Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of Computerized Internet Café Timer and Monitoring System

Design and Implementation of Computerized Internet Café Timer and Monitoring System

Design and Implementation of Computerized Internet Café Timer and Monitoring System

Chapter One



The proposed system aims to develop a computerized timer and monitoring system to aid internet cafés or regarding timer and monitoring needs.


Specifically, this project aims to:

  1. Have an accurate computerized timer for computer rental sessions.
  2. Provide security from unauthorized use of computers.
  3. Provide a bandwidth limiter option to monitor and control the amount of bandwidth used by customer and to balance bandwidth usage between client computers.
  4. Remotely monitor and control all client computers from a server to properly manage internet cafés.



This chapter presents the review of related foreign and local literature and studies. The researchers prefer the following literature and studies because of their simplicity and relevance to the present study. These show the invaluable views of different minds about the operational concerns and accounting system which will help in better understanding of the topics. The researchers used sources such as the Internet, thesis, books and other print materials.


CafeSuite is a Cyber Cafe management software that helps with managing customers and employees, controlling computers and printers, securing systems, accounting and billing. The basic task of this software is to provide operators and customers with an accurate timing and billing information. The software generates various statistics, which give detailed information about business performance. All transactions and actions are recorded into a database and can be viewed through reports.(Staszewski, 2002)

HotSpot is a Windows PC gateway software which helps in controlling and billing customers for the Internet usage. It does not require any Client software installations. It uses captive portal technology to show login page in customer browser. Upon connecting to network (using wireless cards or UTP cable), customers will be prompted to enter valid username and password to get Internet access. (ANTAMEDIA, 2001)

CyberLeader Internet Cafe Software is a management, monitoring and billing system for Internet and Gaming cafes, coffee shops, hotels, schools, restaurants, libraries and other institutions that provide computers for public usage. It can work on a standard or wireless LAN, and also supports remote connection between server and clients over the Internet. (CyberLeader Systems INC., 2001)


Developed by professional Filipino programmers, Paymycafe is a free Server – Client Cyber Café Manager that offers a secure and efficient system. Its Server features include remote control, bulk tickets, second and third rates options, in – house prepaid tickets, open time accounts, member accounts, point of sale, reports, receipts, user management, multiple server support, café log and software updates.

Café Manila is a cybercafé management software that provides administrative needs for computer rental shops.

Café Manila features:

Point of Sale System Employee Management Client Monitoring and Management Charging Scheme


According to Jaafar(2007), Cyber Cafe Management System is software for operating Internet Cafe, Cyber Cafe, Game Center, Gaming Cafe and PC rental Cafe shop. It has been designed for use in an Internet coffee shop , cafe management, billing, although it can be used for internet PC controlling. Cyber Cafe Management System is a real-time way to manage the client machines via monitoring and locking in order to process PC rentals which includes the ability to fully control and charge for printing.


In Crisanta’s (2010) study, developing a system that can efficiently manage the task in an internet cafe, she explained that an internet cafe can function well by applying computerized system or networking in monitoring the use of computers rather than manual system. In applying such, tasks become more manageable, accurate and reliable to their business.

In conducting the study, Lincoln Internet Cafe located at Bato-Bato St., Riverside, Commonwealth Avenue serves the sample. The internet cafe uses manual system in recording the usage of their computers. They use a log-book that contains the following list: computer number, time in and out, time to be consumed and the amount to be paid. Aside from this task, the assistant is also obliged to ask or remind the customer if they are going to extend their time or they are about to end their transaction. After that, they encircle the computer number, calculate it by computing the time the customer have consumed. Crisanta (2010) conclude that LIC (Lincoln Internet Cafe) system is time consuming and difficult. Sometimes, customers exceeded their usage because they are not guarded properly and having this kind of negligence causes an income lost to the business.

In Llavore’s study (2011), he stated that Internet cafés are located worldwide, and many people use them when traveling to access web mail and instant messaging services to keep in touch with family and friends. Apart from travelers, in many developing countries Internet cafés are the primary form of Internet access for citizens as a shared-access model is more affordable than personal ownership of equipment or software. A variation on the Internet café business model is the LAN gaming center, used for multiplayer gaming. These cafés have several computer stations connected to a LAN. The connected computers are custom-assembled for gameplay, supporting popular multiplayer games. This is reducing the need for video arcades and arcade games, many of which are being closed down or merged into Internet cafés. The use of Internet cafés for multiplayer gaming is particularly popular in certain areas of Asia like China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea and the Philippines. In some countries, since practically all LAN gaming centers also offer Internet access, the terms net cafe and LAN gaming center have become interchangeable. Again, thisshared-access model is more affordable than personal ownership of equipment or software, especially since games often require high end and expensive PCs.




This chapter describes the present operations of the company, how employees perform their tasks and the software and hardware to be used during the system development.



This chapter presents the functional specification, design specification and implementation.



The study was conducted at Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines. This city was chosen by the researchers because it is the seat of government of Palawan and is the center of trade and business in Palawan. Puerto Princesa is divided into 66 barangays and there are at least 10 internet café businesses in each barangay.


  • Michael S. , (1995): Data Analysis: an Introduction, Sage Publications Inc, Perry,
  • Marc J., Paul J. (2001)Population Change and Distribution: Census 2000 Brief.
  • Preston, S. ( 2000). Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population Processes. Blackwell Publishing.
  • Schutt, K. (2006). “Investigating the Social World: The Process and Practice of Research”. SAGE Publications.
  • Siegl, S. (2002). Applied Demography: Applications to Business, Government, Law, and Public Policy. San Diego: Academic Press.
  • Wattenberg, J. (2004), How the New Demography of Depopulation Will Shape Our Future. Chicago
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