Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of a Computerized Price Checking System

Design and Implementation of a Computerized Price Checking System

Design and Implementation of a Computerized Price Checking System

Chapter One

Objectives Of The Study

The aims and objectives of this project report is to study how the organization (LEADMART STORES) operational aims and other activities and how they are executed.

It saves time; in cases where a shop maintains all data manually, its manager must reconcile each sales receipt with every piece of physical inventory. Depending on the size of the establishment and how many different products are sold, this can be a daunting and time consuming task.

To ensure accuracy in the inventory system; when an inventory list is maintained by hand, the margin of error widens with each update. If one mathematical calculation is wrong or one typo is made, disaster may occur. For instance, if a clerk accidentally adds a zero to the end of a purchase order, a business could potentially end up paying for 10,000 units of merchandise as opposed to the 1,000 that is actually needed.

In areas of misplacement of vital documents a computer will be used to record, store, retrieval of large volume of documents; which will reduce the duplications efforts due to in-accuracy in activities and time taken in locating of files when it is required for processing.



Review Of Related Literature And Studies 

This chapter covers the review of related literature and studies which are closely related to the present study, both foreign and local, and provided the researchers some background and information in determining the type of approach used for this study.

Related Literature 

The literature below serves as supporting details about the impact of computerized price determining System in stores.

In today’s business environment, even many smaller businesses have come to rely on computerized inventory management systems. Certainly, there are plenty of small retail outlets, manufacturers, and other businesses that still rely on manual means of inventory tracking. Indeed, for some businesses such as convenience stores, shoe stores, or nurseries the purchase of an electronic inventory tracking system might constitute a wasteful use of financial resources. But for firms operating in industries that feature high volume turnover of raw materials and/or finished products, computerized tracking systems have emerged as a key component of business strategies aimed at increasing productivity and maintaining competitiveness. Moreover, the recent development of powerful computer programs capable of addressing a wide variety of record keeping needs including inventory management in one integrated system have also contributed to the growing popularity of electronic inventory control options.

In the late 1990s many businesses were investing heavily in integrated order and inventory systems designed to keep inventories at a minimum and replenish stock quickly. But as Eskow noted, business owners have a variety of system integration options from which to choose, based on their needs and financial liquidity.

A computer is a programmable device that can automatically perform a sequence of calculations or other operations on data without human aid. It can store, retrieve, and process data according to internal instructions. Computers are used in government, industry, nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations, and in the home, but their impact has been greatest in business and industry. The competitive nature of business has created demands for continuous advances in computer technology and systems design. Meanwhile, the declining prices of computer systems and their increasing power and utility has led more and more enterprises to invest in computer systems for an ever widening range of business functions. Today, computers are used to process data in all aspects of a business enterprise: product design and development, manufacturing, inventory control and distribution, quality control, sales and marketing, service data, accounting, and personnel management. They are also used in businesses of all sizes and in all industry segments, including manufacturing, wholesale, retail, services, mining, agriculture, transportation, and communications. A retail point of sale system typically includes a cash register (which in recent times comprises a computer, monitor, cash drawer, receipt printer, customer display and a barcode scanner) and the majority of retail POS systems also include a debit/credit card reader. It can also include a convey or  belt, weight scale, integrated credit card processing system, a signature capture device and a customer pin pad device. More and more POS monitors use touch-screen technology for ease of use and a computer is built into the monitor chassis for what is referred to as an all-in-one unit. All-in-one POS units liberate counter space for the retailer. The POS system software can typically handle myriad customer based functions such as sales, returns, exchanges, layaways, gift cards, gift registries, customer loyalty programs, promotions, discounts and much more.  POS software can also allow for functions such as pre-planned promotional sales, manufacturer coupon validation, foreign currency handling and multiple payment types.

The history of computing is as old as mankind. In the past counting and other arithmetic operations were affected by the use of different parts of the human body such as fingers and ties. The earliest known, calculating device, abacus may have been in use as early as 5,000 BC. Calculating was effected by sliding beads along the groves from one side of the board to the other.

In 1617, John Napier invested logarithms and a device called Napier Bones. All these calculating device were invested to ease the calculating process and to generate more accurate results which in turn will ensure the keeping of accurate records applicable for a good control system.

