suitable for communication, interpretation or processing. Data is the basic element of information that is use to described objects, ideas, conditions or situations.

Lucy (1991) defines data and information as Data is fact events, transactions and so on, which have been recorded. They are the raw materials from which information is produced. Information is data that has been produced in such a way as to be useful to the recipient. Data are fact obtained by observation, counting, measuring, weighing etc, which are often records of day-to-day transactions of the organization. For example, 20 the date, amount, and other details of an invoice or cheque, payroll details of payment, the number of a student living in a particular hostel and so on.

Enwerem (1992) argue that concept of information in an organization sense is more complex and difficult than the frequent use of this common word would suggest. Oketunji (2002) emphasized that information is data that have been processed, transmitted by the recipient, interpreted and understood by the recipient. Here it should be noted that the user, not just the sender is involved in the transformation of data into information. There is a process of though and understanding involved and if follows that a given message can have different meaning to different people. Based on this, one can conclude that data which has been analyzed, summarized or processed in some other fashion to produce a message or report which is conveniently deemed “management information” only becomes information if it is understood by the recipient. Therefore it the user who determine whether a report contains information or just processed data

Technology Enhance Computer Software Based Online Clearance System

According to Jeremy V Ernest, a comparison of traditional and hybrid online system in communication technology

Online system has become a central element of the discourse on higher education (cox 2005). There seems to be an overall derive towards online system given the mountain need for flexibility in scheduling and the daily emergency of communication technology and capabilities (Hill stock 2005).

Online system is presented as a means of conveying instruction to an extensive learning community any place at any time Cox (2005). Indicate that adequate designate online learning as the driving force and model for transformation in teaching, learning and formal schooling online course has the potential to provide learner individualized attention by the instructor, otherwise impossible in a large classroom environment (environmental education and training partnership 2006).

With the continued development of online system applications, many colleges and universities has began to offer online courses as an alternative to traditional face-to-face instructions. 67% of colleges and universities agreed that online education is the most logical long term strategies for their institutions (Hill stock 2005). However, there are considerable hesitations rising predominantly related quality and student respectively to online system, (Yong and Conellus 2004). Just as their advantages there are also disadvantages to the online system instruction delivery method. There is evidence through previous research that student fill isolated or disconnected when not engaged in traditional face-to-face instruction (Guhu 2001, Graham 2001), while other report indicate large success (Hoff man 2002, Kaczynski and Kelly 2004: mayer 2002). There remains a lack of clarity whether online courses are as affective as traditional courses (peirier and Feldman 2004).

While there has been vast amount of research conducted on the advantages and the disadvantages of online system institution, little is known on how assessment is used in online classroom to monitor performance and progress (Liang and Jeremy v ernest Jeremy_ernest @ is an assistant professor in the department of mathematics science and technology education at North Carolina state university Ralugh.





This chapter describes methods, tools and techniques that were employed to develop Clearance system from early stages of development to implementation.

Research Design

The researcher used quantitative research design. Data in the quantitative design was collected through interviews and Study of Manual. This aim is mainly to acquire an in-depth understanding of exiting manual system. Quantitative design was also used to gather information that is analysis of documents such as books, newspapers, magazines, internets.

Population study

A population refers to an entire group of individuals, events or objects having a common observable characteristic (Mugenda, 1999). The population for the study was the management staff and students of the Islamic University in Uganda that is administrators, Deans, Head of departments and lecturers as well as service recipient with some knowledge about the service delivery systems in Islamic university in Uganda.




This chapter describes the requirements for the system, the system design, process specification, system models and the system development and implementation information.

The study was based on three specific objectives: To identify the problems in the existing system, To gather data and analyze the existing system, To design a clearance management system and To develop a clearance management system for IUIU.



System Development

The System was developed using Visual Studio(C#) and SQL. It is used to design and develop the system back and front ends. The software includes:

The front section/end of the system

  1. C#; this was used in front end design and development i.e. for user interface development because it uses HTML5, CSS and JavaScript that support good graphics (text, static and dynamic images), navigation (through hyperlinks) and data manipulations.
  2. XMLis scripting programming language that works with HTML to enhance web pages, make them more interactive and add more functionality to html pages

The back end of the system

  1. SQL:It’s a database management system that enables development of databases and tables. It supports a large amount of information storage, allows concurrency control services, quick data retrieval, easy data manipulations (updating, deleting, insertion, sum, difference, multiplication, division ), it stores alphanumerical data, therefore with those enhanced features it had to be our best choice for designing the back end of the system.

Results from testing and validation

Testing was done by running the system on a local machine which was computer

System testing

This was to ensure that the whole system functioned as expected with the various functions and modules coordinating with each other in order to achieve the system goal. System malfunctions were corrected.




The use of computer software based online clearance system forms the basis of the school management decision. It aims at providing the management with adequate, effective, well documented up-to-date and formatted output. To help as a tool in planning and decision making/based on the student clearance form.

The lack of learner outcome variation of the online system signals the establishment of concurrency between the two measures even though they are measures of same construct. This investigation supports the use of the online system structure to broaden the instruction audience in technology education program.

The use of clearance system in technology education at the university remain at the minimal level as suggested by the 80 percent of the online student participant, predominantly technology education measures who report that they have not done online clearance previously. Also 75 percent of online student participant report that they have not used computer software base online clearance system previously. Having come to completion of this project work a lot of achievement was made and they include;

  1. The replacement of error prone manual system with new automated online clearance system.
  2. Data can now be processed with great speed and efficiency.
  3. The application has the ability to update record in various files automatically there relieving the university staff the stress from working from file to file.
  4. The security of data is ensured.
  5. The use of database server was implemented.


Research and development are continuous processes; this is same in computer and software development. However the effectiveness and efficiency of this new system provide room for further improvement. As early mentioned some of the objectives of this project were not actualized due to some limitation. The outline clearance system developed will offer greater opportunity in school management. All transaction or payment with regards to student’s clearance can be carried out online.


The research work carried out is limited to online clearance only. It would be better if a full portal is developed for effective and wholesome of information management technology in our universities. When this is done the following modules are recommended to include in the portal.

  1. Developing an online student’s admission system to enable full tracking of student records
  2. Automation of student academic record to enable the management to have access to student academic performance.
  3. Maintaining a central database for accessing information relating to student.


  • Anigbogu G. (2000). Systematic planning for educational change. California: Mayfield publishing company.
  • Chimezie F. (2000). “Use of local area network in school. ERIC Digest” Syracus, NY: ERIC Clearinghouse on information resources.
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  • Enwere J.C. (1992). Records managements in Nigeria: to be or not to be? Nigeria library or information science review. Lagos, Nigeria: Akin publishing ltd.
  • Funk M. (1980). Perspective in education planning. Ibadan, Nigeria Odun prints and pack, Agbowo
  • Hewlett M. (1993). The internet in education column: *special issue+. “Internet world”, 6 (10).
  • Iwhiwhu E.B (2005). The future of records management in Nigeria. The Nigerian archivist. Journal of the society of Nigeria archivist 1 (2$3).
  • Lucey I. (1991). Managing record in the Moden office. Training the wild frontier. Archivaria 39 (spring).
  • Nwankwo J.I.(1982). Establishment of information in sind| province, UNESCO technical report: project PAK|77|038.
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