Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of a Computer-based Population Census Information System for the National Population Commission

Design and Implementation of a Computer-based Population Census Information System for the National Population Commission

Design and Implementation of a Computer-based Population Census Information System for the National Population Commission

Chapter One


The objective of this study is to design and implement a computer-based Information System for National population Commission that will assist in maintaining up-to-date and accurate information in the following areas:

  • Determining the total number of persons in a particular area.
  • Determining the gender composition, marital status and occupation of the population at different administrative divisions e.g
  • Helping in individual identification
  • Knowing the level of literacy and illiteracy
  • Knowing the level of employed and unemployed
  • To project for future needs and realistic future development.




This literature review is based on work of scholars has population census information system. Many books have been written on population census, how will it be conducted and explain why census is necessary.

Although numerous estimates of the Nigerian population were made during the colonial period, the first attempt at a nationwide census was during 1952-53. This attempt yielded a total population figure 31.6 million within the current boundaries of the country. This census has usually been considered an undercount for a number of reasons.

  • Apprehension that the census was related to tax collection
  • Political tension at the time in eastern Nigeria
  • Logistical difficulties in reaching many remote areas
  • Inadequate training of enumerators in some areas.

The extent of undercounting has been estimated at 10 percent or less, although accuracy probably varied among the regions. Despite its difficulties, the 1952-53 census has generally been seen as less problematic than any of its successors. Subsequent attempt to conduct a reliable post independence census have been mired in controversy, and only one has been officially accepted. The first attempt, in mid – 1962, was canceled after much controversy and allegations of over counting in many areas. A second attempt was officially accepted, also was encumbered with charges of inaccuracy and manipulation for regional and local political purposes. Indeed, the official 1963 figure of 55.6 million as total national population is consistent with a census of a decade earlier because it implies a virtually impossible annual growth rate of 5.8 percent.

In addition to likely inflation of the aggregate figure, significant intraregional anomalies emerge from a close comparison of the 1953 and 1963 figures. In portions of the Southeast, for example, the two sets of data imply that some nonurban local government areas (LGAs) had increased at a rate of almost 13 percent per year, while other neighboring areas experienced a minute growth rate of 0.5 percent per year. Despite the controversy, the results of the 1963 census were eventually accepted.

After the civil war of 1967-70, an attempt was made to hold a census in 1973, but the results were canceled in the face of repeated controversy. No subsequent nationwide census had been held as of 1990, although there have been various attempts to derive population estimates at a state or local level. Most official national population estimates are based on projections from the 1963 census.

The great improvements in transportation and accessibility, and in the level of education throughout the country, as well as the generalized acceptance of national coherence and legitimacy, favored the success of the fall 1991 census. It was to be conducted in about 250,000 enumeration areas by the National Population Commission, with offices in each of the country’s LGAs. To reduce possible controversy, religious and ethnic identification would be excluded from the census forms, and verification of state results would be handled by supervisors from outside the state. Some analysts believe that the effort to carry out a reliable census with perceived legitimacy might become an unexpectedly positive exercise, reinforcing a sense of shared nationhood and providing a model for the attempt to overcome regional and ethnic differences. ( Data as of June 1991, Sources: The Library of Congress Country Studies; CIA World Fact book ).

According to chief Samu’ila Danko Makama; former chairman National Population Commission (NPC). He explained that the commission mounted intense publicity for the 2006 population and housing census, and this went a long way to ensure its resounding success. In view of this, those who will be charged with the conduct of the future census should to at least sustain that level of publicity. The best means to achieve this aim is for the Public Affairs Department to be given enough funds and personnel to carry out its mission of spreading the census message to all corners of this country.

Census is necessary because information collected during a census is used to access the current welfare needs as well as to project future needs.


The National Population Commission is responsible for carrying out periodic censuses and producing population figures for Nigeria. Another remarkable aspect of the statutory function of the NPC which the commission concerned itself with is the Vital Registration Programme.


The commission is divided into 4 units and 2 sub-units.


  • Population management
  • Cartography
  • Administration
  • Vital Registration


  • Advocacy
  • Accounting

POPULATION MANAGEMENT: This department is to conduct census and publish it. It is the heart beat of census.

CARTOGRAPHY: Cartography department are responsible for the drawing of map, that is the enumeration area demarcation map or prepare satellite images to be used during census. These maps are so carved out that it contains 450 to 500 people to enable the enumerators count within three days.

ADMNISTRATION: The role of the Administration department is to provide administrative assistance for the preparation of the documentation to other department of the commission. They manage, run the affairs of the commission properly and supervise the way the functions.

VITAL REGISTRATION: This department is responsible for the continuous and permanent recording or occurrences and characteristics of vital events such as births, deaths, still birth, marriages, annulment of marriage and naturalization.

ADVOCACY: This unit is under Population Management department, they are responsible for publications and defendment, they are the mouth piece of NPC.

ACCOUNTING: This unit is under Administration department, they are responsible for recording and reporting on all financial transactions of the commission. They collect data properly which help them to prepare financial reports that can be used for budgeting, forecasting and other decision making processes.





Most system (business or institution) is based on existing procedures. The first step of system study is usually to gather data from current operations and creates a specification for the new system replaces the old.

System Analysis is a step used in gathering data, information or report and presents it in a graphical or pictorial form.

System  Design will describe how the proposed information or report will be deliver, which involves bringing together several part of system, which will serve as information  unit determining what a system will do and how it will be done.


During data collection, I discovered that in the existing system of NPC, data processing was done manually, which makes the work to be inaccurate and difficult. This was so because the larger the numbers of data, the more errors may arise from fatigue, inadequate knowledge or inability to cope with large numbers. Moreover, lost of data do occur due to movement from one place to another, and cannot be retrieve or access easily.



The implementation of the new system occurs when the old system is replaced by the new one. The new system is implemented using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 programming language. This is because the programming language has the advantage of easy development, with V.B, developers/programmers can build, debug and code in a graphical environment with interactive help and context-sensitive help menus.


System testing is the execution of the programs with specific test data cases designed to try to find out any errors that may be in the programs. This testing process will help the organization (NPC) to have a workable information system and to save the life span of their system.




Population Census Information is an event of public interest and assignment that calls for collaboration between the NPC and individuals as well as groups and institution of Nigeria. It is necessary because information collected during a census is used to access the current welfare needs as well as to project future needs.

In order to eradicate various problems affecting the existing system, it is being replaced by a computerized system. This computerized system of population registration applies various techniques and methods to correct the problem areas in the existing system, thereby making NPC to have an accurate and reliable result.


This research work has offered me the opportunity to contribute to population census information system. Since population census information is an event of public interest and assignment that calls for collaboration between the NPC and individuals as well as groups and institution of Nigeria. I have discovered that the success of an accurate information system is based on the level of management efficiency. If NPC fails to make it data storages and retrieval system efficient, they will not succeed.

Therefore, a computerized system has been created in order to replace manual method of data processing.


  • Future Information Technology and Management Engineering ( FITME ) 2 : 329-332.  Retrieved 29 November 2013.
  • Kendal, S. L.; creen, M. (2007), An introduction to knowledge engineering, London: Springer.
  • LANCASTER, F. W, Iformation Retrieval Systems : Characteristics, Testing and Evaluation, Wiley, New York (1998).
  • Taylor, M, Russel, F. and ball, R. (1992) : Management Information System. McGraw-Hill, London.
  • The Library of Congress country Studies; CIA World Factbook.  (1991)
  • \”Visual Basic” : Computer Sciences; Hughes, Stephen; Vol. 4, Macmillan: USA, 2002.
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