A definition that is commonly quoted is that produced by the American Institute of Certified and Public Accountant (AICPA) in 1941 defines accounting as the art of recording, classifying and summarizing, in a significant manner and in terms of money transactions and events which are in part least, of a financial character, and interpreting the result therefore, another definition by the American Accounting principle board in 1970 (APE NO:4) defines accounting as a service activity. It’s function is to provide possible quantitative information, primary financial in nature, about economic entities that is intended to be useful in making economic decisions, in making reasoned choices among alternative course of action.

As man became more sophisticated with the resultant increase in the volume of records and data to be processed as well as the need for faster processing and more accurate results, it became very important to incorporate machines such as computers in the processing of data or information in both the public and private sectors of the economy.

Computers can also process several programs at same time known as multi programming, and allow several users to access the system con-currently on a multi – use basis. In a competitive environment the business that is quick to regard to change will have a distinct advantage over competitors and in recent times and now, business operations take place in a tense natural and international area, an extremely volatile environment largely consisting of random events beyond direct control and in which competition is critical, profit margins are generally narrow and taxation is high.

Unfortunately, most stores in the nation especially those located in a very competitive environment have not been computerized and as a result, there have cases here and therefore, pilfering, defrauding and total management and of course, subsequent folding up of those stores.

For the fact that LEADMART STORES is not to be counted out; and for it over come such formidable obstacles to the accomplishments of it’s business objectives, this case study becomes inevitable as to provide management with the ever needing more “intelligent” by way of information reports so that it may run the business as effectively as possible and effort such adverse factors.

We are beyond no reasonable doubt believing that computers are installed in LEADMART STORES with suitable peripherals and programs; a great deal of information is potentially available for management decision making. More so, the basic computing system’s is purpose of serving some routine such as keeping customers addresses or recording stock, or producing weekly – pay – slips will be satisfied.

Meigs et al, (1998) Computerized accounting system  also known as a price determining system, is a system that uses computers to input, process, store and output accounting information  in form of financial reports. He adds that accounting system records all transactions that routinely deal with events that affect the financial position and performance of an entity.

Marivic (2009) described a computerized accounting system  also known as price determining system as a method or scheme by which financial information on business transactions are recorded, organized, summarized, analyzed, interpreted and communicated to stakeholders through the use of computers and computer based systems such as accounting packages. He emphasized that it’s a mechanized process of facilitating financial information inflows as well as the automation of accounting tasks such as database recording and report generation.

Marivic adds that keeping accurate accounting records is a vital part of any organization. Apart from helping it to keep its float financially and legal, it is a requirement of funding bodies or donors.

McBride (2000) explained that computerized packages can quickly generate all types of reports needed by management for instance budget analysis and variance analysis. Data processing and analysis are faster and more accurate which meets the managers need for accurate and timely information for decision making.



Description Of The Existing System And Design Of The New System

General Description Of The Existing System

Designing a computer based accounting system, stock control system and other operational systems for LEADMART STORE, involves the same principle as the mechanical principle except that instead of data being manipulated by the stock keeper, clerical officer or what have you, it is the computer which does these operations at a very high speed. These data must be input by the operator before sales begin but the existing system tends to be manipulated.

This method is tedious and it gives room for loss of vital information, duplication of information etc, which makes it difficult to process the report effectively or efficiently.

Fact Finding Method Used

In order to design a liable price determining software for “LEADMART STORES”, many textbooks were consulted and the organization was visited on several occasions, during those visit the manager and the staff(s), we orally interviewed to receive fast about basic development of the organization.

Objectives Of The Existing System

The manual computation is very tedious and voluminous. It is also a part and parcel of the organization and so the aim of this system is to monitor and check stock records.

The objectives are as follows:

  1. Overstocking and the related consequences of high average stocks
  2. Stock shortage, which generate loss of orders or disrupt the flow of production.
  3. The total replacement of the manual accounting systems with computer will in no doubt be develop


System Design

As the new system is focusing on how to create computerised price determining system for shop wares, effort was made to present designs that will suite the research objectives. So, the design of the software will help the user achieve the following objectives.

  1. Have a workable form through which all the inputs will be made to the system.
  2. Generate a report that will present price checking with time and date.
  3. Design of a menu driven program so that the forms will be neatly arranged and utilized.
  4. Create a modular programming interface for easy debugging.
  5. Design a system that will be very fast in detecting congestions and put some control measures.

User Interface Design

Before implementing the actual design of the project, a few user interface designs were constructed to visualize the user interaction with the system as they browse items, create a price checking cart and purchase items from the website. The user interface design will closely follow our logical structure will be expressed in Appendix 1 figure1 – 4 show the initial designs.


