Business Administration Project Topics

Impact of Training and Development on Workers Productivity Nestle Agbara Factory Ogun State

Impact of Training and Development on Workers Productivity Nestle Agbara Factory Ogun State

Impact of Training and Development on Workers Productivity Nestle Agbara Factory Ogun State


Objectives of the study

The aim of this study was to assess the impact of training and development on workers’ productivity in Nestle Agbara factory Ogun state. The specific objectives are to:

  1. examine the effect of training and development on manpower inNestle Agbara factory Ogun state.
  2. examine the impact of trained manpower on productivity in Nestle Agbara factory Ogun state.




The chapter deals with literature review on the concept of manpower and equipment on productivity in Nigeria. This involves various definitions of manpower planning, training, types of training and manpower development programmes, the need for manpower planning and development, overview of Nestle Nigeria PLC, the review of empirical studies, theoretical review, theoretical framework and summary of literature review.

Conceptual Review

In this section, the basic relevant concepts were reviewed. These include manpower, productivity, Nestle Nigeria, among others.





This chapter covers the methodology of this study. Key issues discussed includes; data collection, sampling technique, instrument for data collection, method of data analysis among others.

Research Design

The research design used for this study is survey. This is because data gotten through this method can be used to describe the characteristics of Nestle Nigeria PLC and manufacturing sector as a whole and policies can be implemented. It is used as an assessment tool to provide information on which to base sound decisions. It also serves as a foundation for more investigation. The data gathered in a survey are usually answers to predetermined questions that are asked of respondents. This research method was adopted because it offers opportunity for the collation of facts and information from a wide spectrum of respondents without much expense, hence it is expedient for this research.




In this chapter, the researcher tends to deal with the analysis and presentation of data collected in the course of this project. A total of 338 copies of questionnaire were administered in the area under study and 338 copies were retrieved from the respondents. This represents 100% return rate.




This chapter deals with the summary of this study, conclusions from the findings and recommendations which can be used for policy making.


This study assesses the impact of training and development on workers’ productivity in Nestle Agbara factory Ogun state. The study is in five chapters. In the first chapter, a general background of the study was undertaken. In view of the background, the problems of study were identified and stated, the research questions, the objective, scope and significant of the study were outline and discussed. Finally in the first chapter is the definition of key concepts used in the study.

Chapter two contains the review of various literatures on the concept of Manpower training and development, this include, definition, objectives Manpower training and development in an organization, types of training and manpower development programmes, benefits of manpower training, the concept of productivity, overview of Nestle Nigeria PLC. Also in the second chapter is the empirical and theoretical reviews, theory use as a basis for this study (system theory) was found best for this study.

In the third chapter of this work, the research design, population of study, sample size, sampling techniques, instrument for data collection, method of data collection, validity/reliability of instrument and method of data analysis were all discussed.

In the fourth chapter, data collected (primary) were presented and analysed to answer the research questions. Based on the various findings, the two questions were answered. After the analysis, the findings are as follows:

  1. Manpower development programmes affect manpower in Nestle Nigeria PLC
  2. Trained manpower affect the level of productivity in Nestle Nigeria PLC


This study has underscored the impact of training and development on workers’ productivity in Nestle Agbara factory Ogun state. Findings from this research uncovered that manpower training is an effective tool for employee’s higher productivity in the manufacturing sector. Hence, manufacturing staffs can only work effectively if given the right training required for such task and provided with the right equipment. This study is in consistent with the findings of Adiele Goodness Nweke (2017) which revealed that manpower training has a strong positive relationship with productivity. This position was also reiterated in the findings of Igwe Jacinta Chinelo (2011) and corroborated that training of the employees increased their better understanding of the job. Thus, in the light of the foregoing, this study reliably concludes that manpower training and equipment has a positive impact on workers’ productivity in the broadcast sector. Employees will discharge their designated responsibilities effectively if the media house fosters trainings, workshops, seminars and conferences.

The findings of this study have clearly shown that manpower training is a work activity that can make a very significant contribution to the overall effectiveness and profitability of an organization. The effectiveness and success of an organization therefore lies on the people who form and work within the organization. Thus, for any organization to succeed, training and re-training of the staff in form of workshop, conference, seminars, etc., should be vigorously pursued and made compulsory.


On the strength of the observations and findings made in this study the following recommendations have been made.

  1. Effective training and development programme should be inculcated by the management of Nestle Nigeria PLC. The essence of training is to equip staff with necessary skills and techniques needed for the particular job in the organization.
  2. Workers should be properly trained for the right position. This significantly will help to boost efficiency and effectiveness of the company and ensure full capacity utilization.

Limitations to the Study

The study faced some constraints. They include insufficient literature material, financial constraint, time constraint, location of the case study organization (Nestle Nigeria PLC).

Suggestions for Further Studies

This study has researched on impact of training and development on workers’ productivity in Nestle Agbara factory Ogun state. Further research can be done on the following:

  1. Manpower development programmes influence on Efficiency in Nestle Nigeria PLC.
  2. Effect of modern training techniques on productivity in Nestle Nigeria PLC.


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