Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of an Operating System Teaching Website

Design and Implementation of an Operating System Teaching Website

Design and Implementation of an Operating System Teaching Website

Chapter One


The aim of the study is to build a web application system which would be effective in storing data and offering instruction in particular subject matter.

The objectives include:

  1. An extensive study of the literature around the implementations of various online learning platforms.
  2. Identifying the key areas of operation in related e-learning projects where improvement is needed.
  3. Design of systems with the potential of proffering solutions to those areas identified in (ii) above.
  4. Implementation of the designs in (iii) above and providing recommendations for the future.



INTRODUCTION: This chapter examines in detail, the history and developments made in the ICT sector, through previous research work on this subject of automated warehouse systems we would also examine the characteristics, models, architectures, and limitations as pointed out by various scholars and researchers. This will provide the groundwork for figuring out an efficient way to implement an automated e-learning system for a typical Nigerian educational curriculum.


E-Learning aims at replacing old-fashioned time/place/content predetermined learning with a just-in-time/artwork- place/customized/on-demand process of learning. It builds on several pillars, vis. management, culture, and IT (Maurer and Sapper, 2001). e-Learning needs management support to define a vision and plan for learning and to integrate learning into daily work. It requires changes in organizational behavior establishing a culture of “learn in the morning, do in the afternoon”. Thus, an IT platform, which enables efficient implementation of such a learning infrastructure, is also needed. Our focus here lies in IT (Web) technology that enables efficient, justin-time and relevant learning. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the standard training and the improvements achieved using the e-Learning approach (Maurer and Sapper, 2001). e-Learning has its origins in computer-based training (CBT), which was an attempt to automate education, replace a paid instructor, and develop self-paced learning. But the focus of e-Learning is to extend and improve the users and business’ needs (Barker, 2000). Key to success is the ability to reduce the cycle time for learning and to adapt “content, size and style” of learning to the respective user and their business environment. Technologies have been enhancing education all the time and new technologies have always been utilized firstly by education, especially with the emerging of computer related information technology (Devedzic, 2000). Network education (including distance education, distance learning), or e-Learning with the growth of computer networking. Wireless and mobile computing have resulted in mobile education or m-Learning. With wireless and mobile technologies, it is possible to realize anytime, anywhere, anyway, any device for learning and educating. Implementation of the m-Learning involves adding mobile computing technologies into the old e-Learning system. Modifying old systems needs a lot of work: redesigning architecture and re-implementing the m-Learning system. In the meantime, many universities will update their systems and many more educational resources will be ported to new systems.


This section will explore the evolution of e-learning systems with the aim of contextualizing the subject matter and the progress that has been made through time.

In the history of E-learning, it is important to note that there is no single evolutionary tree and no single agreed definition of E-Learning: since the 1960s, E-learning has evolved in different ways in Business, Education, the Training sector, and the Military (for a military perspective see Fletcher & Rockway, 1986), and currently means quite different things in different sectors. In the school sector, ‘E-Leaning’ refers to the use of both software-based and online learning, whereas in Business, Higher-Education, the Military and Training sectors, it refers solely to a range of on-line practices. (Campbell, 2004)

In the Higher Education, Business, and Training sectors it relates particularly to Internet-based flexible delivery of content and programs that focus on sustaining communities of practice. E-learning in business and training can be characterized as being driven by notions of improved productivity and cost reduction, especially in an increasingly globalized business environment, with a focus on content delivery and online course management. These sectors initially employed the limited learning models extant at the time but have since moved to incorporate a diverse range of learning models and foci. (Nicholson, 2004) Campbell (2004, p1) argues that: ‘Broadly, in industry settings, E-learning reflects an emphasis on informal and non-formal, just-in-time learning where the emphasis is on collaborative productivity. Whilst, in higher education settings, best practice online learning emphasizes the development of metacognitive skills, where the emphasis is on reflective and collaborative learning.’ In the context of the wider education community, the use of the term E-learning has historically had wider connotations that embrace a diverse range of practices, technologies, and theoretical positions. It is not only focused on online contexts and includes the full range of computer-based learning platforms and delivery methods, genres, formats, and media such as multimedia, educational programming, simulations, games and the use of new media on fixed and mobile platforms across all discipline areas. It is often characterized by active learner-centered pedagogies. (e.g., Harel, 1991; McDougall & Betts, 1997)




This chapter reviews how the existing system works as well as how to produce a better alternative for its improvement. The relationship among actors, entities, platform, and information flows within the organization is very important. In a nutshell, system investigation and analysis studies an existing system with the view of improving on it or developing an entirely new system to replace the existing one. The major task here is to design a new system using tested and trusted development methods that is as efficient and probably more efficient than the existing one. The software development model is the Waterfall model.


Fact finding is an approach taken to acquire data about a specific or subject with the aim of analyzing and synthesizing the analyzed data to come up with a better system. Fact finding for this study was done by examining related publications, research work, journals, and books.


In this section, thorough studying and analysis of the gathered data and fact were done on the existing system.

The typical process of an e-learning system generally follows the processes of:

  • Registration
  • Start the login process
  • Enter pre-saved login details
  • Select subject matter to take lessons on
  • Monitor progress and milestones.
  • View records
  • Log out
  • Exit


The system as extensively described in previous chapters seeks to use the standard software development models which in this case is the Waterfall model, to create a standardized data retrieval system. To achieve this goal above, we:

  • Ensure that user details are kept secure.
  • Ensure proper maintenance in terms of update of the database.
  • Ensure only admins are granted admin a privilege access to affect the database tables.




This chapter discusses the deployment and testing of the demonstrated online operating system learning system after the design and development. The Hardware and Software Requirements as well as Development tools are identified in this chapter.


The programming languages used in this project include PHP, CSS, HTML and JavaScript. PHP was chosen as the server scripting language due to its reputation as a secure framework. It also has ease of use as all its functions are executed on the server. PHP was also considered based on its friendliness with databases. It is database driven.




This entirety of this project has brought to light new effective ways to manage educational instruction as well as administrative maintenance. From the review of literature to the final implementation, the academic and theoretical aspects of this kind of project have been implemented with various web technologies and database tools.

This study has laid some groundwork using a prototype in the sense that it can be used as a framework for future implementations of e-learning tools.


In conclusion, there is potential for promising improvement in the educational sector and this project has shown how it can be done.


For future works, improvements can be made in terms of user identification and verification. Data security and data retrieval should be a vital consideration in development of any further e-learning systems or otherwise.


  • Maurer, H., & Sapper, M. (2001). E-learning has to be seen as part of general knowledge management. In EdMedia+ Innovate Learning(pp. 1249-1253). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
  • Barker, B. O. (2000, March). Anytime, anyplace learning. In Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy(Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 88-88). University of Tennessee, EERC.
  • Devedzic, V. (2000). Inside Intelligent Tutoring Systems-Using Design Patterns.
  • Fletcher, J. D., & Rockway, M. R. (1986). Computer-based training in the military. Military contributions to instructional technology, 171-222.
  • Campbell, L. (2004). What does the “e” stand for?(Report). Melbourne: Department of Science and Mathematics Education. The University of Melbourne.
  • Nicholson, P. (2005, January). E-training or e-learning: towards a synthesis for the knowledge-era workplace. In E-training practices for professional organizations: IFIP TC3/WG3. 3 Fifth working conference on eTRAIN practices for professional organizations (eTRAIN 2003), July 7-11, 2003, Pori, Finland(pp. 19-28). Kluwer.
  • Harel, I. (1991). Children designers: Interdisciplinary constructions for learning and knowing mathematics in a computer-rich school. Ablex Publishing.
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