Summary of Result

The primary aim of this project has been met. All the objectives that were set out have been completed and giving positive results in the end.

Although some users comment that they did not think shopping online was ideal, it has managed to convince them to try in the future.

In Nigeria, the e-Commerce ecosystem is a huge reality and is a catalyst for economic growth in the country; therefore price checking system is applicable. Indeed, e-Commerce gives to Nigerian businesses the possibility to significantly extend the reach of wholesale and retail trade in the country, which leads to a boost of profits and job creation.

People in Nigeria commonly use price checking system sites to buy and sell second items online through free-classifieds sites like this one, which reveals an economic growth and improvement within individuals and not only large companies.

Oil, mineral and human resources and the population of people in millions are over 160 million potential buyers and sellers of different items on every street. The thing that makes e-Commerce so successful in Nigeria is that Nigerians love to shop, but there’s an absence of a well-structured retail chain, too few shopping malls and poor transportation network, which makes it difficult to access the product. And that’s where the e-Commerce comes in handy.

  1. According to Euromoney International, online sales in Nigeria have multiplied between 2011 and 2012 from $10.5 million to about $3 billion, making e-Commerce the country’s second-biggest economy. This is also because what looks like a simple internet transaction includes, between the online order and the final delivery, a series of Nigerian business realities, such as the financial services sector, the transport sector, the postal sector and the telecommunication sector. What works against this incredible economic resource is an inadequate broadband access, the high cost of internet and mobile communications services, a low awareness among the public of the relevance of such type of commerce to their lives, a low consumer confidence in using electronic payment channels and a low availability of skilled personnel among others “ The heralding website, September 2014.”.


The Internet has become a major resource in modern business, thus electronic shopping has gained significance not only from the entrepreneur’s but also from the customer’s point of view. For the entrepreneur, electronic shopping generates new business opportunities and for the customer, it makes comparative shopping possible.  As per a survey, most consumers of online stores are impulsive and usually make a decision to stay on a site within the first few seconds. “Website design is like a shop interior. If the shop looks poor or like hundreds of other shops the customer is most likely to skip to the other site” “Mehrabian, A., & Russel J.A. (1974) An Approach to Environmental Psychology. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press”. Hence we have designed the project to provide the user with easy navigation, retrieval of data and necessary feedback as much as possible.

In this project, the user is provided with an e-commerce web site that can be used to buy books online. To implement this as a web application we used ASP.NET as the Technology. ASP.NET has several advantages such as enhanced performance, scalability, built- in security and simplicity. To build any web application using ASP.NET we need a programming language such as C#, VB.NET, J# and so on. C# was the language used to build this application. For the client browser to connect to the ASP.NET engine we used Microsoft’s Internet Information Services (IIS) as the Web Server. ASP.NET uses ADO.NET to interact with the database as it provides in- memory caching that eliminates the need to contact the database server frequently and it can easily deploy and maintain an ASP.NET application. MySQL was used as back-end database since it is one of the most popular open source databases, and it provides fast data access, easy installation and simplicity.

A good shopping cart design must be accompanied with user- friendly shopping cart application logic. It should be convenient for the customer to view the contents of their cart and to be able to remove or add items to their cart. The shopping cart application described in this project provides a number of features that are designed to make the customer more comfortable.

This project helps in understanding the creation of an interactive web page and the technologies used to implement it. The design of the project which includes Data Model and Process Model illustrates how the database is built with different tables, how the data is accessed and processed from the tables. The building of the project has given me a precise knowledge about how ASP.NET is used to develop a website, how it connects to the database to access the data and how the data and web pages are modified to provide the user with a shopping cart application.


From this study, computerized price checking system works with a shopping centre website providing online market and web site package under the same domain, is successfully implemented.

Using the principle of content management, online market provides all functions which customers need for conducting online shopping.  Furthermore, the website package service well known among online store owners is convenient and flexible for any potential users. For website development open source software is mostly used due to its low cost of development. Provided services are likewise relatively low in price and suitable for online market. This website also promotes e-commerce and online marketing on the Internet, complying with the information technology policy of the government. Regarding website quality, implementing various techniques of web design and database management system coupled with other additional services, the website is quite responsive.

Moreover, to obtain the highest system performance, it utilizes full options of both hardware and operating system software. With all mentioned techniques, the website operates with low resource consumption at its massive size. This website will expand e-commerce business to cover most of available Internet devices and technology, such as mobile phone, mobile payment, wireless application protocol and pocket personal computer.


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